It’s just that Feng Qiang knows that it’s useless to say anything now. The sturgeon used by Mi Caixuan is really provided by Li Zhe’s family. Every year, Mi Caixuan’s fish carts go to Li Zhe’s pond to transport fish. This is also very easy. What can be investigated is that Feng Qiang can't figure out why this Li Zhe can raise the sturgeon so large within a month, is it because he took hormones?

By the way, it must have taken hormones, otherwise it is impossible to explain why Li Zhe can raise the sturgeon so large within a month. He must have found a hormone from where he has been able to raise the sturgeon. And Mi Caixuan’s sturgeon is so delicious. It’s a hormone problem. Otherwise, why are the vegetables on the street fried with cooking oil better than those fried with ordinary oil?

There are also the ingredients that the black heart workshop adds to the food, which one is not harmful to human health, but it tastes good?

After thinking about it, Feng Qiang felt that there was only one explanation!

Thinking of this, Feng Qiang immediately raised his head and said to the angry Wei Wuliu:

"Boss, I know that Li Zhe must have fed the fish hormones, otherwise the sturgeon might grow so fast!"

Feng Qiangyi said that Wei Wuliu was also moved. In fact, he also knew that Feng Qiang was aggrieved. After all, during the investigation, the result of the investigation was indeed that Li Zhe had only raised sturgeons for a month, but he was full of anger. You need a place to vent to find him out.

Although Feng Qiang said something outrageous, it is not impossible, and otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Li Zhe can raise the sturgeon to more than one meter in one month!

The more Wei Wuliu thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. At this time, Feng Qiang continued fiercely:

"Boss, whether or not Li Zhe has been fed hormones, let's report it directly to him. Anyway, anonymously, what are we afraid of?"

After a pause, Feng Qiang continued to tell his strategy:

"We can also spread the news that Li Zhe raised the sturgeon in a month, saying that he fed the fish hormones, so I don't believe that others don't doubt it?"

Wei Wuliu felt that this was very feasible as soon as he patted his thigh. After all, Li Zhe had too much doubt about raising the sturgeon in one month!

This matter was immediately handed over to Feng Qiang for implementation!

That night, the Jiangcheng Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Quality Supervision Bureau received an anonymous call to report that the ingredients used in Jiangcheng’s star restaurant Mi Caixuan were hormones and harmful to the human body.

Both Jiangcheng Administration for Industry and Commerce and Quality Supervision Bureau attach great importance to this report call. After all, Mi Caixuan's current reputation is too high. Both Jiangcheng TV and Jiangshen TV have reported on it. If Mi Caixuan has such a scandal, It was a serious blow to the image of the entire Jiangcheng, and they could not help but take it seriously!

In the morning of the next day, law enforcement officers from Jiangcheng Administration for Industry and Commerce and Quality Supervision Bureau formed a joint law enforcement brigade. In front of many diners who were eating, they went directly into the back kitchen of Mi Caixuan and heard the sound of the rice. Yun hurriedly asked the leading law enforcement officers what's the situation?

"Hello, you are Mi Caixuan's manager, Mi Yun. Our Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Quality Supervision Bureau have received an anonymous report saying that the ingredients in Mi Caixuan are fed with hormones. We must bring samples back for testing!"

After Xiang Miyun showed her law enforcement permit, she took away all the ingredients from Mi Caixuan's back kitchen, which made people panic!

Mi Yun was immediately deceived and was reported anonymously, but her ingredients were exclusively provided by Li Zhe. He could not use hormones because she knew that Li Zhe would not harm herself!

And Jiangcheng also gradually began to circulate a news that Mi Caixuan’s purchase channel was a man named Li Zhe in the countryside of Jiangcheng. Mi Caixuan’s oranges, vegetables and sturgeon all had this young man in his twenties. Provided, this Li Zhe's age is very suspicious, after all, a young man in his early twenties can provide such high-quality ingredients, which is incredible!

The most breaking news is that all the sturgeons in Mi Caixuan were imported from Li Zhe. They were all over one meter long and weighed more than 100 catties. Li Zhe bought the sturgeon fry from the Jiangcheng Aquatic Products Wholesale Market and only raised them. It took more than a month. According to sources familiar with the matter, he used a new hormone feed to make the sturgeon grow so fast! And this is why Mi Caixuan's sturgeon is so delicious!

And if there is a problem with this sturgeon, it is not difficult to imagine whether vegetables, fruits, and oranges are also...

As soon as the news came out, there was a lot of discussion throughout Jiangcheng. After all, these days since Mi Caixuan was rated as a two-Michelin star restaurant and highlighted the sturgeon series, the popularity of Mi Caixuan is obvious to all, and many people go to Mi Cai in person. Xuan tasted the sturgeon series, and the previous stir-fried seasonal vegetables were the same!

If it's all based on hormones, wouldn't the body also have problems if you eat it yourself?

For a time, Mi Caixuan was on the cusp of the whole Jiangcheng.

The heat of the originally popular Mi Caixuan dropped a lot in an instant. After all, before things were clear, they were afraid to eat the ingredients that were suspected of containing hormones!

Standing in front of his huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Wei Wuliu looked at the sparsely crowded Mi Caixuan opposite, and couldn't help showing a sullen smile. As the only hotel in Jiangcheng that could compete with Mi Caixuan on a scale, Liuhe Hotel had already Driven to a dead end by Mi Caixuan, but now that Mi Caixuan is out of this situation, diners can only retreat to choose Liuhe Hotel!

The passenger flow of his own Liuhe Hotel in the past few days is more than that of the past month, and it has improved slightly. Looking at the soaring data on the financial report, Wei Wuliu couldn't help showing a satisfied look on his face!

The strategy this time is really good. Now what Wei Wuliu hopes most is that Li Zhe really uses hormones, that Mi Caixuan can't turn around completely, even if he wants to restore the original passenger flow, don't even think about it! And his own Liuhe Hotel will dominate this Jiangcheng!


"Fuck, the ingredients in Mi Caixuan are grown and fed with hormones. Who would dare to eat them!"

"I won't go anyway, no wonder his food is so delicious, because it turns out to be hormones!"

"Black-hearted merchants, in order to make money, don't have a conscience. Tomorrow Jiangcheng Hospital will have a physical examination and team up for a team!"

"Take me, fucking, I have eaten a lot of their Mi Caixuan dishes these days!"


These are some of the current online comments on the Mi Caixuan incident. The public opinion has overwhelmingly chosen to believe in the widely spread rumors. Among them, the promotion of Wei Wuliu and Feng Qiang must be indispensable!

And Li Zhe in the countryside also knew about this, and it was funny. Li Zhe has been focusing on practicing his body training these days. It can be said that he hasn't heard anything outside the window. The news is his own. My parents and myself!

Both the old couple are in a state of anxiety. Now it is said that their vegetables are all grown with hormones, and the fish are also fed with hormones. They are very impressive, with noses and eyes! Even Jiangcheng's news papers are reporting this!

The key point is that Li Weiguo and his wife are a little guilty of conscience, and they may not pay attention. After all, their vegetables may not be known, but they know the fish in their own fish pond. They really only kept it for more than a month!

When Li Zhe bought the fry, the Li Weiguo and his wife knew that they had grown into a one-meter-long fish in just over a month. Even the Li Weiguo and his wife suspected that Li Zhe was actually fed with hormones!

"Son, you can tell us the truth, whether our vegetables and fish really use hormones, we have always been troubled!"

Li Zhe looked at the old couple looking at his anxious expressions, but also helpless, so he could only comfort him and said:

"Parents, don’t worry, there is absolutely no hormonal or messy things in our house, and it is healthier than ordinary vegetables and fish. If people eat it, don’t say they are sick, the body will get better. Yeah!"

When Li Zhe heard the news for the first time, his first reaction was that someone was engaging in Mi Caixuan, or would he add himself?

Just kidding, I really put "hormones" in my own things, but the so-called hormones are just aura!

Don't say that people are sick from eating, you eat my food, and you can't treat those messy diseases in your body!

However, this kind of trick, Li Zhe, would naturally not care. The simple trick to report anonymously plus malicious dissemination of messages are all simple tricks. Li Zhe did not treat this crisis as a crisis at all, but Li Zhe Zhe thinks this is a good opportunity to start the name of his own agricultural products!

But Li Zhe is not in a hurry, Mi Yun can be anxious, the passenger flow of Mi Caixuan has been declining these days, and the employees of Mi Caixuan are panicking, and the heat of this incident has reached an unprecedented height!

It even alarmed the Michelin official. Immediately, the Michelin official announced that it would send an investigation team to Mi Caixuan to extract food samples and hand them over to a professional third-party testing agency for testing, giving food lovers who follow the Michelin Guide an explanation!

For a time, Mi Caixuan's hormone gate has expanded from the small area of ​​Jiangcheng to the national food circle, and the whole food circle is talking about it, guessing whether Mi Caixuan is alive or dead this time!

For this kind of situation, the most happy to see it happen are Wei Wuliu and Feng Qiang of Liuhe Hotel!

Mi Yun receives dozens of inquiries every day, asking if Mi Caixuan's ingredients are provided by Li Zhe, and does Li Zhe really use hormones?

Mi Yun is struggling to deal with it every day, and Li Zhe, a dead person, is indifferent. She doesn't mean to be anxious at all. These days, she is alone and struggling to support her!

The more I thought about it, the more angry I got, so I picked up the phone and dialed Li Zhe's phone directly!

Li Zhe looked at the name displayed on the screen of the phone and couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Xingshi was asking the crime!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literature updates in my pens are the fastest.

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