After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 158 Senior sister smiled tremblingly...

Dong Wanwan introduced: "This one sitting next to Shiyun is Jian Yetong, and that one is Xia Qingyue.

He also shared a dormitory with us.

Today, even if the seniors are taking care of you, please bring me the menu! "

Facing the beauties, two of whom were brothers' relatives, Chi Yonghao didn't let go too much.

I'm just interested in Jian Yetong and Xia Qingyue.

Li Hongzhong naturally followed.

Dong Wanwan and Huo Shiyun were obviously not in the same class as him, and he had known this for a long time.

The person who spoke before was called Xia Qingyue, who also took off her coat and sat down.

Dong Wanwan laughed and said: "We, Qingyue, are from Shu, and she is the expert at hot pot!"

Xia Qingyue seemed to have a cheerful personality, and she smiled openly and said: "It's okay, it's okay, the hot pot here in the capital is a little different from ours.

You invite Wanwan to dinner, Jian Yetong and I are here to enjoy the meal.

You can eat whatever you want! "

Huo Shiyun and Jian Yetong also said, "It's okay, we are just guests."

Chen Pingan and others looked at Ding Junzhe.

Ding Junzhe hadn't even sat down when he heard this and said: "Several seniors are roommates with my cousin, so they are all my sisters.

When meeting for the first time, it’s best to order a mandarin duck pot first, and then it’s best to order what you like.

This way I don’t have to embarrass myself, what do you think? "

Dong Wanwan narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Okay. Then let's have Yuanyang Hotpot."

She said to Xia Qingyue and Jian Yetong: "Ding Junzhe, my cousin. You're welcome. Order whatever you want."

Jian Yetong and Xia Qingyue both laughed.

"Don't worry, my junior brother is so handsome and cute, but we won't be polite."

The pot and vegetables arrived after ordering.

Eating hot pot in Beijing is different from that in Shu. Xia Qingyue has been studying at Beijing University for a year, so she naturally knows that there is sesame sauce here.

When everyone went to mix the oil bowl, a few people saw the figures of the two new seniors.

Xia Qingyue's figure is particularly hot, and she can be said to be the plumpest among the four seniors.

Chi Yonghao secretly asked Ding Junzhe, "Should Senior Xia already have a partner?"

Ding Junzhe rolled his eyes and cursed in a low voice: "Can you be normal?

Besides, it was my first time seeing him, so how could I know?

Can you please stop asking? Today is a bit normal. "

Chi Yonghao chuckled, "Don't worry... don't worry!"

Chen Ping'an and Fatty walked at the end, and Li Hongzhong couldn't stop watching.

The four senior sisters are each more beautiful than the other. To say that they are not jealous would be a lie.

Chen Pingan's heart beat a little fast when he faced the four beauties.

Even if she has good looks, she still has such a good figure.

Among the four, the one with the best temperament is undoubtedly Jian Yetong.

His facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, and he doesn’t look like a northerner.

Dong Wanwan seemed a little out-of-the-box and lively, while Xia Qingyue seemed a little open and refreshing.

Only Huo Shiyun behaved very calmly. Every time she saw this cousin, she was always very calm, as if nothing could move her.

He did know that Huo Shiyun came from the Huo family and had been well-fed and well-fed since childhood, receiving an elite education.

As for appearance and temperament, it goes without saying that anyone who can be a school beauty is naturally superior in all aspects.

After everyone sat down with their oil bowls, Ding Junzhe asked: "What would you like to drink, seniors?"

Dong Wanwan said: "I'll drink some beer, what about you?"

She looked at the other three girls.

Huo Shiyun: "I'll drink some beer too."

Xia Qingyue: "I drink beer too."

Only Jian Yetong's face turned red and she said, "I can't drink. I'll just drink water."

Dong Wanwan continued: "Ye Tong never drinks, just watch it!"

Ding Junzhe immediately ordered corn juice, and then ordered a box of beer.

Although it was a treat, there was no need for him to make himself feel wronged.

Naturally, Chi Yonghao, Chen Pingan and Fatty didn't say anything.

The three of them were really just here to make up the numbers, or else they might as well go to the night market to have something to eat and feel comfortable.

After the meal officially started, Dong Wanwan did not tease Ding Junzhe and the others about their fight that day.

Asking, "Are your injuries healed? Drink less beer and don't let anything happen again." It was considered as letting him go.

Huo Shiyun looked at Chi Yonghao and asked, "Have you ever learned kung fu or something? I remember that when I fought with you that night, I basically knocked him down with one move..." She gestured.

Just out of curiosity.

Chi Yonghao was eating meat. He was not a pretentious person and nodded immediately.

"I was specially recruited. I'm considered a wrestler. A first-class athlete."

When Jian Yetong heard this, she immediately stared at his burly figure and whispered, "Hey, is it really the kind of person who falls over just by pulling him?"

Xia Qingyue asked with a smile: "Why, are you interested in this junior? Will you let him take you to wrestling someday?"

Jian Yetong blushed and spat: "Oh, what are you talking about? I'm just curious. I can only see that kind of scene on TV."

Ding Junzhe put his arms around Chi Yonghao's shoulders and said, "Chi Yonghao, the third child in our dormitory, is a national first-level wrestling athlete and a first-level archery athlete.

It's really like a martial arts master.

If you sisters have read those kind of martial arts novels, you will understand that we mice are commonly known as Zhanyi Eighteen Dads.

If you fight with him, as long as you get stained, you will have to be thrown until you yell "Daddy" eighteen times in a row before the fight is over. "

Although it is not a joke, it is the first time for several girls to hear this statement.

Hearing this, they all laughed together.

Four girls sat across from each other, smiling tremblingly...

The four teenagers here suddenly felt that they couldn't stand it anymore.

After this little joke, the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

Then Xia Qingyue wanted to know the process of their fight that day.

Ding Junzhe quickly explained, "There's really nothing to say. We were just eating there in our dormitory, and a fight broke out next door.

Several of us were affected. "

He didn't want to say too much because he was really embarrassed in front of the beautiful woman, not to mention that his cousin was also in the audience.

Dong Wanwan and Huo Shiyun didn't say anything, and just looked at Ding Junzhe in embarrassment.

Chi Yonghao didn't know what to say now and was a little embarrassed.

He wanted to say it, but after all, tonight was a dinner invited by Ding Junzhe, the boss, and he couldn't take the lead.

Seeing that Ding Junzhe didn't want to talk, Xia Qingyue pouted with some dissatisfaction.

Her glossy lips looked extremely seductive under the light.

Jian Yetong looked at Dong Wanwan while eating and asked, "Do you know, or are you saying that you don't want us to know, Wanwan?"

Dong Wanwan pointed at Ding Junzhe with a smile, "They are the parties involved, Shiyun and I just happened to see it.

They still know the specific situation best. "

Chi Yonghao poked Ding Junzhe, and when he saw him nodding slightly, he said: "Senior sisters, in fact, what happened that day had nothing to do with the three of them.

It was a fight over the other side of the table from us.

At that time, several of them had already dodged away. It was me who was reluctant to part with the barbecue on the table and was affected.

When I started fighting with them, Brother Zhe and the others came to help.

It wasn't us who caused the trouble, it was the fact that we were really affected at the time. "

He didn’t tell me the specific story, but at least he made it clear that he didn’t take the initiative to cause trouble.

Huo Shiyun waited for him to finish before saying: "Then you all went to the police station. I heard Wanwan say that you finally came out after paying compensation and fines. But the fight didn't reach the school, right?"

Chi Yonghao and Ding Junzhe nodded together.

Chen Ping'an explained: "It was not us who caused the trouble, so we did not notify the school."

This meal was quite enjoyable.

This was the first time that Chen Pingan and the four of them met Jian Yetong, a beautiful senior from Z Province.

Of course, there is also Senior Sister Xia Qingyue from Shudu.

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