
Edwards kept telling his story.

To Chen Pingan, there was actually nothing surprising.

It was nothing more than his biological uncle who, after his father's death, took advantage of the few years he was in China to not only appropriate all the family's assets for himself, but even kidnapped his wife and children and wanted him to exchange them with himself.

The purpose is also very simple, to kill him, and then kill his wife and children.

It was a very simple story, but Edwards' eyes were already red-eyed when he told it.

Chen Pingan made black tea while listening, poured a cup for Edwards and then motioned for him to moisten his throat.

After he finished speaking, Chen Pingan turned the small teacup in his hand, looked into his eyes and said:

"You want to do business with me, but you haven't said what kind of business it is.

I'm not very interested in your story.

Such joys and sorrows happen every minute and every second in the world.

If you just want to tell me a story, all I can say is that I sympathize with you. "

Edwards shook his head slightly and said:

"Mr. Chen, I overheard the conversation between you and your friend at the hot pot restaurant.

If what you say is true, you will soon be making a lot of money in the futures market.

I need money, a lot of money.

I'm going to hire some professionals from Europe to save my family. "

Chen Pingan looked at him in surprise, a little unbelievable.

"You're not thinking of selling yourself to me, are you?

I just saw that you are a top student graduating from Wharton School of Business.

You came to study abroad simply because you like Chinese culture. In fact, I guess you don’t care about British property at all.

Besides, I have no use for someone like you.

You don't have much value to me.

And every penny I earn is hard earned.

With your ability, you won’t have no money! "

Edwards smiled bitterly, "Mr. Chen, my credit card has been suspended.

Now I only have a salary, and this money is not enough at all. "

Chen Pingan smacked his lips, but still didn't understand.

“Since your family is an established family, there shouldn’t be just a few people there.

No other relatives?

Besides, is it still too late for you to go back and save people? "

Edwards turned on his phone and pulled up his email address to show Chen Pingan.

Chen Pingan glanced at it and returned it to him.

"It's not a matter of time," Edwards said.

If I don't go back, my uncle won't hurt my wife and children.

But if I go back, they will definitely be tortured and possibly thrown into the sea.

So I still have time.

As for the relatives you just asked about, my only relatives now are my uncle's family.

Fertility rates have always been low in Europe, especially in the UK. "

Chen Pingan picked up his resume and read it again.

“You graduated from Wharton Business School, and then you didn’t participate in your family’s business, but came directly to China with your wife and children.

By the way, when you first came here, were your whole family’s expenses all the money your uncle earned for you?

Your family runs an oil refinery, so it's supposed to be very rich, and isn't it the board of directors model now?

How do you say that you can just rob someone?

This sounds very suspenseful to me. "

Edwards nodded and said seriously: "Yes. I am the largest shareholder.

But in fact, when I first obtained my study visa in China, my uncle had already started to build his own team.

Over the years, I have not managed the family business very much out of trust in him.

It's too late now.

The company is already an empty shell and will soon be restored to its original state as long as assets are injected into it.

That's why my uncle keeps trying to kill me.

As for expenses, my wife has a small trading company in Beijing.

We are engaged in the import and export business of hardware parts.

In addition to my scholarship and savings, our expenses basically come from the company's profits. "

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up, "So, your wife also runs a company?"

Edwards nodded, "Back to the topic just now, I do want to exchange my future for your financial support.

I heard you say that you have nearly tens of millions of dollars, all earned by yourself. "

Chen Pingan only thought it was ridiculous.

"Just because you heard it and came to me?

Have you found anyone else in the UK?

How many people have you found in Beijing? "

Edwards smiled bitterly and said: "I have found many people, both domestic and foreign.

But no one wants to help me. "

Chen Pingan shook his head and said: "I don't see your value. Maybe you are a business wizard, but I will not do business in the future.

So you are of little value to me. "

Edwards picked up the document bag again and took out a document. Judging from the thickness, it was at least fifty or sixty pages.

"This is a document I wrote recently.

You can take a look, or you can give it to Professor Huo you mentioned yesterday.

I'm not sure you can see the value of this document, but I'm sure the professor can.

My only request regarding this document is that you please do not show it to a fourth person.

I believe this document will be of great value.

I also believe in my own vision. "

Chen Pingan took the document noncommittally. The cover was white paper without any text.

He started flipping through the second page, and soon he got into it.

The fifty or sixty pages of content look very professional when paired with data charts.

It took him nearly an hour just to read this document.

Edwards sat there in silence, waiting patiently.

The small tea room was very quiet, except for the sound of turning paper, there was no sound at all.

After more than an hour, Chen Pingan put down the documents in his hand, stared into Edwards's eyes and asked:

"Did you write this alone or with others?"

"My wife and I wrote this document together. But after she returned to the UK, I wrote the rest by myself."

Chen Pingan thought about the content, then shook his head and said: "I would rather believe that you wrote it alone. What you said is just to increase the value of your wife in my eyes.

There is still something I don't understand about your wife.

Your uncle just wants all the assets your father left behind. If you don't care and are willing to give up, all you need is your uncle to arrange for a lawyer to come over and you sign to give up all the assets, and that's it, right?

Why go to all this trouble?

You don’t want to go back anyway, do you? "

Edwards shook his head again and said: “Even if I sign the document, my uncle will not let me go.

So I had to fight back because I had no other choice. "

"It doesn't make sense. You, it doesn't make sense." Chen Ping'an didn't quite believe this.

Edwards explained: “Maybe you don’t know much about gangs in the UK.

The Cooper family belonged to the dark forces from the earliest days.

A very profitable business like an oil refinery, in addition to its own part, also needs to provide funds to the higher authorities and other parties in exchange for stable production conditions and market share.

Shell is our largest customer, but at least one-third of our profits must be given to them. You should understand what I say.

While my father was still alive, my uncle dealt with matters on the dark side.

You could say that my uncle was part of the gang himself.

There was no way he would let me go, so I had no other choice.

Either watch my wife and children die, or fight him. "

Chen Ping'an was speechless. After a while, he asked again: "Why me?"

Edwards smiled bitterly and said: "It's just luck. I've been trying my luck in vain."

Chen Pingan pointed to the document on the table and said: "I will take this document back and show it to Professor Huo you mentioned. If she approves it, I will think about how to help you.

But if she doesn’t approve, I will contact you within three days, or starting from tomorrow, you can also contact me on the third day.

I will return the document to you intact. "

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