After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2299: Not the spiritual world

The sky was blue, and there were a few white clouds floating in the air. Combined with the faintly blowing wind, it was quite good.

But now Li Zhe obviously can't enjoy this beautiful scenery.

He is now lying on a piece of grass, his breath is extremely weak.

After coming out of the void, he has been in this coma, and he hasn't awakened until now.

Looking down from the sky, you can see Li Zhe standing on a clearing in the middle of a forest.

And this vacant lot is located in a continuous mountain range, and the height is not bad.

Fortunately, before he fell into a coma, with the help of Kunpeng's devouring power, Li Zhe had already accumulated a lot of spiritual power. At this time, he recovered quickly.

Suddenly, Yuankong suddenly heard a sharp chirping sound.

Along with this sound, the forest where there were all sorts of whispering sounds suddenly fell silent.

It seemed that the animals in the forest were all the masters who were afraid of that sound.

That is, shortly after the scream, a fiery red figure appeared in the sky.

The figure moved extremely fast, and soon approached the side where Li Zhe was.

As it approached, one could see that this was a monster that looked like a vulture, except that the feathers on its body were all bright red.

Moreover, through the waving of its wings, it can be detected that the cultivation base of this monster beast is around the late stage of the Golden Core Realm!

No wonder the animals in this forest hide after hearing this sound, presumably this guy is out looking for food!

Soon, as he moved forward, he also noticed Li Zhe who fell on the ground.

At the moment when he saw Li Zhe, a touch of surprise appeared in the eyes of this vulture, and then there was a wave of greed!

As a monster beast in the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, it has already given birth to spiritual wisdom.

He could clearly perceive that Li Zhe's cultivation level was not low, even far higher than himself.

However, now, Li Zhe is extremely weak, and it seems that he has no resistance in general!

If one can swallow it, then one's realm may get a surge of leaps and bounds!

Thinking like this, the figure of this monster beast instantly fell from a height of a thousand meters, and fell into a height of about 100 meters.

However, it did not rush down to peck at Li Zhe's body, but hovered in place, as if observing Li Zhe.

Moreover, this monster beast is also extremely shrewd. At this moment in this circle, he is also constantly releasing his own aura.

The purpose is to test whether Li Zhe is in a coma.

If Li Zhe was not unconscious, with his cultivation level, he could wake up and scare himself away.

However, after the demon beast hovered over Li Zhe's head for a quarter of an hour, Li Zhe still remained in a coma, and his whole body was motionless.

At this moment, in the eyes of this monster beast, there was a fierce expression in an instant.

The prey was placed in front of him, he hovered so cautiously for a long time, and he had exhausted his patience. Now what he wanted to do was to kill Li Zhe and then devour his body little by little!

In an instant, the spiritual light on the body of this monster beast flashed, and its entire body directly pulled out an afterimage, and dived towards Li Zhe at an extremely fast speed!


However, at the moment its claws grabbed Li Zhe's body with this speed, the whole body of this monster beast stiffened instantly, and his feet were also caught on a hard object.

At this moment, Li Zhe had already turned over, holding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand, blocking the claws of this monster beast!

There was an anger in his tired eyes.

Originally, Li Zhe had been tortured by the Mengtianhuang for two months, and his heart was full of killing.

Now that he has finally escaped, the monster beast in this mere Golden Core Realm wants to kill himself, how can this make Li Zhe not angry!

Detecting Li Zhe's awakening moment, this monster beast let out a cry of exclamation, and its wings flew into the sky like crazy at this moment.

It is very clear that even though Li Zhe is so weak, the gap in cultivation level cannot be made up in this way.

Now that Li Zhe has woken up, it naturally wants to give up such a prey as Li Zhe.

However, it was impossible for Li Zhe to let the monster beast leave.

At this moment, he slowly raised a hand, pointed it at the monster, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and two words popped out from his throat: "Strangulation!"

In an instant, the space around the monster beast was instantly distorted, and immediately afterwards, the power of the infinite space surged towards the body of the monster beast.

Only in a moment, the monster beast didn't even have time to make any movement, and the entire body was torn apart under the strangulation of the power of that space!

In the sky, pieces of red feathers belonging to the monster beast slowly fell, and Li Zhe's figure slowly stood up at this time.

He raised his head, with a surge of spiritual power in his hand, he grabbed a spot in the sky.

Soon, with a flash of inspiration, a monster inner pill fell into his hands.

This demon beast inner alchemy naturally belongs to that demon beast.

It just so happened that my puppets were gone. Now that we continue to refine the puppets with the materials, this monster beast can be considered home delivery.

After putting away the monster inner alchemy, Li Zhe let out a tired sigh of relief.

He stretched out his hand and took out the umbrella used to cover his breath from his storage bag.

In an instant, the umbrella came out, shrouded Li Zhe's head, completely covering his body.

After doing all this, Li Zhe was sitting cross-legged on the grass.

He doesn't know where it is, but this question is obviously not that important anymore, at least he has come back.

Immediately, Li Zhe slowly closed his eyes and entered the jade bottle space.

As time passed, his body was slowly recovering at this moment.

This long-lost feeling made Li Zhe at this moment also feel relaxed physically and mentally.

However, at the moment when Li Zhe was just sitting cross-legged, in a valley thousands of miles away, there was a scream of sorrow.

I saw in the valley there was a vulture that was far larger than the vulture just now, and its feathers were like the vulture, but in bright red color.

However, its breath is full of the middle stage of the Nascent Infant Realm!

Obviously, the monster that Li Zhe killed just now was his descendant!

In an instant, accompanied by bursts of screams, the body of this monster beast turned into a fiery red light, and it flew quickly towards the direction of the death of the monster beast.

Naturally, Li Zhe didn't know all of this, he was now in the jade bottle space, absorbing spiritual power constantly.

Now, he finally didn't need to exert any effort to suppress these spiritual powers, and he didn't use them to repair his body.

Li Zhe's entire state was also recovering visible to the naked eye at this time.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour has passed, and Li Zhe's state at this moment has also been restored to its peak!

This was also due to the power of Kunpeng, which swallowed a lot of spiritual power into the body, which allowed Li Zhe to recover so quickly.

However, the fatigue on the body still exists.

That was a sequelae after Kunpenghua was used. It is estimated that it will take a long time to fully recover at least.

At this time, Li Zhe also slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand, put the umbrella into his storage bag, and then his entire figure flew into the air in an instant.

He now needs to determine where he is, so that he can confirm his position and go to Donghuazong for help.

I believe that under these circumstances, Li Zhe should be able to move in to rescue the soldiers from the Donghua Sect.

At that time, with the support of the Donghua Sect real person, not only can his purple spirit jade clothing be taken back again, but it must also be able to let the Mengtianhuang experience the consequences of such treatment of Li Zhe!

However, at this moment, Li Zhe, who had just flew into the sky, was completely stunned.

"The treasure fishing boy... this scene... have you ever seen it?"

Li Zhe was stunned, and then he murmured in a low voice and asked the treasure fishing boy in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Upon hearing this, the treasure fishing boy also made a slightly surprised voice: "This... never heard of such a sight, Master..."

Originally, Li Zhe was planning to fly up, use the sun to identify the position, and then rush to Dongzhou.

Only now, in the sky, there are three suns floating!

This sun is much smaller than the sun in the spiritual realm and Li Zhe’s home world, and its temperature, brightness and size are much smaller.

But these are three suns after all, and they are comparable to the old world of the spiritual world and Li Zhe.

"Could it be... this is not the spiritual world?"

The corners of Li Zhe's mouth twitched slightly, at this moment he couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

At this time, he was completely awake, seeing such a miracle, he also remembered the monster beast just now.

You know, that monster beast is in the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, and it hasn't transformed itself!

Moreover, in the world of cultivation, monks are not so kind to monsters.

The monster beast that can cultivate to this level must have learned how to stay away from the cultivator and practice quietly.

But the swaying look of the monster beast just now is obviously different from the monster beast in the cultivation world!

All of these seem to prove to Li Zhe that the place where he is now is not in the realm of spiritual practice!

That is, when Li Zhe was at a loss, there was a burst of extremely strong pressure from far away. Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over there, only to see a huge vulture with a wingspan of more than ten meters. Fly to yourself! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2299 is not the world of spiritual practice), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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