After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 217 Follow me to meet Fang Junhong

Chen Shaojie walked in with a smile and waved everyone to sit down and talk.

"Of course I don't care about this.

I'm just here to back you up.

No matter what the Fang family or Xuezhuang wanted to do, it was useless.

Soon you'll find out why. "

He looked at Tangxicheng and said, "Listen to my second brother, you guys go back.

See if you can ask Uncle Zhao to lend me his people for a while? "

After Tang Xicheng agreed, Chen Shaojie pointed at Chen Ping'an and Chen Xiaolong and said, "Okay, you two stay, and the others can do whatever they want."

Soon there were only two pairs of father and son left in the room.

"Dad!" Chen Xiaolong looked at his father and asked hesitantly, "Is something wrong?"

Chen Shaojie glanced at him and then turned to Chen Shaohua, "Second brother, I already know the matter. If you don't feel safe enough, then you and Ping An will both return to the capital.

But if you are at ease, you can just stay and let him go back safely.

There are only two of them in the family and they are still decent. "

Chen Shaohua sighed, "No need.

Xuezhuang did not dare to touch the children.

If he dared, he wouldn't have let him go last time.

And there's no guarantee that it didn't have some other purpose last time.

There is no need to worry about Fang Junhong. He will definitely attack me no matter what, and there is no way he would attack Ping An.

So I have nothing to fear. "

Chen Shaojie shook his head, "Second brother, you may have misunderstood me.

I have never been afraid of trouble, and neither are the Chen family.

What's more, the eldest brother is coming over soon. It's just a private enterprise, so you can't just handle it casually? "

Turning his head, he looked at Chen Pingan and asked, "What do you think if I want to deal with your biological father?"

Chen Ping'an was slightly startled, "Huh? Deal with him? Kill him?"

Chen Shaojie shook his head and said: "No! We are a country ruled by law, and he is a well-known local entrepreneur. Don't say such words again."

Chen Pingan breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "No objection.

Third uncle, you can do whatever you want. I have broken off the relationship with him. As long as I don't kill him, I don't have any problem with it.

After all, it all happened because of me. If he died, it would be hard for me to tell whether I would be happy or sad.

Moreover, it will also discredit the Chen family, which I think is inappropriate. "

Chen Shaojie continued to ask: "Do you want to stay or go back to the capital?

After the framework agreement is signed, the first tender will begin soon.

We will all go back to the capital by then, and your dad will go back too.

Just leave things here to the people below.

And with Chen Shaowei and Shao Kai around, there won't be any big problems. "

Chen Ping'an said: "I listen to my dad."

Chen Shaojie laughed a few times, and then said to Chen Xiaolong: "In a few days, you will come back to the capital with me to meet the Huo family."

Chen Xiaolong immediately jumped up and said loudly: "I'm not going!"

"It's your aunt's birthday, and the Huo family is also coming.

Ping An, you can go back as well. You haven't met your eldest aunt yet. Meeting her will be good for you.

Aren't you a little talented in finance?

If you can catch your aunt's eye, you'll be lucky. "

Chen Pingan nodded immediately.

Needless to say, my eldest aunt is undoubtedly an expert in the financial field.

Seeing that he was ignored, Chen Xiaolong said unhappily: "I will definitely go to my aunt's birthday.

But dad, can't you tell me the reason first? "

The information about Huo Sinan that came to Chen Ping'an's mind showed that she was a professor teaching at Qingdao University and was a very accomplished person in the economic field.

In any case, this is an opportunity for him to further expand his contacts in the capital.

As for what Chen Xiaolong will encounter, he can probably guess it.

It was probably a matter of getting along with Huo Shiyun.

Chen Shaohua had been listening just now, and only now said: "If this is the case, I really have to go back."

Until now, no one has said anything about the previous surveillance video.

The head of the family has spoken, and all you need to do is do it.

After Chen Shaohua kicked the two juniors out, he and Chen Shaojie talked in the room for an unknown length of time. Chen Pingan and Chen Xiaolong had already returned to their rooms.

He turned on his computer and took a look at the stock market.

In the past two days, the price of gold has started to surge.

Although it was the same as the history he knew, the increase this time was different from the data in his memory.

The rise in gold actually represents only one thing, and that is changes in the international political and economic landscape.

There is a place to fight outside, but it is too far away from China.

The price of gold futures in January has been so high that even someone who knows the trend thinks it is a bit outrageous.

He was a little unsure whether he remembered it wrongly.

The prices of major currencies in the foreign exchange market are fluctuating. Although he has read a lot of books and has theoretical knowledge, he has never practiced it. When he had nothing to do in the past two days, he paid close attention to news reports and foreign exchange market trends.

The index trends in the domestic stock market fluctuate back and forth, but the ranges are within what he considers to be a reasonable range.

Even so, countless people shouted that they were left with nothing but their pants.

He tried to use various theories and knowledge he had learned to understand the relationship, but he still felt that his knowledge was limited.

The only thing he is most sure of is the gold trend that he remembers most clearly.

Wenhua is a pretty good software. It doesn't care about minute-level trends, let alone the second-level trends that some Internet experts call it.

But he still needs to carry out frequent small-level transactions, just to have a deeper understanding of market sentiment.

At nine o'clock in the evening, he started buying gold.

Then I became addicted to it and completely forgot about time.

By eleven o'clock in the evening, the account funds had increased by several percentage points.

Looking back at my transaction records, I saw a total of more than forty transactions.

Most of them are long orders, but short sellers also make money.

He began to review each item.

Xuezhuang and Xue Long, father and son, have been at the mine.

After knowing that their people were blocked, they had given up hope.

Being discovered shows the person's professionalism.

Being blocked shows your stupidity and incompetence.

In all these years, he has never felt so embarrassed.

Xue Long's expression was also embarrassed and annoyed.

But that was the fact. When the people came back, neither of them were angry because their subordinates told them their origins.

It's not something that's hard to find.

It is even possible for someone to leave a car to follow the boys back.

Other than that, the two of them were not worried about their own safety.

At least not in the mines.

"What should we do now?" Xuezhuang looked at his son and asked in a low voice.

Xue Longqiang laughed a few times and said: "Actually, it's not that there is nothing gained.

Now that you know the license plate number, are you still worried that you can’t find the hotel where they are staying?

It can be found in a day at most! "

Xuezhuang shook his head, "No need. I'll tell Fang Junhong about this."

There is no evidence as to the cause of Wen Qian's death.

I just doubt it.

But Fang Junhong's illegitimate son and mistress really died in each other's hands.

Come with me later to meet Fang Junhong! "

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