After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2251: Successfully defeated the enemy

At this moment, on the monk's hands, there was a faint light rising up, attached to the ice crystal, and you could see that many cracks had begun to extend out of the originally transparent ice crystal!

In every crack, there is an extremely heavy chill!

If the cold air touches Li Zhe, it will instantly condense Li Zhe's figure, and immediately afterwards, it will be like this ice crystal, shattering!

Under these circumstances, Li Zhe in the ice crystal obviously no longer has any resistance.

However, at the moment when the monk smiled and was about to put Li Zhe to death, he felt that his body suddenly condensed.

Immediately afterwards, a chill came out from his lower abdomen.

The monk's pupils contracted, and the spell was instantly interrupted, and even the hands that were in contact with the ice crystal froze directly because of the interruption of the spell!

"what happened……"

The monk's expression was stagnant, he slowly lowered his head and looked at his waist.

At this moment, at his waist, that magic-devouring spirit sword had pierced his back from his back!

Li Zhe looked at him quietly, and said with a light smile: "It looks like you are a little bit proud of it."

Accompanied by Li Zhe's words, the monk also looked stagnant, and slowly turned his head and looked to the rear.

At this time, he saw Li Zhezheng looking at him with a smile on his mouth.

"How did you... escape?"

The monk's complexion was slightly stagnant, and he quietly looked at Li Zhe behind him.

At this moment, with the disappearance of the spiritual power in the monk's body, the ice crystals condensed by his spells began to slowly melt at this moment.

When the ice crystal completely melted, the monk saw it, and Li Zhe's figure was still in the ice crystal!

However, at this moment, Li Zhe within the ice crystal suddenly showed aura, and his entire appearance changed instantly, turning into the appearance of Li Zhe's puppet!

After the puppet returned to its original shape, the puppet gradually shrank, and in an instant it turned into the size of a palm, and was taken back into his storage bag by Li Zhe.

"It looks like you obviously missed something."

Li Zhe quietly looked at the monk in front of him and said softly.

While talking, Li Zhe suddenly drew his sword, and drew out the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword inserted into the opponent's waist.

As the magic-devouring spirit sword was withdrawn, the magic-breaking effect of the magic-devouring spirit sword also took effect at this moment. The spiritual power in this monk's body was almost instantaneous, and it was all uncontrollably detached from its wounds. Body.


This monk was also at this moment, because he lost his power, he fell directly on the ice sheet.

Li Zhe looked at each other quietly, without saying a word.

In the monk's eyes, besides despair, there were more puzzles. He didn't expect how Li Zhe escaped.

From the beginning, Li Zhe blocked the fluctuations in this formation, he knew that Li Zhe should have mastered a certain amount of space power.

Therefore, when he cast the spell, he borrowed the power of this formation to lock the surrounding spatial fluctuations!

In this way, even if Li Zhe mastered the spatial technique, he could not escape from it.

Even if Li Zhe broke through that restriction and sent it out forcibly, he would definitely be aware of it, not just like this, he didn't even notice the slightest!

Li Zhe's expression was cold, and his heart was also thankful for his wit.

When he was just trapped in it, Li Zhe was wielding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword while moving towards the method of getting out.

From the beginning, he realized that the spatial fluctuations in this formation were completely sealed, and there was no possibility of escape.

However, under Li Zhe's rapid thinking, his knowledge of the sea slowly revealed the scene when he first entered this formation.

At that time, Li Zhe was blinded by the illusion created by this monk using the formation, and he entered this formation.

It was also at that time that the monk ridiculed Li Zhe's idea of ​​replacing himself with a puppet, which was also born at that time.

Ever since, Li Zhe quietly used the sword light to cover his figure, summoned the puppet, and used spiritual power to change the figure of the puppet.

Then, Li Zhe suddenly cut out with a sword, and his figure was hidden in the sword light, and escaped with the sword light.

From then on, in the formation, only the puppet controlled by the power of Li Zhe's divine consciousness was left.

The puppet could use Li Zhe's own swordsmanship, so this suddenly replaced it. The monk who was not familiar with Li Zhe also didn't notice the slight difference.

After all, from the very beginning, Li Zhe's magic-devouring spirit sword had always maintained a wild dance posture, so the monk did not notice the replacement of the blade.

After Li Zhe left, he has been hiding on the edge of the ice field, waiting for the monk to appear.

Ever since, it is the scene in front of me.

At this moment, after waiting for a while, after guessing that the spiritual power in the monk's body had almost disappeared, Li Zhe gently raised his hand and applied a spiritual power on his wound.

As the owner of the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, Li Zhe easily solved the magic breaking effect.

He asked the monk to retain the last bit of spiritual power in order to prevent the monk from freezing to death.

After all, the temperature in this ice sheet is still extremely low.

However, there was a little spiritual power. Because of the wound and the lack of spiritual power, the monk still couldn't stand up. He could only lie quietly on the ground, looking at Li Zhe with a complicated expression.

"I didn't plan to do anything to you, but you just wanted my life, so I started to act harder."

Li Zhe looked at the monk and said calmly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the cultivator just snorted coldly, and then said angrily: "If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want, don't be pretending to be here!"

As soon as this statement came out, Li Zhe raised his eyebrows slightly, then shook his head, and said calmly: "If I want to kill you, do you think you can still talk now?"

When the monk heard Li Zhe's words, his brows moved slightly, and he knew that Li Zhe's words really had such a point without thinking about it.

Immediately, the monk took a deep breath and said to Li Zhe: "What do you want to do?"

Originally, he felt that he was dead, so he was just a little hardened.

But at this moment, following Li Zhe's words, he seems to see a glimmer of hope again, and his speech attitude is also softer at this time.

Li Zhe just looked at him quietly, before he whispered for a long while: "I want to perform the soul-searching technique on you. In your current state, you can't resist me. I only hope you will cooperate, even if you don't. I will also forcefully search for the soul, but at that time, it will be easy for you to become a foolish person. Think about it yourself."

After saying this, Li Zhe slowly stretched out his hand, covering the opponent's forehead.

However, he did not start searching for souls immediately, but waited for a while.

What he wanted was to stimulate this monk's desire to survive.

I have to say that Li Zhe is very good at human nature.

He knew very well that what this monk said was also the cultivation base of the middle Yuan Ying realm, and it seemed that there were at least hundreds of years left in the life of the Yuan.

Under these circumstances, it is impossible for this monk to die easily.

Sure enough, at this moment, the monk didn't say much, but after a deep sigh, he stopped talking.

But Li Zhe's mouth turned slightly. Hearing this sigh, he knew it was done!

Immediately, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness surged directly into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

Sure enough, this monk is indeed now looking for the soul of Li Zhe, and no longer has any resistance. The entire sea of ​​consciousness is open to Li Zhe.

Under these circumstances, even though the realms of the two are extremely close, there is no problem with performing the soul search technique.

Time passed by. About half an hour later, Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

It's just that in his eyes, there seems to be a little bit of loss.

Obviously, in the memory of this elder, Li Zhe also failed to find specific information about the Linghan Temple.

As the elder of the Linghan Palace, this elder has a deep understanding of the Linghan Palace.

However, even so, this elder still knew very little about that Linghan Temple.

He only knew that the spirit of coldness could be gathered in the Linghan Palace, which could be used by monks to practice the techniques of the Linghan Palace.

As for more, he didn't know.

After all, for the vast majority of cultivators in the Linghan Palace, the opportunity to enter that Linghan Palace is only the moment of entry in this life.

In addition, ordinary cultivators have no chance to enter the Linghan Temple.

Unless it is after the cultivation base breaks through to the Purple Mansion Realm, otherwise, there is no possibility of entering the second time.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, it is possible to understand that the Linghan Palace is after all the orthodoxy of this Linghan Palace.

If even the elders of this level were able to know the key information in it, I am afraid that the Linghan Palace would not exist anymore.

Immediately, Li Zhe sighed softly, and then the spiritual power in his body slowly poured out and fell on the body of the elder.

Soon, Li Zhe blocked most of his meridians.

"I have given you the opportunity to continue to absorb spiritual power. It only takes a few months before you can break free and leave."

Li Zhe looked at the elder and said softly.

When the elder heard this, he just glanced at Li Zhe and didn't even reply.

But obviously, he also accepted Li Zhe's kindness, but at this time Li Zhe had already turned into the appearance of the Snow Demon Emperor.

The memory of Li Zhe in the sea of ​​knowledge of this monk was all changed to Snow Demon Emperor. As for Li Zhe's original information, there was nothing left.

The monk obviously didn't notice this, and this was what Li Zhe wanted. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 2251 Successfully defeated the enemy) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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