After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 206 What, your sister is just looking at dead people abroad?

"This isn't the first time you've met them!" Chen Xiaolong said as he walked.

Chen Pingan nodded, "I have put all this matter aside, and my life is pretty good now.

Neither my father nor my mother nor Huihui ever treated me as an outsider.

Between generating grace and cultivating grace, I was confused at first, but now that I understand, I have let it go.

But they always come to me again and again, which is really annoying.

Thinking of what happened to me before, I felt angry when I saw them. "

Chen Xiaolong responded with a "hmm" and looked around.

Chen Pingan saw him like this out of the corner of his eye and simply shut up.

Instead, Chen Xiaolong asked, "Eh? Why don't you stop talking? I'm listening!"

"have nothing to say.

Let's each live our own lives and don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. "

As soon as he said this, Chen Xiaolong laughed.

"What you said is so nice. When you come to Yun Province this time, isn't it because you have a big connection with the Fang family?

You are a bit of a suspect! "

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't care what happens to the Fang family.

I just came here to learn something, otherwise I might as well read books at home and study by myself, which would be more efficient. "

Chen Xiaolong followed for a few steps and then asked: "Your eldest sister, it turns out that she is so beautiful, and her friend is also very beautiful!"

"That's because you haven't seen my other sisters. All of them are beautiful. The most beautiful one is also the third Miss Fang who makes me the most angry. I don't know where she is now.

She was the worst person to me back then. "

When Chen Xiaolong heard what he said, he nodded and said with envy: "The genes are good but there is no way.

Do you know you are very handsome?

Yangyang said you are the most handsome living person she has ever seen. "

This choice of words made Chen Pingan laugh angrily.

"Why, your sister just watched dead people abroad?"

"That's not true," Chen Xiaolong explained, "There are many handsome young men abroad, but she can't see any domestic movie stars, so you are the most handsome she has ever seen.

These are the exact words, I didn’t add any added detail. "

Chen Pingan shook his head speechlessly, "Stop talking nonsense. Where are you going now?"

Chen Xiaolong took out his phone and took a look at it, then stuffed it back into his pocket.

"How about packing some food for them and bringing back a few bottles of wine?"

He asked tentatively, fearing that Chen Pingan would laugh at him.

He is a person who loves food very much, but he feels a little embarrassed that it tastes so good at such a young age.

Chen Pingan turned around and looked at him carefully, and finally nodded.

“I was negligent before.

You have a flesh-colored mole on your upper lip, which shows that you are a true foodie.

I understand your mood and desire when you see delicious food.

You do whatever you want, I won't laugh at you. "

Chen Xiaolong raised his hand and touched his lips, smiling awkwardly.

"It is a blessing to be able to eat. This is what my grandfather told me."

He continued to buy a few snacks that he had not eaten just now. Carrying two bags, the two took a taxi back to the hotel.

Fang Qingyan stood up and walked towards Gu Baibai after watching him leave.

She and Gu Baibai were wearing the same coats of different colors. They were both tall and good-looking, and people had been looking at them from the beginning until now.

Admiring their beauty.

"Are you not unhappy?" Gu Baibai asked.

Fang Qingyan shook her head and remained silent.

Gu Baibai continued to ask: "Do you still want to eat?"

"Eat, isn't that why you come here to eat?" Fang Qingyan replied, and then sighed, "Ping An is really unwilling to forgive all of us.

What I said really made me unable to bear it. "

Gu Baibai picked up the menu and ordered while saying: "His reaction to your family is a normal person's reaction. Although it is a bit excessive, it is at least reasonable.

If you treat him like that, he will respond with the same attitude.

Anyway, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. "

Fang Qingyan said softly: "I just feel sorry for my parents."

Gu Baibai paused for a moment.

"What's the meaning?

Don't you feel sorry for your relationship?

Or maybe you feel sorry that the relationship between your family and him has become what it is now, but you feel sorry for your parents? "

Gu Baibai was obviously curious about her reaction, and even a little surprised.

Fang Qingyan shook her head slightly, "It's not what you think.

The relationship between me and him is just that of brother and sister.

For me, no matter whether he comes back to the Fang family or not, after he gets married in the future, we won't have much contact with each other.

Even normal people are just like this, let alone my family.

I have my own things to do.

No matter what happens to him, in the end, the only ones who are really sad may be my parents.

Coupled with Fang Hongjun's incident, my mother and my father were already at the same level as fire and water, and they didn't talk at all.

My father said last time that he would go to Beijing to get my mother back, but what happened?

I don't think there's any chance.

Do you think if we keep this up, will my family fall apart completely in the end? "

Gu Baibai looked at her for a second or two and suddenly asked with a smile:

"So all this happened because your brother revealed that Fang Hongjun was an illegitimate child. Is that what you meant?"

Fang Qingyan seemed to feel that there was a problem with the communication between the two, and quickly shook her head and said:

"not like this.

I mean, my parents were fine at first, but because of the illegitimate child, my brother Fang Ping'an didn't want to come back, and there were irreparable problems between them.

It would be better if there was no such thing as Fang Hongjun.

This is what I want to express, not that the person who exposed this matter is the cause.

Regardless of whether it was brought out safely or not, this matter will break out sooner or later.

From another perspective, we should all be grateful for peace.

Otherwise, when Fang Hongjun inherits my father's family business in the future, he will bring his biological mother back..."

Gu Baibai said: "By then, I'm afraid you sisters and your mother will be countless times worse off than they are now.

Whether your brother Fang Pingan can still live well may be a question. "

Fang Qingyan sighed feebly, nodded and said, "Yes, that's the problem."

Gu Baibai thought for a while and put down the menu in his hand, "I'm not the person involved, so I can't tell you what you should do.

All I can say is that if this happened in my house and it was in the same situation as you are now, I would stay away.

Because the whole thing has nothing to do with you.

Whether it's the attitude problem towards your brother or the problem with the illegitimate brother, the root cause does not lie with you children.

Even if you sisters are indifferent to him, or treat two people differently, it is not enough for him to treat you like this.

What he came back for was family affection rather than wealth.

The most important thing is the affection given to him by your parents. You sisters are just gifts, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have them.

So it was mainly your parents' attitude towards him that led to this ending.

Your father caused the problem, so he should be responsible for it.

You are a woman, just live your life.

For the rest, you really can't do much to help, and no one will accept your help. "

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