After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 221: Skyrocketing strength

The medicinal effect of Jinglei Guo was not very eye-catching when I first felt it, but after a few weeks of lightning flashing in the meridians, it quickly expanded and enlarged, like a surging river, filling the entire meridian!

The meridians in Li Zhe's body were once again forcibly widened, and the dreamlike thunder in the meridians was the sound of the explosion of Jinglei Guo's medicinal effect, colliding and rubbing with the meridians!

Soon, Li Zhe was delighted to discover that the originally very wide meridians in his body had doubled under the effect of Jinglei Guo!

This exaggerated effect is simply countless times faster than the practice of body training!

In all, the transformation effect that this thundering fruit has on the body can be worthy of his practice of practicing for 100 days!

Of course, although the effect is amazing, the process is a bit violent and painful!

Originally, Li Zhe's technique of body refining had already entered a bottleneck. After eating this thunder fruit, he could have such a magical effect. If it were placed on an ordinary ancient warrior, it would be able to bring about earth-shaking changes!

The width and toughness of the meridians determine the amount and strength of aura that can be contained in a practitioner's body. This Shocking Thunder can really be regarded as a bug-like existence.

It is not difficult to explain why the Yaoxianmen has so many powerful ancient warriors!

Yaoxianmen holds a thundering fruit tree in his hand. If you can't get a strong enough ancient warrior, you can disband it. Drink the northwest wind. It's a fart, I'm afraid it has been robbed by the coveted. family property!

As the thunder in the body gradually stopped, the tingling sensation gradually disappeared like a low tide. Li Zhe understood that the effect of this thunder fruit was exhausted.

At the same time, Li Zhe felt a sense of loss of strength in his heart.

The medicinal effect of Jinglei Guo is too domineering. Although Li Zhe has been enduring the violent impact of the medicinal effect on the body, he has also consumed a lot of energy!

The effect of this medicine faded, and Li Zhe’s tense nerves were sent away like a compressed spring. He suddenly fell on the ground almost all over, panting, the cold sweat on his forehead even soaked his temples. .

"Uh, it smells so bad!"

A pungent sour smell permeated, and Li Zhe only noticed that the meridians were widened by the thundering fruit, just like the last time he was filled with spiritual energy, and some black, mud-like dirt was discharged from the surface of his body again. Material!

After taking a short rest, Li Zhe performed a small rain cloth technique, summoning a small cloud group, and used Lingyu to clean his body briefly.

Finally, he dragged his almost collapsed body and hurried back home.

After resting at home for a while, Li Zhe took the Yaoxianmen to the auction at Christie's in Kyoto, and then transferred the pure jade cover to him, and returned to the greenhouse where the Jinglei fruit trees were planted.

Carefully picked off the remaining fifteen Thunder Fruits and put them in this pure jade cauldron with a lid. Only then did they return home contentedly and had a good rest!

In a short time, Li Zhe didn't want to try the tingling sensation of the meridians again, so the Jinglei fruit was picked and preserved, not ready to eat it all at once.

And Jinglei fruit is a fairy plant fruit, the more times you eat it, the worse the effect will be. The human body has drug resistance.

"Sure enough, it's still fast..."

Looking at the dozens of thunder fruit lying in the pure jade belt cover in his hand, which can make countless ancient warrior monks crazy outside, Li Zhe showed a satisfied smile on his face.

This Shocking Fruit Tree was almost half-coaxed and half-deceived by him, but Li Zhe was not as embarrassed in his heart!

"Hey, this thundering fruit tree is placed in Yaoxianmen, it is a violent thing, only for death, it is also called reasonable payment..."

Back home, Li Zhe called Mr. Chen again:

"Master, let your people come over and get things, or should I send them to you?"

Mr. Chen was dealing with family affairs in his office, and when he received a call from Li Zhe, he quickly put aside his business!

Li Zhe is now the VIP of the whole Yaoxianmen, he dare not neglect!

It's just that Li Zhe's words made the old man a little confused: "What should I take?"

"Jingleiguo, why don't you either?"

"What are you talking about? Jingleiguo..."

There was an unbelievable strange scream from Old Man Chen on the phone, and even with a noisy collision, Li Zhe was a little speechless, so there is no need to be so exaggerated.

Soon, Mr. Chen picked up the phone that had fallen to the ground due to excitement, and tried to calm his emotions and said:

"Mr. Li Zhe, do you mean the Thunder Fruit is ripe?"

"Yes, it bears sixteen fruits, half of your medicine fairy gate, hurry up and send someone to take it, or I will swallow it myself! By the way, don't forget to bring jade utensils, I have nothing to spare! "

"Good, good, I'll report it right away..."

In the end, not only did Mr. Chen's voice not calm down, but he was so excited that he began to tremble.

He sighed in his heart, Li Zhe gave himself a wave of surprises, how long did it take for the Thunder Fruit to be transplanted, and that it is mature? And one knot is sixteen fruits!

Old man Chen knew that when Jinglei Guo was not dying at first, under the meticulous cultivation of Yaoxianmen, it matured slowly, even the fruit it produced was only a few pitiful four!

But when it came to Li Zhe's hands, the illness healed and the output increased, which was really enchanting.

Even if the Yaoxianmen can only get eight thunderbolt fruits according to the agreement, it is twice the previous output. You know, this means that the door can help eight more ancient martial artists to increase their strength. !

Yaoxianmen can have today. Previously, the strength of the monks was increased solely by the fruit of this thundering fruit. Therefore, the last time Yaoxianmen was so eager to reveal his identity to contact Li Zhe, and wanted to save this thundering fruit. .

Originally, Yaoxianmen was prepared to reduce the harvest of Thunder Fruit in the future. After all, half of it would be given to Li Zhe, but I didn’t expect that now because of a blessing in disguise, the output has doubled.······

And if you count the shortened cycle time, the output is much more than doubled!

The excited Old Man Chen naturally knew what it meant, and he reported it to Yaoxianmen in a hurry.

After the master of Yaoxianmen, Mr. Zhao, learned of the news, he was too shocked to speak for a long time, and then he burst into laughter, almost shaking the tiles on the roof!

"It seems that the old man's decision was right! This is a real profit!"

The old master Zhao greeted one of his subordinates immediately: "You immediately go to the countryside to get the thundering fruit back. Remember, you must be respectful to Mr. Li Zhe, understand?"

The subordinate responded and went down to prepare.

Sitting in a secret room in Yaoxianmen, Mr. Zhao showed a thoughtful look on his face. His current mood was simply pleasantly surprised and puzzled.

"The origin of this son is mysterious. There was no such a figure in the ancient martial arts world before. It is impossible to say that it is a casual cultivator. Who is sacred? Is it true that he is a disciple of a hidden world expert?"

The veil of mystery on Li Zhe's body is getting heavier and heavier, it is really impossible for Mr. Zhao to doubt it.

When Mr. Chen first reported to Yaoxianmen that there was a figure like Li Zhe, and he might be of great help to the door, Yaoxianmen conducted a comprehensive investigation of Li Zhe's origins.

The results of this investigation show that Li Zhe’s background is only the son of a farmer couple in the countryside of Jiangcheng. After graduating from college, he farmed at home, and he cannot be an ordinary young man...

For this result, Yaoxianmen is naturally unbelievable.

How could an ordinary young farmer know Chu Xianzhi? It can restore the Cailingguo plant to life, urge the results, and in the end miraculously rescued the Li family daughter who was on the verge of death. No one can match even the medicine fairy!

Li Zhe is obviously not an ordinary person, especially after the Yaoxianmen confirmed the identity of Li Zhe as an ancient warrior!

At the beginning, Mr. Zhao also suspected that Li Zhe was a lucky casual cultivator. He did not know where he got what exercises and embarked on the path of ancient martial arts. But now, Li Zhe’s skills are far from ordinary. Guwu Sanxiu can explain.

Especially this time, the opponent directly increased the output of Thunder Fruit several times!

The efforts of Yaoxianmen's advancement were only enough to make the Thunder Fruit Tree bear fruit.

Does this mean that Li Zhe has no less energy than an ancient martial arts school?

The old man passed through all the big forces he knew about, including sects, ancient martial arts, etc., and he didn't think of which force it was. He could produce such a young talent. There was no possibility of matching. .

This kind of rising star, if he were born in an ancient military force, would have long since risen to fame, how could it have been unknown, and then suddenly appeared like a mystery.

"Could it be that he is from the legend..."

Guessing belongs to guessing, what Mr. Zhao, who scratched his head, is very clear is:

"This son can only be drawn, not against the enemy!"

Last time I met with Li Zhe, he clearly felt the fluctuations in Li Zhe's body.

The intensity of that wave of fluctuations did not lose to me at all. Although the spiritual power was a bit manic, the magnitude was amazing!

This is also the reason why Elder Zhao concluded that Li Zhe is not a casual cultivator. Without systematic cultivation methods and elders' guidance, it is impossible to cultivate to this level.

Especially, Li Zhe is still so young!

But if Li Zhe knew that the old man Zhao of Yaoxianmen was thinking hard about his identity, he would at best just smile.

Strictly speaking, Li Zhe himself should be a casual cultivator. After all, he is just an ant-like existence among all living beings. He can only come into contact with this magnificent ancient martial world by getting an adventure.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literature updates in my pens are the fastest.

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