It's okay to be humble once in a while, too much modesty is to pretend.

Hearing Principal Wang's praise, Zhang Zhe did not say anything like his luck, and smiled and touched a glass with him before replying:

"The principal is holding it, your family has many ways to make money, and tens of millions of profits are nothing to you, right?"

"Tens of millions is indeed not much, but tens of millions of cash is not a small amount for me!"

Wang Shichong sighed:

"Although my net worth is not low now, most of it is the value brought by various shares, and I really don't have much cash flow in my hands."

"When will Dazhe play futures again, can you take me by the way?" I also throw some money at random, after all, I haven't made money on futures. "

"Let's have a chance in the future."

Zhang Zhe replied casually:

"There have been a lot of things in the recent period, and I should not get involved in futures in a short period of time."

Wang Shichong nodded and replied:

"I understand this, after all, the opportunity to make money is not always available."

Hearing Zhang Zhe's answer, he was more sure of what he had in mind.

Although Wang Shichong does not have much contact with futures, he also has a basic understanding.

In addition to some financial predators who can manipulate the market, retail investors who want to make money on futures must have accurate investment vision or poor information!

As long as you have certain news in advance and know that these news will lead to the price movement of a certain commodity future, it is easy to make money as long as you lay out in advance.

Not only in the futures market, this information gap is reflected in many places.

For example, a certain second generation relies on the relationship and knows in advance that a key primary school is going to be built somewhere in Zhonghai.

You only need to buy a few houses in this neighborhood and sell them after a while to become school district houses, and you can make a lot of money.

In Wang Shichong's view, Zhang Zhe has poor information.

He contacted Yu Haoxuan before, according to Yu Haoxuan, Zhang Zhe told him that the rebar would rise on the first day, and he bought it on the second day, and the documents came down on the third day!

And it is said that Zhang Zhe also entered three or four days before the document came down, and he has not been paying attention to this piece!

What does this mean?

It means that Zhang Zhe probably knew the approximate content of this document in advance!

You know, this is a national document, released from the top!

Such information can be understood by ordinary people?!

And after Zhang Zhe made a fortune by relying on rebar, he did not have the idea of continuing to invest in futures, but simply and decisively withdrew directly, which seems to be explainable.

If the average person makes a lot of money by futures, he will definitely continue to develop and hope to make more money, which is the thinking logic of normal investors.

But Zhang Zhe relied on the above news to take the opportunity to make a profit, and now that the money is in hand, he will definitely not continue.

Stopping in time is the best choice.

It can also be seen from this that Zhang Zhe's pattern is also not ordinary, and he is not carried away by these interests...

It can only be said that self-brain supplement is the most deadly.

If Zhang Zhe knew that he had made money by buying futures with the system's news, and actually let Principal Wang's brain make up the background of the sky, he would definitely cry and laugh, this brain hole is too big, right?


The wine game continued, both sides had the idea of making friends, and Yu Haoxuan matched in the middle, and soon became acquainted with each other.

After drinking for a while, Wang Shichong suddenly asked:

"By the way, Dazhe, I heard that you started a private equity fund?"

"That's true." Zhang Zhe nodded in reply.

The circle is so large, and several of the people who come to invest in their own funds have previously invested in President Wang's Pus.

Because it is not the investment settlement period, the money will not be able to be withdrawn for a while, and even some people directly transfer the original price to others, and they don't even want dividends during this period.

Several people withdrew their investment together, and it was impossible for Principal Wang not to know about this.

However, where to invest is the investor's freedom, all rely on personal ability to compete, even if someone withdraws capital from his side to find himself, Principal Wang has nothing to say.

"I heard that your fund also has a scale of more than two hundred million, and it has just been established, so you haven't decided on an investment project, right?"

Principal Wang asked:

"Panda TV is preparing to start a Series B financing recently, are you interested in investing in some of them?"

Invest in Panda TV?

Zhang Zhe suddenly had a very strange feeling.

He just poached tens of millions of dollars from Principal Wang a few days ago, and now he wants to invest in Panda TV and dig back the money in the fund.

What is this?

Digging until the end of the digging?

Zhang Zhe thought for a while and wondered:

"Principal, you have ready-made Pusi capital, don't invest yourself?"

In Zhang Zhe's view, with the current popularity of Panda TV, there is no need to divide the benefits to others.

President Wang's Pusi Capital has billions of funds, and it is no problem to take out some of them to help Panda TV complete the B round of financing.

In this way, the left hand turns to the right hand, not only solves the problem of funds, but also keeps most of the benefits in their own hands.

At this time, he began to give up his interests to let others enter, and Zhang Zhe was a little unable to understand.

"Dazhe, you don't know the situation inside, if I can invest myself, I don't have to run around and pull investment!"

Hearing Zhang Zhe's doubts, Wang Shichong sighed helplessly and explained:

"I get angry when I think about it! I was punished twice in a row last year..."

As many people know, Panda TV raised a round of financing last year, and Lexi exclusively invested 650 million yuan.

After this financing, the valuation of Panda TV reached 2.4 billion in just one year, and it was in the limelight for a while!

But in fact, the money for this investment has never been in place, but Pusi invested in Happy Sports and lost 100 million!

And the live broadcast platform is very expensive, the daily bandwidth cost is not a small amount, last year in order to dig anchors did not spend less money.

Even if the money invested by Happy has not arrived, because the contract relationship cannot immediately open new financing.

In more than half a year, President Wang tried his best to borrow about 500 million yuan from the private equity fund.

Although his Pusi Capital has billions of dollars, most of them are the value of shares, which will really not make any money.

Now seeing that the money is almost spent, it is necessary to open the B round of financing as soon as possible, and President Wang has been trying his best to attract investment recently.

Now seeing Zhang Zhe, he immediately started his mind.

Although Zhang Zhe's money here is not much, it also has more than two hundred million.

If you can follow the investment, the funding gap will become much smaller, and it will be easier to pull investment later...

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