Listening to this monster's words, Li Zhe's expression also sank instantly. If it was exactly what the other party had said, then he had no hope of leaving with the original world butterfly.

Thinking of this, Li Zhe's expression suddenly stagnated, because he suddenly remembered that there was still a Primordial Butterfly in this demon world.

The power of this original world butterfly came by risking his own death!

That was the group of monsters from the Tianxun Mountain Range in the Northern Territory. Judging from the original situation, they should have successfully reached the demon world.

Moreover, given that they have so many big monsters of the Purple Mansion realm, they will definitely be able to have a place in this demon realm.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath and continued to face the wolf demon: "That's it. Do you know that a powerful group of monsters suddenly appeared recently?"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the wolf demon took a weak breath, and then said in a slow voice, "I've heard of it vaguely, right there..."

Just as the wolf demon was speaking, Li Zhe suddenly condensed his face and suddenly looked up.

I saw a flame above my head flying straight down, slamming straight towards my own location!

The flame fell extremely fast, and from Li Zhe's perception, if the power of the flame was blocked, he would probably be seriously injured!

In an instant, Li Zhe's thoughts moved, and a wave of spatial fluctuations instantly wrapped his body, leading him to disappear in place.

This happened so suddenly that even if Li Zhe wanted to save the wolf demon, it was too late.

It was also the moment when Li Zhe's figure disappeared, and that moment of fire fell on his position just now.

Immediately afterwards, the flames erupted instantly, forming a pillar of fire with a diameter of tens of meters and rising up, directly engulfing the body of the wolf demon in it!

Then, a few miles away from here, the air suddenly twisted, and then Li Zhe's body walked out of it.

He looked at the faintly visible pillar of fire in the distance, and his expression also sank.

Without thinking about it, Li Zhe knew that the group of vulture monsters must have found it!

Li Zhe really didn't know the methods of this monster beast, he didn't even know how he was tracked down, he didn't even feel it at all.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, several fire lights lit up all over Li Zhe.

The fire light did not attack Li Zhe, the moment it appeared, the fire slowly weakened.

Immediately afterwards, from the flames, six figures emerged, surrounding Li Zhe to Tuantuan.

Among the six figures, five are the cultivation bases of the Yuanying realm, and the other is the cultivation base of the Zifu realm!

The moment they appeared, with Li Zhe as the center, within a radius of one thousand meters, a fiery red light appeared.

Immediately after that, the light turned into a monstrous fire, which directly surrounded the surrounding area!

"It's you, killed two members of my fire eagle clan."

The big demon in the Purple Mansion realm looked at Li Zhe and said coldly.

The corners of Li Zhe's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect it to be the current situation. Otherwise, Li Zhe would not be able to kill him.

Even if it is a real killer, he will inevitably deal with the traces clearly, instead of being tracked as they are now.

At this moment, under the huge flame cover, the temperature continued to rise. In just this instant, the temperature had already risen to Baidu, which made Li Zhe have to use spiritual protection.

And, not only that, the power of space in this internal space is also blocked, and for a while, it is difficult for Li Zhe to escape.

"Senior, you are reasonable, but your two clansmen attacked me actively and wanted to feed on me. I can't help but resist, right?"

Li Zhe's face was bitter, and it was also this time that he said to the big demon of the Purple Mansion.

However, Li Zhe did not let go of his defense at all.

It was between these words that the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword had once again appeared in Li Zhe's hands.

At the same time, the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body also began to surge wildly at this moment.

"Humph! In any case, it is a fact that you killed my people, take the initiative, wait with me in the Hui people and accept the trial!"

The Big Demon of the Purple Mansion snorted coldly, then said loudly.

In these words, there is no point to be reasonable, which directly caused Li Zhe to give up any more negotiations with the other party.

In an instant, Li Zhe's thoughts moved, and the sword light realm unfolded instantly. At the same time, the six true dragon phantoms engulfed the sky full of sword aura, just thinking of the six people and flew away!

Seeing that Li Zhe actually dared to resist, everyone's eyes showed a touch of coldness.

However, Li Zhe's purpose is not to fight against each other. This is five people in the same realm and one big monster in the Purple Mansion.

If it were not for the desperate situation, Li Zhe would not be able to take a huge risk to fight the opponent!

He expanded the domain to forcefully break through the constraints of that space!

Now Li Zhe's power of space has been greatly improved, although in his own domain, the power of space is still in a blocked state.

But this state is much weaker than before.

At this moment, Li Zhe's heart moved, and the space in front of him trembled suddenly!

Seeing the tremor of the space, Li Zhe's mouth was also slightly tilted, he knew that he was going to succeed!

However, the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion was also aware of the sudden fluctuations from Li Zhe. He looked cold and waved his hand. A flame appeared instantly, directly rushing towards the attack released by Li Zhe.

At the same time, his figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Zhe.

However, Li Zhe had already expected the other party to come over at this time.

Almost the moment the other party rushed over, Li Zhe's magic-devouring spirit sword suddenly waved, and a sword energy with killing dao energy and immortal power instantly slashed towards the opponent!

At the same time, Li Zhe also raised his left hand and pointed at the opponent, the power of forbidden spirits!

Seeing the sudden attack of the sword aura, the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion was not surprised at all. A fire light was generated in front of him in an instant, just to block the sword aura.

However, it was also the moment when the fire light was generated, his pupils suddenly shrank, and there was no way to mobilize the spiritual power in his body at this moment!

Its entire body was lost due to spiritual power, and it suddenly swelled, revealing its body!

This is a huge vulture with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters.


In an instant, Li Zhe's sword light also passed the flame without spiritual support, and fell on the body of this vulture.

In an instant, huge spiritual power burst out from the collision in an instant.

The five monsters of the Nascent Soul Realm who were still struggling to resist Li Zhe's attack, their figures flew upside down in an instant, and there was no resistance at all.

And the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion had no spiritual power, and now he was only able to block this blow with his powerful body!

Li Zhe knew in his heart that this Purple Mansion Great Demon was a monster race, even without spiritual power, the body's strength would definitely not be weaker than the Purple Mansion realm power cultivation.

He still couldn't resist, so his progress in breaking this space blockade never stopped.

At this time, under the impact of that huge spiritual power, the entire space finally showed a hint of looseness.

With a wave of Li Zhe's wrist, a force of space instantly engulfed his body, and in an instant, his body disappeared in place!

It was also a dozen breaths after Li Zhe left, and that sword aura slowly dissipated.

I saw the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion block in front of him with his huge wings.

Now, on the wings, there is a scar that can be seen deeply!

That blow was just a moment ago, but it was almost Li Zhe's strongest blow. He didn't need the slightest amount of spiritual power to greet him with his physical body, and it was already very good to receive only this little damage.

Immediately, the figure of the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion fell directly downward.

Without spiritual power, his wings were also injured, and he could no longer stay in the air.


In an instant, the other five people also yelled loudly, and all flew over.

The attack that Li Zhe had just released was scattered, but the five of them all received some injuries, but they were not as serious as the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion.

Soon, under the combined efforts of these five monsters, this was the only way to reluctantly catch the body of the patriarch and let it fall on the ground steadily.

"Patriarch, what about you..."

A monster in the late Nascent Soul Realm had now recovered its human form, and he hesitated for a while before he said solemnly.

The patriarch's complexion was slightly dark, but he could feel that his strength had not disappeared, but had been sealed, and the seal was slowly weakening, and it would not be long before he would be able to recover.

Therefore, he did not panic at all now, but said indifferently: "It seems that we underestimated the enemy..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

They really underestimated Li Zhe's strength because of the presence of the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion, and they ended up like this.

Otherwise, as soon as they came out, everyone would not say a word of nonsense, and if they attacked directly, Li Zhe was extraordinary in strength, and there was absolutely no time to break through this space blockade and escape.

"What shall we do next?"

A monster asked slowly at this time.

There was a fierce look in the patriarch's eyes, and he murmured: "The other party killed our people and even teased me like this. How can we let him go!"

"When I recover, I will take you to continue the pursuit. Next, don't underestimate the enemy!"

At the moment, the patriarch said loudly to everyone.


In an instant, everyone answered loudly, waiting for the head of the family to recover.

At the same time, Li Zhe's figure suddenly appeared dozens of miles away.

At the moment he appeared, he flew straight towards the Juyun City without any hesitation.

He remembered what Wu Huiyu said at the beginning that this Juyun City was guarded by the Great Demon of the Purple Mansion Realm, and the city should be absolutely safe! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2308 Breaking and Escape), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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