After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2125: Crush the enemy

The corner of Li Zhe's mouth was smiling. Under the influence of the fishing rod, the umbrella was completely transformed into an unowned thing, and it was now Li Zhe's thing!

"It's you?!"

Everyone in Tianyuan Jianzong was shocked at this moment and looked at Li Zhe in the sky.

They all remembered that when they were waiting for someone to enter the mountain, they had asked Li Zhe for the way.

The person who just died was the one who came to force Li Zhe to ask the way.

I saw Li Zhe smile indifferently, and fell directly beside Chanjuan.

That day, Yuan Jianzong's senior yelled angrily, and the spirit sword in his hand cut out a sky-shattering sword aura, which instantly attacked everyone.

It's just that at this moment, the sky fire was falling in the process of casting the spell, and the barrier was blocked in front of everyone that day, the sword aura touched the barrier, and it dissipated almost instantly, without causing the slightest harm!

The people of Yuan Jianzong gritted their teeth that day, looked at Li Zhe and others, and said coldly: "What do you mean?!"

Li Zhe ignored them, just turned his head slowly, and whispered to Chanjuan, "Long time no see."

" does the son know that the medicine spirit is fraudulent?"

There was a soft smile at the corner of Chanjuan's mouth. She wanted to be called Li Zhefujun, but because the people of her own sect were there, she could only be called the son.

Hearing this, Li Zhe chuckled lightly and murmured: "When I entered the mountain, there was news that this medicine was extremely cruel. The disciple of Guiwu sent to the mountain at the time was only half of his life left and ran back. , I also said it was a monster, how could it be the harmless wood spirit and the flower of the human and animal, it is absolutely deceitful, and you can know it at the first thought."

After listening to Li Zhe's words, Chan Juan nodded her head, secretly saying that her husband is still so clever and extraordinary in her heart.

When everyone listened to the conversation between Li Zhe and Li Zhe, they realized that it was Li Zhe who saw through the trick. For a while, they all became admired when they looked at Li Zhe.

"The son just said it, but is it true?"

At this time, Chanjuan's voice sank slightly, just whispering.

Hearing this, Li Zhe took a deep breath, nodded, and said softly: "It's true."

As soon as this remark came out, Chan Juan looked at the opponent's gaze, instantly full of killing intent!

Just now Li Zhe said that the other party has a vengeance with him.

And just such a sentence can make Chanjuan instantly regard the other party as a mortal enemy, which is enough to show how deep her affection for Li Zhe is.

"Leave the leader to me, and the rest, please lead someone to trap it."

Li Zhe whispered to Chanjuan.

Hearing this, Chan Juan was stunned, but she nodded decisively without any hesitation.

Since it was a mortal enemy, Li Zhe solved it by himself, and there was no problem.


Chanjuan glanced at Li Zhe that was still the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying Realm's early stage, and hesitated.

I saw Li Zhe chuckled lightly, and his divine sense passed through the purple spirit jade garment in an instant. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

In an instant, Li Zhe's whole body cultivation base suddenly appeared at this moment!

Everyone around him was shocked at this moment. Unexpectedly, Li Zhe, who looked very weak just now, was actually a monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage!

Among them, Chanjuan alone is the most shocked. She has all kinds of spiritual fire help, and her physical constitution is special. Now this entry has been praised by Hong Xian as an unprecedented person.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhe’s speed of entry is even more ridiculous than her...

But in an instant, the shock turned into a proud smile, after all, this is her son.

At this moment, the sky fire in the sky finally fell on top of Chan Juan's head.

Chanjuan took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes, letting the fire fall on her forehead that day.

In an instant, Chan Juan's whole person was wrapped in the fire of that day, and her own aura became extremely shocking at this instant!


With a soft sound, a dazzling fire light instantly gushed out of Chanjuan's body. The next moment, she was already carrying a sea of ​​fire, and directly wrapped up the people of Yuan Jianzong that day, leaving Yuan Jianzong's seniors alone. .

"The elders of the Chi Lian faction follow the order, enter the sea of ​​fire, and join forces to attack the enemy!"

It was also at this time, Chanjuan snorted loudly.

Hearing Chan Juan's words, the Chi Lian faction did not hesitate, and in a flash, they turned into a few auras and escaped into the circle of fire that day in Chan Juan.

In an instant, apart from the huge sky-fire circle, only Li Zhe and the senior brother of Yuan Jianzong that day were left.

Li Zhe lowered his head and glanced at the medicinal spirit that was still pretending to be a wood spirit flower, and then faintly waved his hand. The umbrella that had just been confiscated in his hand fell down and wrapped the medicinal spirit.

"Who on earth are you?"

At this moment, the senior also frowned, looking at Li Zhe and said.

Hearing this, Li Zhe gave a faint smile, the disguise on his face instantly dissipated, revealing his original appearance.

"How can it be?!"

Seeing Li Zhe's appearance, the brother stared, looking at Li Zhe in surprise and said.

It's just that at this moment, Li Zhe was too lazy to pay attention to the other party anymore, with his palm lightly pointed, the number of real dragon phantoms that had been set up instantly flew out of the ground, and flew straight towards the brother.

And Li Zhe, also at this moment, was hiding between the real dragons while his figure was flashing, and galloping towards the other side!

At this moment, the senior's surprise also slowly turned into indifference.

"You really are a scourge, I should have destroyed it with your physical body in the first place."

This senior murmured, and the muddy clothing tactics slowly floated up, and the spirit sword in his hand suddenly split at this moment, turning into thousands of spirit swords all over him!

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

In an instant, the phantoms of true dragons released by Li Zhe dissipated instantly under the sword light.

Only at the same time, Li Zhe had already reached the other side, only separated by the spirit sword!

At this moment, a **** light flashed in Li Zhe's eyes.

Kill the sword domain, open!


In an instant, the sound of countless gold and iron intersecting sounded instantly. It was caused by the intersection of the **** sword light and the opponent's spirit sword in the area where Li Zhe killed the sword.

Li Zhe looked calm at the moment, but looked slightly gloomy towards his face.

At the beginning, there was a sword formation formed by the Tianyuan Sword Sect, and he could only know that Li Zhe was very powerful.

But now, he has discovered that Li Zhe's strength is simply not something he can contend!

Every time the blood-colored sword light hits the clone of his spirit sword, there will be an extra crack in his spirit sword clone.

In just a few breaths, the spirit sword started to break apart one after another!


Following the collapse of the spirit sword, this person vomited a mouthful of blood. As soon as the palm of his hand was lifted, countless spirit swords instantly dissipated, gathered in his hands, and turned into his spirit sword again.

It was at this moment that the **** sword aura around him was all surging towards his body at this moment.

He raised his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then wiped the blood on the spirit sword with his fingers.

In an instant, the light on the spirit sword mastered, and the spiritual power of the whole body was raised by a coercive level at this moment!

In an instant, a figure with a gleam of light was directly attached to his body, and at this moment, the aura of his whole person was elevated to the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Realm!

"Hmph, you are proud to be able to force me to use my sword sect forbidden technique!"

When this figure appeared, the embarrassment on this person's face was instantly put away, and he smiled coldly at Li Zhe.

Li Zhe looked at each other quietly, without saying much.

At this moment, after countless blood-colored sword auras hit the aura and figure that appeared on his body, they all made a muffled noise, and then the sword aura collapsed.

The aura above the figure is already firm to a certain extent.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe was holding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword and murmured softly: "If you are just like this, then goodbye."

In the next moment, Li Zhe's figure flashed in front of him in an instant.

This person snorted coldly, and the spirit sword in his hand instantly slashed out, slashing towards Li Zhe's neck.

At the same time, in the hands of the figure above his body, a long sword of spiritual power suddenly emerged and made the same action, cutting towards Li Zhe.

It was just at this moment that Li Zhe slowly raised the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, blocking the direction of the opponent's sword.


With a crisp sound, Li Zhe's seemingly weak block actually blocked the opponent's full blow.

"Swords are not used like this."

Li Zhe looked at each other quietly and said softly.

While speaking, Li Zhe slowly raised a finger in his left hand and gently pressed it on the opponent's sword.


In an instant, countless sword intents gushed out of Li Zhe's body, followed his fingers, and bombarded the opponent's sword.

Become a sword!

Swordsmanship alone, today's Li Zhe is definitely the first person in the Zifu realm!

The moment the huge sword intent struck, this person couldn't bear the pressure, and the sword in his hand was instantly retracted.

His body was suppressed in place by the Killing Sword Domain, and he could not escape quickly.

At this moment, Li Zhe slowly raised the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, seemingly weak, and thrust a sword towards the opponent.

When this person saw this, he sneered, his own spiritual power, even a full blow from the Purple Mansion Realm could block it, let alone Li Zhe's fluttering sword.

Only the next moment, his eyes opened instantly.

I saw that Li Zhe's sword penetrated the spiritual power and magic form without any hindrance, and directly landed on his waist!


Li Zhe murmured softly, and the spiritual power in his body surged out instantly.

The sword body of the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword suddenly turned into a blood-red color at this moment, and countless killing and cutting Dao Qi at this moment rushed directly into this person's body from the wound!

This killing Dao Qi is the power of the Great Dao, and even Li Zhe at the beginning can barely suppress it with the power of the immortal.

Now this person, in just an instant, his eyes turned into a blood red color, and his sea of ​​consciousness was attacked by that killer Dao Qi at this moment!

That spiritual power dynastic phase also dissipated instantly because of its sea of ​​consciousness being occupied.

In an instant, the **** sword energy around him was no longer blocked, and countless sword lights suddenly fell on his body at this moment!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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