"Just like what Ping An said just now, he should also have a sense of awe for everyone.

Stock traders should have a sense of awe towards the stock market. I have read this myself countless times.

Similarly, if you go to work in an agency in the future, you still have to abide by certain rules.

At times like this, aren't your parents the best teachers?

This is a smooth road and there are people supporting it. What regrets do you have?

Besides, if you are really good in the future, your achievements may not be worse than those of your parents!

Where can't you make a career? "

Chen Pingan looked at the time and saw that it was almost six o'clock, so he simply stopped looking.

He closed the computer, turned around and looked at Li Hongzhong and said:

“This topic seems to be quite serious today.

I told you about my own experience last time.

I grew up in my adoptive father's house. I didn't suffer much, I didn't have much money, but I didn't suffer much.

Although there were some twists and turns later on, things are still pretty good now.

Even now that I have returned to my adoptive father's house, I still carry my family's expectations.

Regardless of the eldest child, me, or the third child, the conditions at home are relatively good.

But this only refers to a few of us. You need to see more other students outside.

Most people's family conditions are not as good as ours, but their efforts are no worse than ours.

It can even be said that they did not have a good environment and conditions since they were young, but they still managed to get into a top school like Beijing University through their own efforts.

Did you get admitted to Beijing University after your parents planned it and did it without your efforts?

Fourth child, you look down on yourself too much. "

Chi Yonghao sat up from the bed, his long legs hanging down.

"Ping An is right.

Some people can easily solve difficult problems without trying too hard, but some people can't.

So not everyone can go to Beijing University.

I didn't really go to this school just to have fun.

My parents also know that you can’t actually make much money just by selling cattle and sheep.

But what if they open a processing plant?

If it weren't for them, I might have just majored in physical education.

I just want to build a big meat deep processing and finishing factory when I go back in the future. Like foreign countries, I can separate the meat and sell it by parts!

Although it can be done like this now, it just can't be sold for much, and the cost of the factory is not low.

So everyone has their own troubles.

The things that bother me may not be worth mentioning to you.

Similarly, what you are worried about is the day when you can see the end at a glance, but I don’t know how many people in the country are envious, jealous, and hateful of you. "

Li Hongzhong looked at this, then that, and then burst into laughter.

"I'm talking about you guys, I'm just saying that days like that are pretty boring.

The burden is not as big as yours, and apart from work, there is no fun.

Apart from sucking up to the boss and doing your job well, there is nothing exciting enough. "

He was still a little moved.

Although what they said was different, they all cared about him.

"Brother Zhe, he doesn't seem to really have anything to do with it." Chi Yonghao said from above.

Chen Pingan also nodded.

Ding Junzhe glared at Li Hongzhong, "You damn thing, don't talk nonsense in the future.

We thought you were going astray! "

"Why have you gone astray? Brother, don't talk nonsense. I am the most obedient person in my family." Li Hongzhong also responded with a smile.

Chi Yonghao lightly made up for it.

"You can't be an only child!"

After saying this, all four people in the room laughed.

After a while, Li Hongzhong asked: "Brother Zhe, aren't you going to play ball today?"

"I'm not going today. I want to focus on studying these indicators of this stock trading software."

Chi Yonghao didn't rest, so he jumped down.

"What's for dinner?"

Chen Ping'an looked at Ding Junzhe, "Brother Zhe?"

Ding Junzhe said: "How about some stir-fried vegetables? I want to study the functions of the software tonight, so I won't drink."

Chi Yonghao said: "No problem, it's okay to eat less meat."

Fang Qingyan and Zhao Wei were sitting in the back row. She held Zhao Wei's hand and said nothing.

Fang Jinglei drove silently.

She didn't want to talk.

The main reason is that I feel like I can't talk to them on the same channel at all.

It is difficult for each other to understand each other's thoughts.

She simply said nothing.

I was supposed to meet with investors today, but it was postponed for a day because of this matter.

It just so happened that the selected director was suddenly busy today and couldn't come.

Otherwise she might not have followed at all.

Even if she came, she was just trying her luck. As long as Ping An didn't say anything bad to her, that would be fine.

As for reconciliation, she instinctively felt that there was no hope at all.

The eldest sister's idea of ​​regarding peace as the peace of the past is simply an insult to other people's intelligence.

Fang Jinglei suddenly felt like her whole family was drunk and I was alone.

We returned to the courtyard gate in silence all the way, only to see a Maybach parked at the gate.

She didn't mind either.

There is a small open space at the entrance of the yard, which can probably park 4 cars.

Cars park here occasionally.

Since she and her mother didn't go out much, she didn't care.

Of course, there is an obvious sign indicating that this is a private parking space.

When she stopped the car, Fang Qingyan got out of the car and Zhao Wei got out from the other side.

The door of the Maybach opened and Fang Junhong appeared in front of them.

Fang Jinglei hadn't gotten out of the car yet and was stunned when she saw her father appearing here.

It has been several months and my father has never been here.

Now that you know your mother is here, are you here to talk softly to her, or are you doing something else?

She got out of the car nervously.

"How did you come?"

It was Zhao Wei who spoke, her face and tone were extremely cold.

It's hard to tell whether it's a genuine feeling or a deliberate gesture.

She just felt a wave of anger and grievance welling up at the same time.

The man in front of her has lived with her for so many years, and he used to care about her...

It's a pity that the existence of Qin Bailian and Fang Hongjun makes all this seem so ridiculous.

Fang Qingyan and Fang Jinglei stood there without speaking.

Communication between parents is not unfamiliar to them, but this is the first time since the incident broke out that the two of them have spoken in front of their daughters.

Fang Junhong looked at his wife, whom he had not seen for several months.

Although his clothes are not as good as he was in Yuncheng, he looks pretty good.

Judging by her face, she looks well maintained.

My hair was obviously done in the morning.

After looking up and down, he said, "I'm coming over to see you."

He looked at his two daughters, "Yanyan, when did you come?"

Fang Qingyan simply said: "I arrived yesterday. We just went to see Ping An."

Fang Jinglei said nothing, approached Zhao Wei and took her arm.

"Mom, if you don't want to see him, just go in."

She didn't speak loudly, not wanting her father to hear her.

Zhao Wei didn't move or speak.

She looked at Fang Junhong with a hint of hatred in her cold eyes.

Fang Qingyan was just surprised. As soon as she arrived in the capital, her father followed her. Did something happen again?

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