After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 177 You are born with a deficiency

Chen Shaohua held back the joy in his heart and laughed softly.

But soon he couldn't take it anymore.

There was a burst of happy laughter in the study.

Liu Qing came over curiously, knocked on the door, then opened the door and walked in.

"What's so happy about it?" she asked curiously.

Chen Shaohua pointed at Chen Pingan and said with a smile:

"He finally came to his senses...hahahaha..."

Liu Qing looked at Chen Pingan suspiciously and saw an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Ping An, you, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Pingan stood up and said, "Mom, it's nothing."

Chen Shaohua laughed for a while, stopped laughing and said:

"Now, he truly regards himself as a member of the Chen family."

Liu Qing's expression was obviously excited.


She suddenly felt at a loss.

This son has been obedient and well-behaved since he was a child, and the two of them have given him a good education.

After Huihui was born, even though he was only over two years old, he helped take care of his sister every day.

Although he knew that this was not their biological son, Liu Qing always treated him as his biological son.

When he, who was originally called Chen Pingan, was taken away by the Fang family, she didn't know how long she cried.

Occasionally, when he came back, he would always be in a hurry, saying that his biological parents asked him not to visit them.

This caused Chen Shaohua to burst into rage from time to time. Although he concealed it very well, how could Liu Qing not know it as the person next to him?

Chen Shaohua is angry!

In the past few months, although he had come back and his parents were calling him, Liu Qing felt that the child had always wrapped himself up, and his heart had not been fully opened. It seemed that he always didn't know what he should do.

Yes, that's what it feels like.

The child she regarded as her biological son never knew the direction.

Buying a house for Huihui and going to school are all things he thinks should be done.

But that is not without compensation or in other words, it is similar to the meaning of exchange.

The couple communicated countless times during the night, and every time she told her husband not to put too much pressure on Ping An and not to force him.

Until just now, my husband's words undoubtedly meant something else.

From then on, Chen Pingan was the son of Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing, and was no longer a member of the Fang family.

One was an emotional choice that led him to return to the Chen family.

The other is to acknowledge and recognize one's identity from the heart. This is the reason why the husband is happy.

Liu Qing stood there, at a loss.

Chen Pingan stood up and walked over, stood in front of her and whispered: "Mom, it's nothing."

"Okay, if you say it's okay, it's okay. If you have any good things, just tell your dad."

Liu Qing held back the sourness in her eyes, turned around and left.

The moment the study door closed behind her, tears fell from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

She quietly returned to her bedroom, sat by the dressing table and looked at herself inside.

She knew that a lot of her jet-black hair was originally white.

The slightly drooped eyelids, she knew, were signs of time.

There is peace and wisdom in everything among them.

She began to sob quietly.

In the study.

Chen Ping'an also seemed to break away from the invisible restraints, "What do I need to do?"

He was asking, I have already chosen, but there are still many things I don’t understand.

Father, can you teach me?

Chen Shaohua nodded and said: "The knowledge in school is far from enough, not even a little bit behind.

You need to know what the school’s role is in educating students.

The purpose is to provide the country and society with standardized and modular-like parts.

The future of the best of them may change dramatically, but that doesn’t apply to you! "

Chen Ping'an thought about the meaning of these words, then nodded without saying a word.

Chen Shaohua pointed out: "I have no way of knowing what will happen in the future.

Cultivating talents and raising sons are actually the same thing.

Raising children for old age is an outdated saying, but it is in line with practical needs, but no one will actually do it now.

Because the whole society is involved in internal affairs, young people are under great pressure to start a family and start a career.

They do not have the qualifications or capital to choose to support their parents in their retirement years, but you do not have these problems.

The meaning of family is now reflected.

You only need to be outstanding and excellent, and then the resources that belong to you will be given to you, instead of having to fight for it like other people, or even having to compete with countless people for a job.

You ask me what you should do. I am not you, but the advice I can give you is...

You should think clearly about what you will do after becoming the head of the family in the future.

What do you need to do to become a householder.

What can you do in order to successfully become the head of the family?

Only by working backward can you understand at your current age how you want to go in the future.

You are not Chen Xiaolong. He has grown up in this environment. He knows many things and understands how to do them without being taught.

You don't have this innate foundation, so you need to put in more efforts to surpass all competitors in the future.

Whether you are competing for the position of the head of the family or competing for anything else you want after becoming the head of the family, you will need to put in a lot of effort and continuous efforts.

Do you have confidence? "

Chen Pingan remained silent.

Chen Shaohua continued: "From today on, you don't need to ask me anything you do.

Whatever you need my help with, just say what you need.

Whatever the family can give you, they will give it to you or provide help.

But the consequences, like Xiaolong, must be borne by you.

From the position of the head of the family, I will neither block you nor push you.

Make your own choice and bear your own responsibility. "

Chen Pingan asked: "Since we are going to fight, I want to know how many other people are my opponents."

Chen Shaohua nodded, "Do you have any other requests?"

"If I want to study abroad, how much can my family help me?"

“Material help, and the rest, you have to fight for it yourself!

Do you really want to study abroad? "

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "No, I'm just asking.

Didn't you say that?

I need to accumulate domestic network resources, so I don’t plan to study abroad.

Once I leave for more than two years, there is a high probability that people here will almost forget about me.

What I want to do is be that person that other people turn to, rather than me going to them for help. "

He recalled the conversation between Fang Hongjun and Fang Junhong, added his own understanding, and did not feel inappropriate at all when he said these words.

Chen Shaohua nodded and said: "I can't say the direction is wrong, but this is not flattering.

Read more books and use all your time and energy to read them.

Don't fall in love in college, it's a waste of time.

If you grew up in the Chen family, I would not give you this advice.

In terms of your character, you are inherently deficient.

Do you know what I mean? "

“What I understand is that I suddenly realize that there are too many things to learn.

This feels a lot more stressful.

Competition is one thing, but I think learning always takes time. I can't suddenly master everything!

Besides, didn’t you and my mother also graduate from Peking University? "

he asked sheepishly.

Chen Shaohua pointed at himself, "Think about it, why did I take your mother to the south instead of staying in the capital?

Because at that time, my father believed that my unwillingness to marry was a betrayal of family interests.

Your third uncle is not much worse than me, and I am unwilling to give in, so I can only leave far away.

It's actually pretty good now.

At least, I won't use you and Hui Hui to marry into other aristocratic families.

Did you try it a few decades ago? "

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