Chen Ping'an had no interest in this guy's thoughts, he just kept his head down and ate meat.

You don't need to think about it to know that this guy probably wants to use himself to make some money, but also wants to find more people to come and take a commission.

It can be seen that this guy is really good at spending money when he is abroad.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t even be able to get out 5 million.

Even if the time abroad is only three or two years, he will not be so poor.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Chen Xiaolong couldn't help but slow down his eating movements, "Why don't you ask me what I think?"

Chen Ping'an looked up at him and said, "I'm not interested. I'm not interested in any of your ideas."

Chen Xiaolong said anxiously: "This is the first time I'm telling you. Why do you seem to know what I'm going to say?"

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Okay, you say it. I'm listening!"

The four of them ate the roast chicken. Since they couldn't drink, they had to eat more.

Chen Xiaolong looked at Chen Ping'an who looked unconcerned, and then looked at the four bodyguards and no one was looking at him. He couldn't help but feel a little discouraged and said in frustration: "Forget it, let's wait until you finish this operation.

If you really lose your money then, it will be a shame. "

Chen Ping'an and Roast Chicken looked at each other with a smile, and then continued eating.

Everyone enjoyed the hot pot meal. When they parted ways with Chen Xiaolong, Chen Pingan said with a smile: "When you go to Kaiyuan Town after the new year, you might as well defraud Huo Xiulin's money."

Chen Xiaolong looked at him in astonishment, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"I'm Cao! How did you guess it?"

Chen Pingan laughed, "What good ideas do you have? No matter how awesome you are, you are only as old as me.

Even you don't have as much money as me.

Besides helping you make money, what else are you interested in?

You are not in the country, so there are not many people who can be tricked by you. "

Chen Xiaolong scratched his head and said: "Well, I am indeed short of money. But I don't want to lie to people. Let's talk about it if I really make money."

Chen Pingan smiled and said: "It's easy to handle! Just call me the money and wait for the news."

On the way home, Ah Qi was driving, and Roji was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around and asked, "Ping An, can you really make money?"

"Well." Chen Pingan was wrapped in his down jacket and leaned comfortably on his seat. "If you are short of money, you can tell me. I don't mind helping you make some money."

But it’s not good for my dad and others to know about this. "

Roast chicken is a little exciting.

After all, no one is interested in making money, and it seems that Ping An is indeed confident.

"Okay, no problem. I still have hundreds of thousands."

"I'm almost the same as you." Ah Qi said while driving: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, it's time to send money to the family."

Chen Ping'an wanted to ask about their family situation, but was a little embarrassed to ask.

They were neither his employees nor his subordinates, they were just sent by his family to protect him.

Maybe even if he asked, he might not get an answer.

But if he can help, he doesn't mind helping them, it's just something convenient.

"Well, you have to give money to your family during the Chinese New Year, right? Let's do this. You give the money to me, and I will give it to you before the New Year."

He took out his phone and took a look, "There are still more than twenty days... I should be able to look through it for you."

He said it lightly, but to Rooster and Ah Qi's ears, it was as if they were hearing the sound of nature.

"Really? Turn it over?

Didn’t my hundreds of thousands turn into millions? "

Roast Chicken looked unbelievable.

Ah Qi also looked at Chen Pingan in the rearview mirror, but he didn't say anything.

"If you send me a letter, transfer the money to me, and I'll send the card number to you both."

Chen Ping'an didn't hesitate and sent the card number directly.

After Roasted Chicken received the message, he was still a little hesitant. When Chen Ping'an saw him holding his phone and looking at his message without moving, he knew what he was thinking.

"If you are worried, you can transfer 200,000 yuan to me first.

In this way, if you lose money, I will pay you back with interest, and I still have this little money. "

Roast Chicken said nothing, Ah Qi said: "Well, I will transfer 700,000 to you first, and I will transfer the rest to my mother."

Chen Pingan smiled.

"If you lose, I'll pay for it. If you make a profit, I'll take 20% of the profit. It's not too much!"

Ah Qi said: "It doesn't matter. I don't mind."

Roast Chicken continued: "I don't have much family, but I still have to start saving money."

Chen Pingan said nothing more.

Sure enough, he received three text messages the next day.

All three amounts of money have arrived.

Chen Xiaolong called over five million, and Ah Qi and Roast Chicken's total money was one million.

Seeing that there were only these two strokes, he smiled.

Maybe Chen Xiaolong's bodyguards were quite honest and planned to wait three months before talking, or maybe Chen Xiaolong told them something.

He looked at the money lying in his account and transferred it all to his futures account without much thought.

On Friday, he received a message from Ding Junzhe asking where he was.

After learning that he was in the capital, I asked him to have a meal together on the weekend. The holiday was about to take place, and if we didn't get together, we might break up in the future.

After Chen Pingan agreed, he said he would arrange it. As for what to eat, Ding Junzhe said it would be the food stall in front of the school.

Liu Qing basically doesn't ask anything about him now, because she knows that he is now Professor Huo Sinan's student.

Although she may not have a diploma, her sister-in-law is still very well-known in the economic field.

After he finished his morning exercise early in the morning, Liu Qing asked him when he got up to prepare breakfast.

"Are you still going to your aunt's house now?"

Chen Pingan shook his head, "I haven't gone. I have been reading the book, but I haven't done anything recently, so there is nothing to show her.

Furthermore, I have now promised Chen Xiaolong to help him earn some money. My eldest aunt does not want me to help others earn money, so this is not easy for her to see. "

After hearing this, Liu Qing frowned and asked: "Help Xiaolong make money? What does this mean?"

Chen Pingan explained, and then prepared to be scolded.

But he wasn't going to give up on it.

"What is your purpose for doing this? Why did you agree to him?" Liu Qing asked while busy.

Chen Pingan didn't want to say too much about his thoughts, he could only say: "Isn't he the future head of the family? At least I think he seems to have changed now.

My dad also said that there was a conflict between him and his dad, but I think that was simply an illusion.

Apart from the marriage, he and his father actually have a good understanding. "

Liu Qing's hand movements paused, "How do you know?

Don't interrupt, tell me why you did this? "

Chen Pingan walked over and took the rice she was washing in her hand and said, "Mom, it can be said that he forced me to do this.

In any case, no matter whether he wants to be the head of the Chen family in the future, our family belongs to the Chen family, and it depends on his face in life.

I must give him an impression so that he cannot despise me or our family. "

Liu Qing laughed angrily.

"Why are you so childish?

Your dad also said that after the Yun Province project is completed, he can become the head of the family.

It's still early for Xiaolong to become the head of the family.

After your father becomes the head of the family, who in the Chen family dares to look down upon you?

Give me the rice, I want to make porridge. "

Chen Pingan said with a smile: "Mom, of course I know what you are saying. This is just a bet between us. It is a guaranteed profit without losing any money. Why didn't I agree?

Besides, my capital is too small. When this bet ends, the capital I can use will more than double, and I will be able to earn more money by then.

In the futures market, if you make money, it happens very quickly.

When I have thirty to fifty million, I will buy a villa for you and my dad, and we will live in a big villa ourselves! "

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