After hearing these words, Qin Yi immediately understood why Qin Huizhu came to him at this time.


"Qin Yi, why don't you say anything? I really know I'm wrong, answer me!"

"It's my fault all these years. I shouldn't ignore your feelings and deliberately alienate you. I beg you, please forgive me?"

Qin Huizhu looked at Qin Yi's still indifferent attitude, and her heart felt uncomfortable as if it was pinched by an invisible big hand.

"You're wrong."

Qin Yi showed an impatient expression, "The person playing the piano is Xiaofeng, and it has nothing to do with me. And haven't you always believed this for the past six months?"

"No, it's not Xiaofeng, it's you who played it. Xiaofeng admitted last night that he took your credit. I know that you have been helping me for the past six months!"

Qin Huizhu's emotions were getting out of control: "Qin Yi, I beg you not to say angry words anymore! Tell me, why didn't you tell the truth for the past six months? Is there something hidden? Love, all of them told my sister, my sister helps you at home! " I can understand that you have been resentment in Xiaofeng. Is it good for us to solve it? " Repeated. Although Xiaofeng was wrong, he was still her beloved brother for more than ten years. How could she bear to drive him out of the house?

But if she didn't do this, she couldn't get her brother's forgiveness.

Why did God put her in such a dilemma?

"You keep saying that you want me to forgive you and make decisions for me in the Qin family, but you are unwilling to let the person who did something wrong pay the price. If this is not hypocrisy, what is it?" Qin Yi questioned.

"I... I..." Qin Huizhu hesitated for a long time, "Sister just thinks that such a punishment is too cruel for Xiaofeng. He just made a small mistake."

"Small mistake? Okay, what about me?" Qin Yi sneered, "When you ignored me, isolated me, beat and scolded me, and put all kinds of false charges on me over the years, did you ever think about whether it was too cruel to me?"

"What false charges did you say?"

Qin Huizhu was questioned and her face turned pale, and she clearly felt the hatred in Qin Yi's words.

Faintly, she felt that she was gradually approaching some cruel truth.

"Qin Huizhu, ah Qin Huizhu, you really shouldn't be called Huizhu, you should change your name to stupid pig." Qin Yi showed contempt.

"Xiaoyi, if you have any grievances, just say it directly, don't scold your sister like this... really... please, your sister feels so uncomfortable."

Qin Huizhu pursed her lips tightly, her eyes were red as if tears would fall at any time, and the hands holding Qin Yi's shoulders gradually became weak.

"What does your discomfort have to do with me? Stay away from me!"

Qin Yi finally found a chance to break free, and then ran quickly towards the school gate.


Qin Huizhu reacted and chased after her anxiously.

But before she took two steps, several teachers blocked her and stopped her.

"Why are you here again?"

The middle-aged male teacher with a little sparse hair saw Qin Huizhu's appearance clearly, and his brows were almost wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

"Parent, I have made it very clear to you yesterday, right? If there are any conflicts between students, communicate with us teachers first."

"Look, you are blocking students at the school gate early in the morning, what kind of words are you talking about?"

"And didn't you say you recognized the wrong student yesterday?"

"Why did you catch him again today?"

"What do you want to do?"

The middle-aged male teacher was alert, and he now suspected that Qin Huizhu had bad intentions.

"He is my brother!" Qin Huizhu said anxiously.


The middle-aged male teacher scolded impatiently: "Yesterday you said he and you

There is a little contradiction between the brother of Qin Yi and the brother of Qin Yi. Now you say he is your brother. Do you really think that we teachers are easy to fool? "

"He is really my brother! He is the child of our Qin family! His name is Qin Yi."

Qin Huizhu no longer cares about keeping Qin Yi's identity secret. She is now eager to catch up with Qin Yi and talk to him to find out some things.

But the teachers present did not give her this opportunity at all.

"Let me pass!"

Qin Huizhu is like a crazy woman at this moment.

"Call the police! "

Several teachers saw the woman in front of them in such a state and took out their mobile phones anxiously.

They didn't know what the "Qin family" in the woman's mouth was, but they knew that as teachers, they had to be responsible for the students in the school.

Qin Huizhu calmed down a little after hearing the words "call the police".


Can't call the police!

Qin Huizhu saw that several teachers had put their phones to their ears, and it seemed that they had already dialed the phone, so she turned around and left.

She didn't dare to make a big fuss.

If her family knew about it, she would be scolded by her parents.

Let's talk about Xiaofeng, she would definitely be affected by it!

The college entrance examination is less than two months away, and I can't become a sinner!

"Should we stop her?"

Several teachers saw Qin Huizhu running away, looked at each other, and then their eyes converged on the middle-aged male teacher with sparse hair.

"Forget it. ”

The middle-aged male teacher waved his hand, "That parent seems mentally unstable, don't provoke her, it would be bad if she suddenly took out a sharp weapon and hurt someone."

"But what if she comes again?" another teacher asked.

"I'll contact the Public Security Bureau later." He paused and continued: "Then let the security department pay attention in the next two days. If you see that parent again, call the police directly to prevent students from getting hurt."

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