After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2219: Can't talk about cooperation

Hearing Jia Yunfan's words, Li Zhe also smiled slightly and nodded.

He had been worried about whether Jia Yunfan would keep his word before, but now it seems that there is no big problem.


At this moment, Jia Yunfan looked at Li Zhe and said in a deep voice, "I want you to make a spiritual oath. All the information related to Wanbaolou, as well as the Tiantong Treasure Hunt Secret, cannot be told to anyone!"

This is the biggest concession Jia Yunfan can make today.

Li Zhe's strength, as well as the spiritual oath he made with the immortal power that Li Zhe gave, has made him unable to do anything to Li Zhe.

Now, the only thing he wants to ensure is this exception. There can only be Li Zhe alone, and no others.

Otherwise, as long as Li Zhe wants to build another Wanbaolou, his status as Wanbaolou will be hard to guarantee by then!

"Senior won't tell others if I don't tell me, after all, it's better to have this thing in your own hands.

Li Zhe smiled immediately and whispered to Jia Yunfan.

While speaking, Li Zhe slowly closed his eyes, raised a hand, and softly began to make a spiritual oath according to Jia Yunfan's request.

After seeing the ray of spirit oath falling back into Li Zhe's sea of ​​consciousness with Li Zhe's consciousness, Jia Yunfan was completely relieved.

In any case, this is now the only thing he can do.

At this moment, since Li Zhe had done what he said, Jia Yunfan didn't say much, and directly began to transmit spiritual power to the sculpture above the hall.

After the passage to Tiantong Pond was opened, Jia Yunfan whispered to Li Zhe: "After it is over, you can leave the secret passage by yourself, anyway, my Wanbaolou formation can't stop you."

When Li Zhe left, he used the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword to break through the formation and left. Jia Yunfan knew this by himself.

Hearing Jia Yunfan's words, Li Zhe's mouth also slightly cocked. He knew that Jia Yunfan was ready to not see and was not upset. As long as he couldn't see himself, Jia Yunfan would feel better.

Right now, Li Zhe also nodded silently, and then walked towards the Tiantong Pool below.

After Li Zhe went down completely, the passage slowly closed, and the entire hall returned to its normal appearance.

Jia Yunfan sat in the place of the host for a long while, then he shook his head and gave a wry smile.

In any case, if there is no Li Zhe, even if it is a cultivator in the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm, his rebirth may not be so smooth.

Li Zhe not only has a variety of methods, but also his mental responses and the like are very extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Jia Yunfan also slowly closed his eyes. Since he can no longer do anything to Li Zhe, it is better to accept the matter directly. How to say, Li Zhe is kind to himself, which is regarded as a return. Up.

At the same time, Li Zhe once again came to the edge of Tongchi that day.

He took a deep breath, slowly condensing the spiritual power in his body, and then slowly activated his Daoist body.

Accompanied by the activation of the Taoist body, Li Zhe also took steps and walked into this heavenly pool.

It's just that he just walked into the pool that day, and his eyebrows suddenly condensed, and the pace of his advancement stopped in an instant.

At this moment, Li Zhe discovered that the endless aura of great avenues seemed to be more obvious in his own perception!

This slight improvement is enough to speed up Li Zhe's practice of Tiantong Treasure Hunting tactics!

He squinted his eyes and thought about it carefully. The only difference between this time and the last time he entered the pool, I am afraid that the Demon God Consciousness was gone that day.

"Could it be that that day the Demon God Consciousness would block the atmosphere of the Dao?"

Li Zhe murmured, then shook his head.

He knew that this matter was not something he would be able to figure out at this time, so he simply put it aside for the time being.

Soon, Li Zhe walked into the center of the Tiantong Pond, and after sitting cross-legged, he slowly began to practice the Tiantong Treasure Hunting Art.

Time has passed by bit by bit.

This last layer of the Tiantong Treasure Hunting Secret Art is more difficult to cultivate than before.

After all, this last layer can be used to find the masterless treasure through space, and the power of the great avenue is even stronger.

However, Li Zhe has the Kunpeng bloodline after all, and he has a very affinity for the power of space, so this is not difficult for Li Zhe.

At this moment, it has been a month since Li Zhe entered the Heavenly Tong Pool.

In this month's time, Li Zhe also succeeded in breaking the Tiantong Treasure Hunting tactic to the third level, but it would take some time to cultivate to the top.

Li Zhe was not arrogant or irritable about this, but quietly sitting cross-legged in the Tiantong Pool, silently running the exercises.

But unlike Li Zhe's calm here, it was on the edge of the Middle Continent, near the northern border.

There is a swamp that stretches for dozens of miles.

In this marshland, there is not a weak aura, therefore, in this marshland, there are also a lot of small monsters.

In this place, mortals and low-level monks dare not set foot easily, and it is impossible for high-level monks to stop for such a place.

Therefore, there are basically no monks and mortals in this swamp that stretches for dozens of miles.

But now, what is different from the quietness of the past is that in the middle of this swamp, there are now surging spiritual power fluctuations constantly spreading to the surroundings!

I saw that Qian Fei, now flying up and down this place with a look of pain.

His whole body is constantly releasing spiritual power, and it can be seen that he seems to be preparing to condense some spells.

However, the Heavenly Demon in the Sea of ​​Consciousness will obviously not let it easily succeed.

Therefore, every time he only condenses half of his spiritual power, it is out of his hands, not a spell.

But even if it is not a spell, this is after all the power of a middle-term cultivator in the Purple Mansion realm.

Now in the middle of this marshland, there is already a huge pit several hundred meters deep and nearly one hundred meters wide. It was all caused by Qian Fei's spiritual power!

At this moment, Qian Fei's consciousness is at the boundary between chaos and sobriety.

He can clearly realize that there is something that wants to occupy his own sea of ​​consciousness, but he is currently unable to completely control his body.

The only thing he can do now is to keep trying to release spells to keep himself awake.

Once he stops releasing spells, then next, he will directly fall into the situation of being completely controlled by the demon!

Whether it is the origin of the Purple Mansion or any power, it is completely useless for the demon who has left Li Zhe's body and has no entity!

This is also one of the reasons why this demon can be so rampant.

At this moment, Qian Fei's body suddenly stagnated, hovering over the big pit that was bombarded by his own spiritual power.

His eyebrows condensed slightly. At this moment, Qian Fei clearly felt that it seemed that the demon had stopped competing with him for his body!

Although the demon still stayed in his sea of ​​consciousness, by comparison, at least now he can resume his actions!

As long as he solves the demon in the sea of ​​knowledge, he will be completely free.

"You want to kick me out of your body, and then? Then where are you going, Jia Yunfan has already resurrected with the help of that spiritual wood root."

Immediately, a mocking voice suddenly resounded in Qian Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Qian Fei's eyebrows condensed for an instant, and the hand he was about to use the Buddhist magic he had obtained from the ruins stopped instantly.

"Hmph, the extraterritorial demon, don't want to use my weakness to threaten me, he is obviously dead!"

Qian Fei's eyebrows glared, and he responded angrily.

However, at this time, the Demon had a very indifferent voice, and continued to respond: "Think about it, if there is no Jia Yunfan's guidance, how did I get there? Jia Yunfan, you are sure that you are really dead. ?"

As soon as this remark came out, Qian Fei's complexion gradually sank.

When they attacked and besieged Jia Yunfan, Jia Yunfan was indeed unguarded, and his body was instantly shattered under their power.

At that moment, his soul seemed to ran back into his own small world.

But then, the small world completely collapsed under the combined efforts of several deputy posters.

But now that I think about it carefully, all this seems to have gone too far!

The dissipation of that small world didn't seem to really dissipate under the power of myself and others, but was transferred to other spatial points.

As for Jia Yunfan's soul... Could it be that he really escaped? !

Thinking of this, Qian Fei only felt that his breathing was a bit disordered at this moment.

If Jia Yunfan is really not dead, he returns to Wanbaolou and goes back by himself, I'm afraid...

It was at this moment that the demon of the day tapped lightly in its sea of ​​consciousness, and a memory was directly passed into Qian Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

It was about how Li Zhe got the picture of the boy holding the sword, and how he later discovered the memory segment of Jia Yunfan.

Just as Li Zhe was worried, this demon indeed possessed almost all of Li Zhe's memories!

"What do you mean by telling me this? Wouldn't you want to let me just grab it and give you your body? You are too naive in this way!"

After a long while, Qian Fei took a deep breath and said slowly to the demon.

Only at this time, the demon in Qian Fei's knowledge of the sea suddenly let out a burst of laughter.

"I think you should have made a mistake. I didn't have much interest in your body. It was just a whim and I wanted to try if I could occupy it."

That day, Mo Sui even said slowly: "I am only interested in Li Zhe's body. I have a plan. Let's work together?" The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: I picked up the fairy bottle, read it on my mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2219 is not to talk about cooperation), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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