When Chen Ping'an returned home, he just finished washing and took out his computer to check his account, when his phone vibrated. 6̳̳

He picked it up and saw that it was Huo Shiyun.

He thought for a while and didn't answer the call.

He basically didn't talk to Huo Shiyun when he was at his uncle's house before. He didn't know why she called now.

Considering what he said about kissing her before, he thought it was best not to answer the phone call.

On the other side, Huo Shiyun waited for a long time but no one answered the phone. After hanging up the phone in confusion, she recalled the communication between Chen Ping'an and senior Confucius in the front row in the association's classroom.

She really didn't expect that this guy had already started playing futures, and his results were pretty good.

She even remembered that during the competition, Chen Ping'an's votes were for pharmaceutical stocks with no outstanding results. Except for what he said was interesting, he was really an ordinary person.

Even regarding the model, she didn't think that just because he was a finance major, well, even if Wanwan's cousin was included, that was all.

She asked Confucius specifically that Ding Junzhe was a talented person, but talent was not enough for everything.

Without the support of a large amount of data, it is impossible to achieve even the simplest effective transaction.

What's more, everyone knows the problems of China's stock market, and trying to design a model for making money in the stock market is tantamount to wishful thinking.

If it's futures, that's still possible.

After all, no capital has the ability to control the trend of futures prices.

After she finished washing, she lay on the bed, and her mind was filled with the fact that Chen Pingan was speculating in futures.

The next day, when Chen Pingan had breakfast, the whole family looked at him.

This made him a little embarrassed.

Especially Chen Shuhui, who looked admiring, but everyone knew that she was pretending on purpose.

She doesn't care what her brother is doing, as long as she knows that he is awesome.

"Okay Huihui, eat your food!" Liu Qing couldn't stand it anymore and had to say something to her.

Chen Shuhui said "hmm" and then lowered her head to eat, but she would still look up at Chen Pingan from time to time.

"Say, what exactly do you want to say?" Chen Pingan looked at her depressedly.

“Brother, I don’t know how to trade stocks or futures, can you teach me?

You want me to make money too?

You are so powerful, I think your third uncle treats you very differently.

Maybe one day you will really become a great person? "

Chen Shuhui puffed out her cheeks and said.

Chen Pingan put down his chopsticks, shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Whether it's stocks or futures, you can't touch them.

Huihui, give me a promise not to touch these two things in this life! Oh, and you can’t touch foreign exchange either. "

His expression became a little serious, "For people who don't understand, there is no difference between stocks and gambling.

As for futures and foreign exchange, foreign exchange is the most likely to be controlled by larger funds.

You should study history carefully. The two financial crises decades ago were both controlled by capital predators.

The only thing that will not be manipulated is futures.

But if you want to do a good job in futures, you need a more complex knowledge reserve as support, and you also need to understand everything that happens in the world every day.

So if you look at many futures traders, they basically only make one or two products, and only the ones they are most familiar with..."

Chen Shaohua interrupted him and said: "Okay, let's eat first. I'll take you there after eating.

It’s best not to tell her these things! "

Chen Shuhui pursed her lips and glanced at her father, "Huh, if you don't want to say it, don't say it. Anyway, I will be a housewife in the future. I will do nothing but lie flat and collect rent."

Liu Qing and Chen Pingan both laughed.

Chen Pingan said with a smile: "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely buy you a lot of houses. When you have money in the future, we will buy building after building and put them all in your name. Then we will let you collect the rent." It’s okay to be a housekeeper!”

Chen Shuhui's eyes narrowed into two curved moons, and she was so happy.

Liu Qing smiled and patted Chen Ping'an, "You are the one who dotes on your sister. Look, she doesn't even study hard now.

My monthly exam scores dropped last month. "

Chen Ping'an immediately looked at Chen Shuhui, "Has it really fallen?"

Chen Shuhui nodded dissatisfied, "I had a stomachache during the last exam and I failed in two subjects."

After finishing speaking, he quickly added: "Actually, it's either that I don't know how to do it, or I just have a severe stomachache and don't want to write, so I just didn't write..."

Upon seeing this, Chen Shaohua quickly smoothed things over and said, "Okay, dad knows that Huihui you are a hard-working child, and you are actually very clear about your studies, right?

You see, your uncle's children are all in prestigious schools. Although they are all national defense schools, they are not accessible to ordinary people.

Those two from the Huo family are also from Qing University and Beijing University, and you are no worse than them.

I believe in your ability! "

Chen Pingan patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. If you don't know anything during this period, come and ask me. I won't go out recently. I'll help you go through all the knowledge points in the textbook!"

Chen Shuhui frowned and reluctantly agreed.

After dinner, Chen Ping'an brought his computer and even used a printer to print out a copy of his transaction records and take them with him.

In futures trading, there are actually very few people with such a large cycle as him.

Most trade in minutes, and there are even some overclockers who trade in seconds.

Every time you make a little bit, you run away. The little money adds up to a lot.

It's extremely rare for him to be like this.

Unless you are absolutely confident about the product, it is really impossible to do this.

Otherwise, we won’t be able to stand on the rooftop.

After Chen Shaohua called his eldest brother and sister-in-law to confirm, he took him straight to his eldest brother's house.

Leaving the roast chicken and Ah Qi sitting in the car smoking and chatting, he and Ping An went upstairs and knocked on the door.

It was Huo Sinan who opened the door. After seeing the two of them, he opened the door and invited them in.

Chen Shaohua naturally followed his eldest brother to the study to talk, while Chen Ping'an followed him to Huo Sinan's study with his computer.

As soon as Chen Pingan entered, he opened his backpack, took out the printed transaction record and handed it to Huo Sinan, then took out the computer, opened it and put it on the table.

Huo Sinan put on his glasses and briefly browsed the information he printed, then looked up at him and asked:

"Instead of looking at the trend chart, I would like to ask why your first transaction record showed short selling, but you didn't close the position until a month later. You made more than 6 million in this transaction?

Why were you so confident then?

I rarely see anyone dare to be short for such a long time! "

Chen Pingan immediately remembered that his first transaction was to short futures, and it was also the one in which he made more money from futures.

At that time, he only had more than 2 million, so he took more than 200,000 to make a fortune, thinking that it would not matter if he lost money.

How can this be explained?

It can’t be said that he knows the trend of the market and futures index very well!

This...can only be a lie.

“Luck, auntie.

I only had so much money at the time, the money from the lottery, and I shorted futures based on my feelings at the time. I can’t remember exactly what I was thinking at that time. "

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