After Rebirth, I Became a Powerful Minister’s Beloved

Chapter 916: Shen Family Tree will never be engraved with his name

Mu Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yin Chaozong lowered his head and kissed the girl.

It seemed that he made a solemn oath in front of countless dead souls.

The rain in early summer gradually stopped.

The clouds dissipated, and the evening light penetrated thousands of miles, and fell gently on the battlefield.

Nan Baoyi's face was relieved.

Yin Taishou retired to Laojun Mountain, and with Xiao Sui's resourcefulness, he must have secured Luoyang City.

The Yin Taishou, who lost the city and the fief, was just a dead dog.

Yin Chaozong, the eldest son of the Yin family who has endured many years of humiliation, is finally about to grow into the new protector of this land.

She raised her head and looked at Xiao Yi with a bright smile: "Second brother!"

Xiao Yi wiped the dust off her cheek with the veil, with pity in her eyes.

Another part of the lucky soldiers were rescued.

With Jiang Suihan's ears and eyes, Nan Baoyi knew a little bit of medical skills, and she lay hands on the military doctors.

She carried the medicine box and walked behind a boulder, and saw the general in armor sitting in the shadow of the stone with a knife in his arms.

The scar under his left eye showed a hideous color. He closed his eyes and put his right arm lightly on his face, making it difficult to see his emotions.

Nan Baoyi squatted down beside him.

She untied his armor.

Shen Yijue's left arm was hit by a stone, and after peeling off his shirt, almost his entire arm was bloody.

She glanced at his face and saw that he was expressionless, so she carefully took the long knife in his arms and carefully cleaned the wound on his left arm.

Halfway through the cleanup, my confidant came to report: "General, the staff has been counted. There are more than 500 soldiers who died on the front line of the sky, and more than 30 people survived by chance. Two of them were dead and 15 were injured. I am afraid I will not be able to join the army in the future."

Shen Yijue was silent, his thin lips pressed into a straight line.

Nan Baoyi took the tweezers and picked out the gravel fragments in his flesh and blood, and whispered: "Shen Yichao can only think of such a vicious strategy. Now Boss Han is also taken away by him, his life or death is unknown. ...Even if he does this, do you still want to keep him?"

Shen Yijue still closed his eyes.

This iron-blooded and powerful general was only a flesh and blood body after all, and the pain of his flesh being peeled off by tweezers made him cold sweat, and his whole body was as tight as a bowstring.

Nan Baoyi carefully took out the last gravel.

She put down the tweezers and cleaned his arm again before applying a dressing.

She held the medicine box and stood up: "My medical skills are not good, but I simply treated your wound. When you get back to Luoyang City, you have to ask the doctor to treat it again."

She turned and walked away.

Shen Yijue slowly opened his eyes.

The rain has stopped.

The evening light fell on the cheeks, warm and mellow.

He lowered his eyes.

There was a pool of rainwater beside the leg, and the bright red liquid flowed out from the pile of stones and merged into a small pool of water.

Shen Yijue frowned.

He stretched out his hand and took a handful of water from the pool.

Light red liquid with a smell of rust.

This is the blood of the soldiers under his hands.

I grew up with him, practiced with him day and night, and lived and died with him.

But now, they failed to kill the Shroud of Ma Ge, the defending country, but instead died at the hands of his brother.

But there are brothers in their family too!

Their brothers are looking forward to their successful takeover of Luoyang City and return to Chang'an with Luoyang's Dragon Bear Cake and Pomegranate Fruit to reunite with them to celebrate the victory.

The iron-blooded general, who had always been tough, suddenly burst into tears when he faced the handful of cold blood in his palm.

He choked, his voice was stained with an unprecedented heaviness: "Nan Situ."

Nan Baoyi stopped to look back.

Shen Yijue paused and said: "Among the several imperial envoys, your official position is the highest. It is up to you to deal with the betrayal."

Nan Baoyi's hand holding the medicine box tightened slightly. She tentatively asked, "Really?"

"Never interfere."

Nan Baoyi smiled lightly.

She turned her head and looked at Laojun Mountain, which was majestic and beautiful.

There is a traitor she hates.

The smile gradually faded.

She said in a deep voice, "Shen Yichao colluded with the rebel Yin Sinian and murdered the court army. The crime is inexcusable. This official, on behalf of the court, made an order to seize the position of Shen Yichao and offered a reward of 10,000 gold for his head!"

The command is passed on.

Nan Baoyi knew very well that soon, Luoyang City and nearby cities would be filled with notices to arrest Shen Yichao.

Shen Yijue stood up holding the long knife: "Shen Yichao betrayed the clan. From now on, the Shen family will have no place for him. The Shen family tree will never be engraved with his name."

Nan Baoyi's pupils shrank slightly.

Drive out of the Shen family!

She knows that the Nobles of Dayong have a tradition of family living in groups. Born in a prestigious family, they can enjoy a good education from a young age. When they grow up, they can be brought into the officialdom by the family elders to make celebrities, and they can even be recommended as easily. official.

Even if something goes wrong, he will be blessed by the family.

The famous Shen family has always been Shen Yichao's proud capital for many years.

Unexpectedly, one day, he will lose the blessing of his family.

Without the family as a backer, what will happen to the proud former Shen Xiaolang?

Shen Yichao, I'm afraid this life is over.

Nan Baoyi looked at Laojun Mountain intricately.


At this time, Dazhai is on the mountain.

The hall is dilapidated.

Insnian sat at the table with a sullen head.

He took off the helmet he was wearing, and his bun, which had been pressed for too long, looked messy and low, especially ugly.

He had red eyes: "Luoyang City fell...what does this mean?"

Shen Yichao sat by the door.

He picked up a stoneware tea cup and looked for a moment, only to see a circle of dark yellow tea stains on the edge of the tea cup, as if it was not clean.

He frowned in disgust.

Because of thirsty, he had to endure the discomfort and put the tea cup to his mouth.

The scent of inferior tea came over, with an unpleasant burnt smell.

After all, it was difficult for him to speak, so he put down the tea cup again.

He straightened his sleeves and said casually: "Someone sent an army to sneak attack on Luoyang City, just like you sent someone to attack Laojun Mountain in secret."

Yin Sinian stared his eyes and suddenly laughed a few times.

Xu was too emotional, his laughter sounded quack, like an old duck.

After laughing, the muscles on his face quivered, filled with incredible, ridiculous, and angry emotions.

He suddenly rushed in front of Shen Yichao, grabbed his collar, and sternly said: "In other words, I have fought this battle in a fierce battle, but this broken mountain, nothing else?! Even, Even lost Luoyang City?!"

Shen Yichao thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's it."

The light and windy smile made Yin Sinian even more angry.

He slapped Shen Yichao's face, grabbed the gentleman of the literati, and cursed violently: "Do you **** dare to cheat Laozi?! Without Luoyang City, Laozi is still a prefect?!"

Shen Yichao was beaten and half of his cheek was red and swollen.

He was still smiling and spitting blood on the ground.


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