Donghuazong, in the main hall of Xuanhua Hall.

At this moment, Li Zhe and others have been brought back by the real people.

Those disciples are now in a coma, and Li Zhe is also fully urging the exorcism seal.

At least what happened so far, that evil cultivation is still unaware of it.

However, once Li Zhe stopped urging the exorcism seal, these disciples were in a coma, and it was estimated that the rune could also transmit what happened.

These ten disciples were not specially convened, but Qin Yangzhuo and others called back at random from the dispatched disciples.

Even so, all ten people were hit by the rune.

Needless to say Li Zhe, all the real people know it, and I am afraid that all the disciples sent out have been recruited!

Moreover, in such circumstances, they naturally guessed that some small sects might have completely fallen!

Such spells that directly control life and death are really hard to guard against.

Therefore, after Li Zhe and others returned, Qin Yangzhuo directly ordered the suspension of the big competition.

At the same time, those monks who had already reached the Donghua Sect had all given away some cultivation resources before letting them return to the Sect first.

Although this approach is not very kind, but in the end the strength of Donghua Sect was placed here, these sects did not have too many complaints, and they all went back separately.

But now, the entire Donghua Sect has once again entered a closed state.

"The sign in your body poses no threat to you, right? Even when someone interferes."

At this time, after Qin Yangzhuo took a deep breath, he raised his head and asked Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded decisively and said, "Yes, there will be no impact."

"Okay, then I can only test it with you."

Qin Yangzhuo looked at Li Zhe, raised his hand and pressed it on Li Zhe's shoulder, his expression slightly heavy.

Li Zhe naturally knew that Qin Yangzhuo wanted to forcibly crack the talisman, and immediately closed his eyes slowly and cooperated with the other party's actions.

In an instant, a burst of spiritual power suddenly overflowed from Qin Yangzhuo's palm and directly poured into Li Zhe's body.

Immediately, the spiritual power released by Qin Yangzhuo instantly penetrated towards the Yuan Ying in Li Zhe's body.

Immediately afterwards, he found the seal engraved on Li Zhe Yuanying.

Li Zhe also kept his usual state, quietly letting Qin Yangzhuo test the talisman.

In this regard, Li Zhe can't help much, but can cooperate with him.

Time passed by, and a stick of incense time passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time of sticking incense, Qin Yangzhuo had already tried to cast several spells, but each of them had no effect.

The talisman seems to be one with Li Zhe's Yuanying, unless Li Zhe's Yuanying is directly destroyed, otherwise, there is no way to unlock the talisman.

Fortunately, now that the exorcism law seal suppresses this rune, Qin Yangzhuo's various attempts have failed to make this rune aware.

At this moment, after the thorough attempt failed, Qin Yangzhuo also took a deep breath, shook his head, and withdrew the spiritual power he had injected into Li Zhe's body.

"Brother, is there no way?"

Real Human Linghuan was sitting behind, frowning and asking at this time.

Hearing this, Qin Yangzhuo shook his head and said in a deep voice, "This is a special cult spell. The rune is already integrated with Li Zhe’s Nascent Soul. There should only be a special way to unlock it, but it’s no longer available now. Time to find that spell again."

Hearing Qin Yangzhuo's words, the faces of all the real people present here also became gloomy.

If it is a head-on battle, even if the opponent's strength is not lower than the Donghua Sect, everyone will have full motivation to fight the opponent.

But in this situation, the entire East Continent has already fallen by half before the official war begins!

If it were not for Li Zhe to discover this situation, I am afraid that when Donghua Sect reacted, all other minor sects, except for the top sect, would have fallen!

At this moment, everyone was silent, silently thinking about possible methods.

"The disciple has a way to remove all the runes within 100 meters of the surrounding area, but it may be difficult to gather so many people together."

Li Zhe shook his head with a wry smile, and said at this time.

"Oh? You don't have to do it all at once, just a little bit?"

At this time, the real person Lingming also brightened his eyes and said to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe gave a wry smile, and said helplessly: "There is no way, I can only use this spell twice..."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, everyone's expressions sank again.

I thought there was a little hope, but now it seems that the hope is not great either.

They still don't even know which sects were manipulated. It is extremely difficult to gather so many people together.

Suddenly, the entire Xuanhua Temple fell into silence.

If you know the location of those evil cultivators, you can still fight directly, but now you don't even know where the opponent is.

This is the most deadly thing.

Now, everyone is clearly aware of all the situations, but nothing can be resolved.

In the end, Qin Yangzhuo decided to send a real spirit phantom to ask him to find a way to find the evil cultivator's lair.

After all, the other party also has an evil cultivator at the pinnacle of the Purple Mansion Realm. If you send other real people, the risk is too great.

Before discovering the other side's nest, this matter can only save himself temporarily.

"Please ask the master to recall all the disciples and gather them in Zongmen Square. They should not know what I am waiting for when I return."

Li Zhe also took a deep breath at this time, and said slowly to Qin Yangzhuo: "Although we can't save everything, at least we must let the sect disciples return to normal."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Qin Yangzhuo nodded decisively before giving orders.

"At the same time, sending envoys to various sects to make this evil sect public. I can only do so much for the time being."

Immediately, Qin Yangzhuo shouted loudly.

Following Qin Yangzhuo's order, the entire sect began to operate rapidly at this moment.

The efficiency of Donghuazong's actions is still very good. In only half a day, all the information has been delivered.

At this moment, in the room where the evil cultivator was.

In the entire room, there were hundreds of wolf-shaped monster beasts that had disappeared completely.

Instead, it was a wolf demon who had the size of an elephant and had reached the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm!

Obviously, this wolf demon is a fusion of those wolf-shaped monster beasts.

It's just strange that this wolf monster is exactly the same as the previous wolf-shaped monsters, but lying in this room silently, without any expression in his eyes.

At this time, outside the door, several dark shadows poured in quickly.

Each of these dark shadows is a cultivation base close to the peak of the Nascent Infant Realm, and there are two of them at the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm!

And they were all the people who were sent out by the evil cultivator this time to put the seals on the disciples.

"Chief, Donghuazong has already ordered the recall of all the disciples sent, this matter..."

As soon as he entered, one of them said solemnly to the evil repairer.

Hearing these words, Na Xie Xiu was lying on the bed of bones, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he smiled and said: "It's okay, let them go, anyway, they can't crack the magic tricks, and I'm afraid they don't know what I want to do now..."

After listening to this evil cultivator's words, the group of evil cultivators also glanced at each other, obviously all seeing the confusion in each other's eyes.

Don't say it's those authentic sects, even they don't know what the real purpose of their leader is.

However, to follow the leader's words, they still have to do this.

Immediately, everyone responded with a respectful yes, and then they all turned around and left the room.

And this leader, with a faint smile on his mouth, murmured: "Whatever you want to play, it's best to spend it with me slowly. What I lack the most now is time..."

Without the hindrance of these evil cultivators, all the disciples of Donghua Sect rushed back to the sect from various places within a few days.

After they came back, Donghuazong seemed to be unaware of anything, but let them each act as usual in the past, and this task was put on hold for the time being.

Everyone also let go of their hearts at this time, at least, under these circumstances, it seems that the seal has not been discovered yet.

There is no way, if this matter is discovered, they will undoubtedly die.

When everyone was recalled, they were all called to Zongmen Square.

However, when they arrived at Zongmen Square, they discovered that there were ten disciples lying on the square!

These ten people were the ones who were sent out to go to Quyang City with Li Zhe!

At this moment, in Quyang City, there are already two evil cultivators of the Nascent Soul Realm waiting for the arrival of Li Zhe and others.

"Isn't that kid in the late Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

In front of the carpenter's shop, an evil repairer frowned and murmured.

The other Xie Xiu shook his head slightly, and said indifferently: "He is a righteous cultivator. These ten Golden Core cultivators are taken by him, so they must avoid others. It should be soon."

After speaking, the two evil cultivators also waited silently.

At the same time, above Donghua Zongmen Square.

After the disciples arrived on the square, the formation light was lit up in the surroundings, directly limiting them to a range of less than 100 meters!

That is to say, in the midst of everyone's surprise or doubt or fear, Li Zhe's figure also quietly appeared above the crowd.

The moment he appeared, Li Zhe took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and activated the exorcism seal!

In an instant, a golden light accompanied by bursts of Buddhist sounds, instantly descended on the entire square! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this (Chapter 2148 Exorcism) reading record. You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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