Chen Pingan considers himself a simple-minded and pure person.

He demonstrated to Chen Xiaolong on the spot just to gain trust so that he could borrow 1.5 million euros for a period of time.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Xiaolong was stunned.

Chen Xiaolong couldn't figure it out when he returned home.

He used to be able to look down on Chen Pingan most of the time, but why did he feel that he could only look up to him in the financial market?

But he was not without a solution.

Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, he wondered whether he should call his aunt.

The reason for doing so was because he believed that Chen Pingan's skills were all learned from his aunt!

He was not convinced!

He wanted to learn it too!

Who wouldn't want to learn this ability to double the money in the account in one day?

As for Chen Pingan's explanation that large funds could not be done this way, he completely forgot it.

After thinking about it, he still couldn't help it and called his aunt Huo Sinan.

"Xiaolong? Why did you remember to call me?" Huo Sinan's gentle voice came into his ears.

Chen Xiaolong greeted her quickly, and then asked awkwardly: "Auntie, I saw Chen Pingan use more than 30,000 yuan to double his futures in two hours.

He learned this skill from you, right?

I want to learn it too.

Besides, he showed me small amounts of money, and there were orders of more than 10 million yuan that made more than 30% in one day.

He said that it is likely that he will have to wait for about a week to see the situation before closing the position.

He made money too easily, I want to learn this, auntie."

Huo Sinan didn't know about the bet between them, but was also surprised when she heard this.

Doubling in two hours is not scary, many people can do it.

But if there are more than 10 million, if you don't keep an eye on the market at any time, if something unexpected happens, it will really be forced to close the position directly.

The loss will be more than a little bit at that time.

Think about it, he has made more than 30%, but even so, if the trend fluctuates in the opposite direction by more than 4%, his more than 10 million will be wiped out.

"Xiaolong, did he invest all the 10 million or only a small part?" Huo Sinan's voice was a little anxious. She really didn't want to see Chen Ping'an unable to accept the liquidation of his money. Wouldn't a genius be ruined? Chen Xiaolong said, "Yes, he showed me his account. There were only tens of thousands of yuan left. He used more than 30,000 of them to show me how to operate on the spot. Really, auntie, he is so amazing now. I also want to learn how to trade futures from you." Huo Sinan took a breath of cold air. She hurriedly said, "Xiaolong, Ping'an didn't learn how to trade stocks and futures from me. He learned serious economics from me, which has nothing to do with stocks and futures. I don't trade myself, so what can I teach him? Okay, I have to contact Ping'an quickly, so I'll hang up first." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and immediately called Chen Ping'an. Chen Xiaolong stared at the hung up phone for a while, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious. Didn't Chen Ping'an learn this from his auntie? Is it really pure talent?

When Chen Shaojie came back, he saw Chen Xiaolong sitting in a daze on the sofa in the living room.

Huo Sinan called Chen Pingan anxiously and the call was quickly connected.

As soon as Chen Pingan got through, he heard his aunt ask directly:

"Pingan, Xiaolong told me that you are now fully engaged in futures trading?

Do you know how big the risk is?

You are just gambling!"

Chen Pingan immediately knew what was going on, "Aunt, I know what I am doing."

He couldn't explain why he did this, and he had already scolded Chen Xiaolong in his heart, but he was sure that he couldn't make his aunt angry.

Huo Sinan knew that this child was quite stubborn when he heard him say this.

"Ping'an, listen to your aunt. Even if you are only half-position, I won't say anything. Full position is really too dangerous. Once the reverse fluctuation reaches a certain degree, you know what the consequences are." Chen Ping'an slowed down his speech and said slowly: "Aunt, I am dealing with indexes. It is neither gold nor commodities. Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be sharp fluctuations in a short period of time. The point where I enter the market is not important, but I know that the trend structure of the index has not yet been completed. My winning rate after this wave is basically locked. Even if the small-level trend is broken, I still have enough time to leave. I can close all the money in one go, so there will be no big problem. At most, I will spit out the profits." Huo Sinan sighed and said, "Okay, Ping'an, you know you are very talented. I just don't want to see you suffer losses due to failure, and I don't want to see you fall into despair. If you insist, I won't say anything. Be careful, leave as soon as you can, and try not to trade for too long a period." This kid, the first transaction was a cycle of one month, I really don't know where the confidence comes from. On the other hand, she also knew that Chen Pingan was indeed talented.

At least she thought that this child's ability to control the general trend was something that ordinary people could not do.

"Okay, don't worry, auntie, that's all my own money, real money.

Although I think it is not difficult to make money, I would still feel bad if I lost everything. "

After saying a few words, Huo Sinan hung up the phone, shook his head, and prepared to go home from get off work.

Chen Shaoying's whereabouts have been decided, and she knows it.

However, she still doesn’t know when she will take office.

There was no in-depth discussion between the couple about whether she should follow him to Tianjiang Province to continue teaching at the university.

She didn't really want to go.

On the one hand, the resources of the capital city are unmatched anywhere, and on the other hand, it is also because she still has a few good graduate students under her, and she does not want to give them to others.

After Chen Pingan hung up the phone, he directly sent a long voice message to Chen Xiaolong, and the words he used were quite dirty.

After venting his anger, he felt happy and then went out to buy some snacks for Chen Shuhui.

On the other side, Chen Xiaolong did not click on the voice message after receiving it. After converting it into text, his expression changed continuously.

But he didn't reply, because his father was sitting opposite, chewing a cigar and looking at him seriously.

"So you watched him operate it with your own eyes?"

“Yeah, you did it in front of me.

Although I don't understand it very well, what I do know is that he is very precise every time he operates.

In his words, it was to eat up all the profits and then run away in advance.

Although some operations failed, generally speaking, the profits were made too quickly..."

Chen Shaojie nodded, "Well, you continue."

“The level he was talking about sounded a bit confusing to me.

But it is obvious that he has a very clear grasp of the level and structure.

It's like knowing the next trend very well, but the accuracy is not 100%.

And when he makes a mistake, he loses money.

As I said just now, making too much money too fast is generally not a good thing, I'm worried. "

Chen Shaojie glanced at him and snorted, "Okay, it's normal to be envious and jealous. If you want to learn, you can figure it out yourself.

Is there anything else? "

Chen Xiaolong coughed awkwardly and said;

"He showed me his account, which was more than fifteen million, and he made more than 30% in one day.

And I feel that the large-cycle operation method he mentioned can ignore daily fluctuations.

It’s true that I want to learn, but my aunt can’t teach me.

These were all figured out by Chen Pingan himself, or in other words, he was born to do this. "

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