After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2167: Genealogical records

Soon, the man took out a wooden box covered with dust under his bed.

Although the wooden box is covered with dust, it can still be seen vaguely that the material of the wooden box is very good, and there are several gems inlaid on it.

These items are completely incompatible with the current dilapidated house.

After taking out the wooden box, the man opened it, and inside it was a thick genealogy tree. On it, you could see that it was the Hou clan tree.

Afterwards, the man opened the cover, and the first page under the cover was written in big letters: The genealogy is only for the descendants of the Hou family to read, such as showing it to outsiders, expelling the genealogy.

"You have saved the lives of our father and son. Our Hou family is now the two of us. Since you want to see the gods, it doesn't matter if you violate the clan rules."

At this time, the man also raised his head and said softly to Li Zhe.

In those words, it was not to please, but to be firm. Obviously, he was really grateful to Li Zhe, even if he violated the clan rules, he didn't care!

To be expelled from the genealogy in this world of cultivation, for a mortal, that is even more terrifying than death!

Immediately, Li Zhe nodded with emotion.

"Why don't you read it for yourself...I also know a few words, and I don't even recognize this genealogy..."

It was at this time that the man hesitated for a while before he said with a smile to Li Zhegan.

Hearing this, Li Zhe was also slightly taken aback, then smiled and nodded, and directly raised his hand and took the genealogy into his hand with spiritual power.

Immediately, Li Zhe began to read carefully.

This genealogy is different from the general genealogy. Almost everyone's name is followed by a page or two of life stories.

Judging from this genealogy, this Hou's family was still a big family nearly ten thousand years ago. This is normal.

Li Zhe looked around slowly, and realized that the Hou family had gradually entered the world of spiritual practice because of various chances and coincidences.

It is precisely because some members of the clan have entered the world of spiritual practice that this genealogy can be preserved so well.

Changing to being an ordinary person, it is already in ruins.

This thick book contains thousands of pages. Although Li Zhe read it quickly, it took a full hour to read it thoroughly.

After all, this genealogy was related to that Guanhunyu, and he didn't dare to miss it easily.

After reading this genealogy completely, Li Zhe also took a deep breath, holding this genealogy, and fell into contemplation.

Almost most of this genealogy is just a normal account of the various deeds of the ancestors of the Hou family.

However, until the last page, no more names were written, but a deed of the ancestor of the Hou family was recorded!

The ancestor of the Hou family was named Hou Yu, and he joined the Liyun School not long after it was established.

At that time, the Hou family had gradually declined, and in the entire family, there was only Hou Yu as a practitioner.

Fortunately, Hou Yu could be regarded as arrogant, and gradually became a core position in the sect.

Slowly, he also took charge of the mining of spirit stones on Qianling Mountain. With this position, Hou Yu also embezzled some pill jade from time to time for cultivation.

One night, after taking advantage of the darkening of the sky, Hou Yu sneaked into the cave of Qianling Mountain again, intending to steal some more Dan Jade for cultivation.

However, at that time, Hou Yu felt that the whole cave seemed to be completely different.

Inside a cave that should have been dark, it was as bright as day!

And he also felt that there was a force in the darkness that was constantly emerging from the ground.

However, that power was obviously blocked and could not be fully released.

At that time, Hou Yu's cultivation base was not high, he only thought that something was about to be born.

After hesitating for a while, Hou Yu began to dig down.

It was after Hou Yu dug to a depth of nearly 100 meters, that power suddenly surged out, and for a while, the entire Qianling Mountain began to tremble crazily!

For a while, Hou Yu didn't dare to stay anymore, and ran back to his home, pretending to know nothing.

After all, the Qianling Mountain is the foundation of the Liyun Sect. Without the Danyu of the Qianling Mountain, the Liyun Sect would not be able to sustain it at all!

Whoever came up with the idea, after that, all the pill jade in that mountain turned into a guanhun jade.

It is precisely because of this incident that Hou Yu guessed what major secret lies beneath this Qianling Mountain!

However, because of the creation of the Soul-Guard Jade, the defense of Qianling Mountain became more and more tight. He knew the secret, but he didn't dare to investigate it.

Ever since, he wrote such a statement on the first page of this genealogy, so that even if he died, the secret would fall into the hands of his descendants.

However, after him, the Hou family has gradually declined from generation to generation.

Until thousands of years ago, when Guanhunyu disappeared, only a group of ordinary people remained in the entire Hou family. Even if they knew this secret, it would be difficult to unearth it again.

Until now, the Hou family only left the father and son relying on hunting and sanitation, and they couldn't recognize the characters, let alone explore them.

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a deep breath, looked at the man, and said slowly: "This genealogy... is it important to you?"

"What do you mean by this? I'm a vulgar person, you just say it straight."

The man was taken aback, then asked Li Zhe suspiciously.

As soon as Li Zhe raised his hand, he took out five longevity fruits directly from his storage bag.

"As long as you eat this fruit, one fruit can increase your lifespan for several years. How about using these five longevity fruit for your genealogy?"

Li Zhe held the Longevity Fruit in one hand and pinched the genealogy in the other, and said to the man.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the man's eyes straightened instantly.

Good guy, this is even the legendary fairy fruit!

You can prolong your life if you eat it. This kind of good things, not only him, but also the boy's eyes widened in surprise.

"I change!"

The man hardly hesitated, but nodded decisively.

Just kidding, the Hou family nowadays can be said to have completely declined, and this genealogy has no practical significance to them.

But the fruit is completely different, as long as you eat it, you can live a few more years.

Especially this man was just injured, and he was even ready to die at any time. He is suddenly healed now, and there are such fruits, how can he not be tempted!

The main purpose of Li Zhe's exchange with the other party is to firmly control the secrets recorded above in his own hands.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Li Zhe handed the Longevity Fruit to the other party, and then raised the genealogy in his hand and said, "This thing is now mine. You can leave it to my disposal, right?"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the man nodded decisively and replied, "This is natural!"

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and lifted his wrist. On this genealogy, the pages about Na Hou Yu and the secrets all burned to ashes in an instant!

Later, Li Zhe handed the remaining genealogy back to the other party's hands, and whispered softly: "Okay, this genealogy will also be returned to you. I only need the records on those pages."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the man was stunned and did not react for a while.

Li Zhe exchanged such precious fairy fruit with himself, just a few pages?

However, according to Li Zhe's intention, he also took over the genealogy.

"Well, the cheats I gave you, practice well, and at the same time, the fruit can be stored in this wooden box. It can be stored for a hundred years. It will not only extend your life, if you are injured again, it will be cured if you take it."

Immediately, Li Zhe said slowly to the man.

Hearing these words, this man and the young man reacted from shock at this time, and repeatedly thanked Li Zhe.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, and then he didn't say much, he turned around and left here.

After Li Zhe left, the father and son looked at each other.

However, the eyes of both of them are full of unspeakable joy.

All this sudden, really makes both father and son still have a sense of dreams.

For Li Zhe, helping them is nothing more than a small thing at hand, but for the father and son, all that Li Zhe has done is enough to change their entire lives!

This is exactly the difference between practitioners and ordinary people.

And at this moment, after leaving the house of the father and son, Li Zhe also walked towards the place of Lingling Mountain again.

When he was investigating his spiritual sense before, he hadn't noticed anything weird under the mountain bottom, but now I think about it, maybe it's because the secret is hidden further down.

After all, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness just swept a few hundred meters down there, and he hadn't even reached a kilometer.

According to the records on the genealogy, at least one thing is clear, and that is that the weird aura came from under the ground.

Soon, Li Zhe came to the Qianling Mountain again.

After arriving, Li Zhe quickly walked into the cave. After entering this time, Li Zhe carefully looked at the ground in the cave.

But obviously, these thousands of years have passed, and even if Hou Yu really digs the past, there will be no traces left.

Li Zhe stood there for a while, and according to his cultivation base, as long as he wanted, he could dig to a depth of several kilometers in minutes.

It's just that, Li Zhe worries about destroying something.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Zhe slowly closed his eyes, and then his whole body's spiritual power was converted into soil attributes at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe's figure slowly sank downward, and he was going to directly use the earth escape technique to go down and take a look. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 2167 Record of Genealogy). Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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