However, at the moment when Lianghua just opened his mouth, at that moment, two powerful spiritual power fluctuations suddenly surged not far away.

His words were also interrupted instantly at this moment, and he and the other Taoist boy turned their heads to look at it at the same time.

"You fart! If you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

In front of the temple in the distance, an alchemist shouted angrily at the alchemist beside him.

The aura of the pinnacle of the Nascent Infant Realm is also at a glance.

And another alchemist said with a smile on his face: "Forgive you for not daring to go to war here, besides, you have no evil in your heart, are you afraid of me?"

"Huh! Go in later, the leader will check it out, maybe that person is you!"

The alchemist snorted coldly. This was the only way to put away his own breath and quietly looked at the hall in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Yu Liang realized that the situation here didn't seem to be as simple as he thought, it seemed that there was something wrong here.

"What's going on here? How come so many alchemists gather here today."

At this time, Yu Liang did not continue his words, but planned to ask the situation clearly.

After all, Li Zhe's injury was too weird. If he didn't understand anything and said it, he might get into trouble for Li Zhe.

And the other alchemist didn't care about this at the moment. He was Yu Liang's elder, and he knew that Yu Liang had just been assigned an alchemist.

When he thought about it, Yu Liang's alchemists were at most seven or eight grade alchemists, and naturally it had nothing to do with this matter.

Therefore, he also did not hesitate to say to Yu Liang: "A few days ago, someone broke into the forbidden ground and injured the spirit beast under the leader's seat. The leader suspected that someone had avoided the spirit oath in some way. That’s why we started to convene people to come and investigate."

Although he doesn't know much, this boy still knows the general situation very well.

And listening to this Dao Tong's words, Yu Liang's complexion also sank at this moment.

He instantly thought of the appearance of Li Zhe being seriously injured. In the Dan League, internal fighting was forbidden, so the injury was really suspicious.

And now it seems that this is probably what Li Zhe did!

However, even if he knew that Li Zhe had violated the Dan League, according to the rules of the Dan League, he should take the initiative to report it.

But now Yu Liang intends to cover up Li Zhe. Even if Li Zhe is discovered, he will be implicated, and he doesn't care at all!

"By the way, you just said what happened to your alchemy?"

At this time, the Dao Tong also said to Yu Liang in doubt.

Hearing this, Yu Liang's complexion was stagnant, and his brain was running fast, for fear that the other party would find that something was wrong with him.

Just for an instant, he chuckled lightly, and then said: "Isn’t that the alchemy master’s competition is about to start? My alchemist sent me to ask about the details. After all, it’s the first time he joined the alchemy league. I don’t know much about it."

"By the way, don't you know the latest things?"

This person blinked in confusion, and then whispered: "This matter should have spread in the pill league, and the alchemist Grand Bi was also postponed because of this."

Listening to the other party's words, Yu Liang gave a dry smile and said: "The alchemist has been in retreat recently, so we have not left the cave and we don't know the specific situation."

Hearing this, the Dao Tong nodded slightly, but he didn't think too much.

Upon seeing this, Yu Liang said softly: "If this is the case, I will first go back and report to the alchemist."

"Well, you go, I have to wait for my alchemist to come back."

Hearing this, the Dao Tong also nodded and responded.

Upon seeing this, Yu Liang quickly flashed away, drove the escape light, left here, and headed towards the cave mansion again.

And at this time, in front of the main hall, an elder frowned as he watched Yu Liang's escape light and frowned.

"Is the person who just left, is that Li Zhe's Taoist boy?"

The elder watched Yu Liang leave and said slowly.

As soon as this statement came out, the Dao Tong behind him also said respectfully: "Yes, that is the Dao Tong Yu Liang of Master Li Zhe."

"What is he doing here..."

The elder's brows narrowed slightly, and he muttered to himself.

He has a very harmonious relationship with Tao Huan, but since a few days ago, Tao Huan didn't say a word to herself, so she took her Dao Tong to leave the Dan League and disappeared.

Even with the contact symbol Tao Huan gave him before, he couldn't get in touch, which made him have been investigating whether something happened to Tao Huan recently.

After investigation, it was only found that Tao Huan had a relationship with Li Zhe before his disappearance.

But after all, this matter can be regarded as a private matter, and it can be regarded as his own worry, so he did not report the matter to the Dan League.

After all, when the alchemist left, he would often go to various secret realms to find pill medicine and medicinal herbs, so he couldn't get in touch, and it wasn't a major event.

Just instinct told him that Li Zhe had some problems.

At this moment, he also silently recorded the matter in his heart, turned around, and returned to the hall of the leader.

At the same time, on the way back, Yu Liang's expression was already tangled to the extreme.

Originally, he wanted to get the pill to save Li Zhe, but now it seems that Li Zhe cannot be rescued in this situation.

Moreover, according to the search speed of the Dan League, it is okay to find out that the group of alchemists have problems. If it can't be found, I am afraid that it will be Li Zhe's turn next!

And Li Zhe's state, if it were really discovered by others... it is really difficult to explain the problem of the injury.

Therefore, along the way, Yu Liang always carried a touch of extremely serious entanglement.

And not long after Yu Liang left the cave, Li Zhe was already awake. Although the injuries had not been relieved, the injuries were all on the body after all, and his spiritual consciousness was only slightly affected.

Therefore, the recovery of divine consciousness is naturally faster than the physical body.

After Yu Liang left, Li Zhe voluntarily entered the jade bottle space and began to quickly repair his body with the help of ten times the flow rate of time.

Li Zhe now has almost all organs in his body damaged, his meridians have also suffered extremely serious injuries, and his body has been completely destroyed.

Under these circumstances, it is equivalent to Li Zhe almost needing to use spiritual power to reshape a physical body, and the progress of this process is naturally difficult to speed up.

Soon, Yu Liang returned to the door of the cave mansion again. He held the Dan Ling that fell to the ground when Li Zhe was in a coma. After opening the formation, he stepped in.

"Where have you been?"

The moment Yu Liang returned to this cave, Li Zhe's voice also instantly rang from the room on the right.

Upon hearing this, Yu Liang also ran into the room anxiously.

At this moment, Li Zhe had changed his clothes again, and his body appearance seemed to have completely recovered.

However, this is just an illusion. Except for the surface, Li Zhe's injury in his body is still extremely difficult to recover, and his body is almost not much better than when he came back.

"Alchemist! Are you okay?"

Seeing Li Zhe regaining consciousness, Yu Liang also brightened his eyes and asked in surprise.

Li Zhe woke up much better, better than worrying about it all by himself.

Li Zhe nodded quietly, and said to Yu Liang, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Immediately, Yu Liang also took a deep breath, looked at Li Zhe, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Master Alchemy, you...Did you break into the forbidden area of ​​the Dan League to be injured?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhe's eyebrows narrowed slightly.

He naturally knew that the things he broke into would definitely be discovered by the Dan League, and now that Yu Liang doubted himself, naturally there was no problem.

Therefore, Li Zhe nodded without any doubts, and said softly, "That's right."

Hearing that Li Zhe did not hesitate to admit this thing that was enough to be wiped out in the Dan League, and Yu Liang's feeling of being trusted was once again greatly strengthened.

"Master alchemy, don't worry, I just went out, just worried about your injury, I want to ask you a few pills, I didn't think about it..."

Yu Liang took a deep breath, and then slowly talked to Li Zhe about what he had just experienced.

Li Zhe's brows also slowly wrinkled when he heard that the Dan League had already begun investigating high-level alchemists.

"Why start with the third-class alchemist, shouldn't all alchemists of the fourth and fifth grades have a high level of cultivation? After all, it is not only the third-class that has the Nascent Infant state..."

Li Zhe frowned and murmured.

Suddenly, Li Zhe's eyes widened, and instantly he remembered that when he was discovered by the Thunder Demon, he was about to pick the Thousand-Year Spirit Gathering Flower!

And the Spirit Gathering Flower has no usable use. After all, the Spirit Gathering effect is not a scarce attribute among the pills, especially the Spirit Gathering Flower can only gather spirits, and has no other use.

Therefore, the Spirit Gathering Flower has only one pill to use it, and that is the Third Grade Spirit Gathering Pill!

It is for this reason that the pill league started investigating from those third-class alchemists!

Think about it this way, and soon, if you can’t find anyone in the third class, then you have to postpone it to the fourth class...

Li Zhe squinted his eyes, then raised his head and said slowly to Yu Liang: "You go to guard outside the cave. No matter who finds it, I will say that I am studying the medicine in retreat."


Yu Liang nodded slightly, and now that Li Zhe woke up, he could be considered to have the backbone, but he didn't have such worries.

Immediately, after returning the Dan Ling to Li Zhe, Yu Liang left the Dong Mansion on his own and sat in front of the Dong Mansion.

"Master, don't worry, did that Dao Tong betray you?"

At this moment, the Tiaobao Boy also asked Li Zhe softly in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge.

Hearing this, Li Zhe smiled slightly and said calmly: "You forgot, I have the gods and gods, can I know if a person can lie?"

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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