However, Chen Sheng came out to buy things today and didn't want to cause trouble. He thought he could just get by, so he turned and walked towards the supermarket.


A fat woman wearing glasses and a man beside her blocked Chen Sheng's way.

At first glance, she was the kind of person who was doing trouble.

"You are Chen Sheng! There is no use denying it, your photos have been posted online!" The fat woman seemed to be more than 200 pounds, and the flesh on her face was tightly piled up, giving people a very bloated and disgusting feeling.

The man next to him also shouted: "People like you should die. How dare you show up in our sight? You are simply polluting the air here!"

"Your sister was already ill, and now she committed suicide, but you still want to cause trouble for the school and parents. Are you still a human being?"

"People like you should be beaten to death. It makes my breasts hurt! How can there be such a rotten person in the world!"

The two of them became more and more excited as they talked. Before they knew it, the people around them surrounded them, making it impossible for Chen Sheng to leave.

Chen Sheng looked at the fat woman with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

This woman was already on the verge of death.

She said she could, but talking about her sister was a capital crime!

"Hey, you still dare to look at me? What, are you going to eat me?" The fat woman was not a good person either. She stared at him and squeezed towards Chen Sheng step by step.

It must be uncomfortable to be squeezed by her tonnage!

"You still dare to look at my wife, I think you are looking for death, believe it or not, I will beat you to death!" The fat man next to him also stood up, with a fist as big as a sandbag in his hand.

The people watching nearby also spoke up at this time.

"I have heard about this man, he is a scumbag! He wants to make money by taking advantage of his sister's death!"

"If you have this time, you might as well go back and take good care of your parents! You are a heartless and ungrateful thing!"

"Your sister's death is simply an accident, and has nothing to do with other people!"

"You still have the nerve to come out to buy things? I think the money he bought things with is probably extorted!"

"This kind of person should be beaten to death!"

"Beat him to death!"

The crowd became excited instantly.

They gathered around to deal with Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng's eyes flashed with annoyance.

People's words are scary, this is what they mean.

They don't know anything at all, they just follow the trend and even want to drown themselves in public opinion.

Many things are fermented in this way.

Chen Sheng turned around and walked to the corner.

"Hey, this kid still wants to escape! Can you escape today?"

"Kneel down and admit your mistakes to us! There is justice in the world!"

The fat woman put her hands on her hips and directly blocked Chen Sheng's way.

The man also came over, indicating that he would not let Chen Sheng leave easily.

Chen Sheng lowered his head and picked up a fire extinguisher.


With a whoosh, it sprayed into the crowd!

The dry powder fire extinguisher directly made the surroundings fall into a ball of white mist!

"Oh my god, this kid is crazy!"

"I can't see with my eyes!"

"It hurts, my eyes hurt so much!"

These people were not prepared at all, and they were all confused by Chen Sheng's fire extinguisher, and they screamed one by one.

At the same time, Chen Sheng's figure disappeared.

Only a few screams came from the white mist.

Then there was a heart-wrenching roar.

"Help! Someone is killing someone!"


Half an hour later.

Zhang Qian led people to the scene.

There were several pools of blood here, which were very eye-catching.

An enthusiastic bystander told her what happened.

They met Chen Sheng, the hot figure of the day, in the supermarket.

So they attacked him collectively.

The leader was the fat woman and the man.

But who knew that Chen Sheng suddenly sprayed them with a fire extinguisher.

At that time, there was a white mist around them, and they couldn't see anything.

When they could see things clearly at last, Chen Sheng had disappeared.

The fat woman had fallen to the ground, and the man was half dead.

Not only that, many people were injured at the scene.

But none of them were fatal.

"Did Chen Sheng do this?" Zhang Qian reconstructed the course of events and felt a little incredible.

Chen Sheng injured so many people at the moment the fire extinguisher sprayed white mist?

How did he do it alone?

Zhang Qian took people to the monitoring room.

There was nothing to see inside, no evidence at all.

And from the injured people

No fingerprint clues could be extracted.

The fat woman was stabbed twice in the chest and was seriously injured and unconscious.

The man was stabbed in the lower abdomen.

Although everyone around said that Chen Sheng did it, everything must be based on evidence.

How can they arrest people based on just a few groundless words?

Zhang Qian felt that Chen Sheng was getting more and more dangerous!

Less than an hour after this incident.

The hot spot changed.

It became two very explosive videos!

The person in the video is Wang Yuehong!

Once a celebrity in No. 2 Middle School!

The eldest daughter of Hongchen Group!

But at this moment, she was as embarrassed as a dog.

She was covered with scars, her clothes were dirty, and there was blood on her face and many other places.

It seemed that she had received a big shock.

Kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

At the same time, telling a fact.

"I am a beast, not a human, I am trash..."

"Chen Yuan and I went to junior high school for three years, but I was 80 years older than her. I also beat and insulted her many times. Even though she begged me, I never intended to let her go. I am a beast, not a human!"

"Chen Yuan just doesn't like to talk much and is not very sociable. I took advantage of my family's wealth and bullied her with Zhang Kai, Gao Xue, and Fang Yu..."

"That night, the four of us tricked Chen Yuan out. Zhang Kai asked Chen Yuan to kneel down, but Chen Yuan said she would not kneel down no matter what. She said her brother was coming back and she would not be bullied by us anymore, so we let her go."

"Then we killed him, stabbing him about...more than 100 times!"

For a while, many netizens were boiling!

So this is the truth of the matter!

It's not that Chen Yuan is sick and often tortures them.

Instead, Chen Yuan was killed!

How violent and bloody a person must be to do such a thing?

These students are not worthy of being human beings!

They have always been after that girl in 80!

In the end, they were so cruel!

The devil is in the world, and it turned out to be a junior high school student!

This is a premeditated murder.

Even more cruel than an adult!

For a time, this matter caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

But the background of the video has been processed, and it will obviously take some effort for the police to find Wang Yuehong based on this.

But what is more shocking and unexpected is the second video.

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