The genetic mutation probability of animals and plants is very small, they are all met but not desired, and his own plant was discovered entirely by luck.

In this way, I still searched for such a plant after traveling all kinds of steep and inaccessible places.

Moreover, two days ago, Li Qingyu also showed a few strong interest in his genetically mutated plant, and it didn’t look like he had a mutated plant in his hand!

Could it be found in these two days?

It is even more impossible.

James thought for a while, then felt ridiculous, and said with a smile:

"Oh? Really? So can I appreciate your genetically mutated dicotyledonous plant? I am really interested."

The indescribable joking in James' tone was obviously that Li Qingyu was lying.

But Li Qingyu didn't plan to talk to him, so he refused:

"Sorry, Professor James, you will be able to see it when the academic exchange meeting starts. I don't think I have the obligation to give you a visit."

Seeing Li Qingyu's evasiveness, James immediately believed that Li Qingyu was just lying, and said with a smile:

"Oh, Ms. Qingyu, why are you doing this? Academics are about truth-seeking and pragmatism, and you can't be too fancy. Why should you lie for the sake of grudge?

Isn't it true that your Chinese academic circles are in this way?

No wonder there have been no major breakthroughs in recent years..."

At this point, Li Qingyu's face instantly became ugly.

James' words are already a map attack, which is equivalent to ridiculing the entire Chinese academic community.

Chen Nuonuo's cheeks bulged up even more, angrily, let alone cute.

Li Zhe on the side also heard James's blatant words, and deliberately pretended not to understand English, and asked the two angry beauties:

"Whisper Nono, why are you so angry? What did this idiot say?"

The angry expressions on Li Qingyu and Chen Nuonuo's faces instantly turned into uncontrollable smiles.

They all know that Li Zhe graduated from the Department of Financial Management of Jiangsheng University, which is also one of the best universities in the province. How could Li Zhe not understand what James said in plain English? It was obviously intentional!

When James heard Li Zhe's words, his face suddenly changed.

Obviously he can understand Chinese and Chinese!

In fact, in this era when China has gradually risen, the market is everything. Even the white elites have to follow the trend and start learning Chinese and Chinese.

Only in this way can they develop better, even if they don't want to.

Hearing Li Zhe calling himself a white pig, James couldn't help it immediately: "Yellow monkey, what did you say?"

This sentence is still spoken in Chinese and English!

Li Zhe's face suddenly showed a cold and stern look.

It seems that some people's sense of racial superiority is really strong. It is necessary to educate them!

"So you can speak Chinese, Wen, then what big tail wolf are you and me pretending to be here?"

"Who are you, if you use this kind of insulting vocabulary again, I will be rude to you!"

"Okay, let's try who has the big fist!"

With that said, Li Zhe handed the potted plant covered with black cloth to Chen Nuonuo's hand, raised his fist, and made an eager look.

Then James saw that Li Zhe was tall, and his words and deeds were completely barbaric.

If you really fight, you don't necessarily take advantage, especially at this academic exchange meeting!

He didn't take Li Zhe's words at all:

"Hey, I warn you to be polite, Miss Qingyu, is this the way you Chinese people treat guests? How did this kind of people get into our serious academic exchange meeting? Are you acting this time? Shouldn’t the organizer give me an explanation?"

"Excuse me, Professor James, he is also a member of our research team, so he is fully qualified to enter the academic lecture hall to participate in the academic exchange meeting. As for explaining the problem, I just want to tell you, the old saying of China, people Don’t offend me, I won’t offend anyone!

Li Qingyu directly turned his eyes and talked, and blocked James' offensive.

Anyway, she is the person in charge of the research team. Is Li Zhe a member of the research team, or she has the final say?

Moreover, what Li Qingyu said is very clear. It was you James who made the ridicule first, and now you suddenly start to talk about civilization and reason?

James also knew that he was wrong, and he was a talented person who met a soldier. It was unreasonable. He was speechless for a while when he encountered Li Zhe, a ‘crude barbarian’ who played his cards in an unreasonable manner.

He was speechless for a long time before he left angrily and put down a cruel sentence:

"Stupid and ignorant inferior nation, just wait and see!"

After speaking, he took the kind of students behind him and left angrily.

"Have you seen it, this simple and rude method is used for this kind of beast in clothing! What kind of reason is to be told to him, and he looks respectable..."

Li Zhe curled his lips, his face was full of disdain.

After hearing Li Zhe's words, Li Qingyu cast an angry glance.

But she was very relieved in her heart. This James hinted over and over again that she wanted to study the mutant plant of the broadleaf class, and she had to commit herself to him. She was so bored!

It's just that everyone in the academic world is a face and face, it's not easy to get rid of the skin, but now that Li Zhe does this, it saves himself trouble, and he has to lie to him every day.

"Let's go, let's go over, the academic exchange meeting will begin soon."

Li Zhe nodded, picked up the eight-leaf clover potted plant again, followed the slim figures of Li Qingyu and Chen Nuonuo, and walked towards the center of the venue.

At this time, many academics in suits, leather shoes and evening dresses have gathered in the center of the venue.

They are all research teams from various top universities in the world on plant subjects. The purpose of this academic exchange meeting is to share information resources in order to seek greater breakthroughs.

In the middle of the venue, there is already a small group surrounding a place, as if discussing something.

In the middle of the crowd, it was James, who was speechless by Li Zhe, and his team!

On the next table, there was also a plant, which was enclosed by glass.

Depending on the situation, this plant is obviously the focus of the audience.

"James, your luck is really good this time. You found such a genetically mutated broad-leaved plant. Why didn't I have such good luck!"

"Hey James, don't forget to send me a copy of the experimental data at that time. If you have good things, you can't hide them!"

"God, I'm worried about not having a good experimental parent, James and our friendship..."

And that James was also dealing with it from all directions, and now he held such an excellent experimental female parent in his hand, it was delicious and very proud.

And he quickly noticed Li Qingyu and his party who came by, and immediately the anger in his heart surged.

As soon as his mind turned, he coughed, and said with a joke on his face:

"Hey hey, isn't that our Miss Qingyu? I heard that Miss Qingyu has found a more suitable experimental parent. If you want to go further in the subject research, you might as well go with Qingyu. The young lady discussed and asked her to take out the genetically mutated plant to open our eyes, how?"


All of a sudden there was a riot in the field!

After all, this genetically mutated plant is too difficult to find. Whoever can find it means there is a chance to go further on this subject.

And as long as there is a breakthrough, it is fame and fame in the field of botany...

Therefore, everyone immediately looked at Li Qingyu with fiery eyes.

Li Qingyu heard what James said, and his face suddenly became gloomy again.

This is obviously to put yourself on the fire!

Originally like this kind of academic research, even if Li Qingyu shared his experimental maternal data with others, it was nothing. After all, the purpose of this academic exchange meeting was to share information sharing resources.

At that time, others have come up with the results. As a provider of maternal data, Li Qingyu will have no small credit, but, even if you don’t share it, you can’t say anything...

Originally, Li Qingyu didn't mind people sharing resources.

However, Li Qingyu was extremely disgusted with others pushing her into this situation!

Some moral kidnapping means!

And this James obviously is revenge on himself.

Over there, James looked at Li Qingyu with a joking expression, and when he found that some people around him were showing disbelief, he was even more proud and spoke again:

"Don't doubt it, Miss Qingyu said this to me personally just now! I don't think Miss Qingyu will use this news to lie to me!"

This time, the scholars no longer hesitate, one after another came up:

"Oh, beautiful Miss Qingyu, I don't know if I will be lucky to have a look at your genetically mutated plant?"

"Miss Qingyu, I shared the experimental data with you last time, you won't forget it!"

"What? Miss Qingyu just made a joke with me? I forgot, you Chinese have always liked to make such jokes!"

Seeing Li Qingyu staring at him with an ugly expression, James immediately sneered and added fuel to the fire.

What he wants is this effect!

Later, if Li Qingyu can't produce the so-called genetically mutated dicotyledon plant, then the Chinese "like to make jokes" will be sure to take it seriously!

It can be said that the intention is very sinister!

"Foreign devils have something to say, you can play it!"

Li Zhe jokingly said to Li Qingyu and Chen Nuonuo on the side.

It's just that the two beauties are a little cold.

"Professor James, I hope you know that we Chinese people have always been honest and upright, and don't like some small actions behind them like some people do! Also, I hope you will concentrate on academic research in the future, and invite fewer people to yearn for science. 'S little girl went with red wine..."

As soon as Li Qingyu finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the room.

James likes to deceive little girls to "drink red wine" is notorious in academia, but everyone is tacitly tacitly aware, not telling it through!

After all, they are all people with faces and faces.

But now that Li Qingyu said it directly in the public in this way, everyone suddenly had a mentality of watching the show.

In the middle of the crowd, James looked very embarrassed. This kind of thing was said to his face, making himself a joke. Hearing the laughter of the crowd, James only felt hot on his face.

There was already a hint of irritation in his tone:

"Miss Qingyu, thank you for your suggestion, but I think you should first show you the plant that you are talking about. Will you not be able to get it out? Humph!"

James now believes that Li Qingyu is really guilty of himself, and he can't get the genetically mutated plant.

Sure enough, as soon as James said what he said, everyone's attention in the field returned to Li Qingyu!

Everyone's eyes were on Li Qingyu, while James sneered and thought in his heart:

"I want to see what plant you can bring out!"

"It seems that you really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

At this time, it was Li Zhe who spoke out against James.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literary update speed is the fastest.

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