After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2046: Taichi Remnants, Instrument Tower

Seeing the other person's appearance, Li Zhe lowered his head and picked up the compass on the ground, and said softly, "How can I use this compass to restore this room to its original shape?"

"Turn to Kun, the next three lines, turn right to four small stars, and you can open the upper line of the stem."

This person said to Li Zhe indifferently.

Hearing the other party's words, Li Zhe glanced at the other side quietly, then directly raised his hand and passed the compass into his hand.

"Twist the way you said, if one step is wrong, you know the consequences."

Li Zhe looked at him and said softly.

Hearing this, the corners of this person's mouth twitched subconsciously, and then he smiled and said, "You see, I don't have spiritual power now, and I can't turn this compass..."

At the moment when this person said these words, Li Zhe suddenly raised his hand and waved two spiritual powers smoothly, directly controlling the opponent's hands!

"In that case, I will help you."

Li Zhe nodded and said slowly.

When talking, you have to manipulate the other party's hands and turn the compass according to the method the other party said.

"Don't don't don't! Ex...Seniors have a large number of them, so I don't dare to do it again!"

At this moment, this person's complexion changed, and he quickly shouted to Li Zhe.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "You and I have no grievances, I really don't want to do anything to you, but if you want to do something to you, don't Blame me."

As soon as the words came out, the man nodded quickly, with a little embarrassment on his face as a failed strategy.

The method he said was to allow all the power of this formation to be concentrated on the body of the spellcaster. I am afraid that Li Zhe could lose his combat effectiveness in an instant!

It's just that Li Zhe is also a good individual, the two people who have never met, and Li Zhe knows that he is still an enemy in the eyes of the other party.

Under these circumstances, I just asked the question, and the other party immediately gave an answer. Either the other party really accepted his fate completely, or he was ill-intentioned.

However, the opponent's cultivation base was obviously a little higher than Li Zhe, he didn't believe anyone would accept his fate so quickly, let alone a monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage!

Therefore, it is the scene with just now.

From this perspective, Li Zhe's own conjecture is correct.

Now, Li Zhe is using the other party's method to turn the compass with his spiritual power.

Sure enough, this time, after Li Zhe's operation was completed, the iron gate also made a soft sound, and the spiritual light of the battle method disappeared, and the spiritual power wall in front of this person also completely lost its light.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe nodded and walked to the Han Yuanding and the Spirit Fire.

This spirit fire Li Zhe knew that it was the top pill fire cultivated by the alchemy masters of the late Purple Mansion realm that Taiyi Immortal Sect thought had been cultivated for thousands of years!

Immediately, Li Zhe had a thought, and his spiritual power instantly rushed to the spiritual fire, wrapping the spiritual fire.

However, at the moment when Li Zhe's spiritual power enveloped the spiritual fire, the light of the spiritual fire suddenly surged, directly following Li Zhe's traces of spiritual power, and it burned to Li Zhe's body quickly!

Li Zhe was shocked, and immediately cut off his spiritual power, and his figure also took a few steps back.

Without the continuation of the spiritual power, the spiritual fire burned along the traces of Li Zhe's spiritual power for a while, and then returned to the vent above the ground.

Li Zhe took a deep breath when he saw this.

The monk in the medicinal garden, even though he wanted to violate the rules and refine the pill by himself.

But his courage was so great, he didn't dare to make any idea to actually steal this cold abyss and the spirit fire.

Therefore, Li Zhe naturally didn't know how to tame the spiritual fire and the method to conquer this cold abyss.

However, Li Zhe didn't know, but the monk at the back did.

Immediately, Li Zhe was not in a hurry to subdue these things, anyway, this monk was completely subdued by himself.

It is impossible to think that everyone except Li Zhe knows this Taiyixianzong so much.

So now, it's safe to question the other party.

"Okay, let's talk about it, and tell me all your information about this place."

Li Zhe turned around, walked back to the monk, and said softly.

And the monk also took a deep breath, looked at Li Zhe, and said slowly: "Are you from Central Continent, too?"

Li Zhe didn't comment on the other party's question, but looked at each other quietly.

"You know that I am from the Qixuan Tower. If you are willing to let me go, I promise you in the name of Qixuan Tower elder that after leaving, I can give you three top magical artifacts!"

This person took a deep breath, looked at Li Zhe, and said slowly.

Hearing the other party's words, Li Zhe blinked slightly. When he asked the people of the Guying Group to investigate the Qing Family in this Xuanlou, the information returned by the Guying Group also contained a little piggyback introduction.

Qi Xuan Building is similar to a sect, but it is not a formal sect. On the contrary, it is like a chamber of commerce, which specializes in selling various magical pill. It can be said that it is the largest sect for selling magical pill in Central Continent.

Because the Qing family had bought some magical artifacts in the Qixuan Building, that information contained them.

Now that he heard what the other party said, Li Zhe also smiled slightly and looked at the other party and said, "Your Excellency must also be aware that there are only a handful of things that are better than the remains of the Taiyi Immortal Sect in the Xuan Tower?"

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, he was sluggish towards the other side, and then he said to Li Zhe solemnly: "In this way, your Excellency should have heard of my Qixuan Tower, so you are not afraid... After I go out, Chasing you?!"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the other person, and said softly: "Then you are afraid, are you dead here now?"

As soon as he said this, the other party's complexion was instantly cold, and there was no sound.

From the beginning to the end, Li Zhe had shown a little murderous intent to him just now when he was playing tricks. At other times, he was calming his emotions.

Therefore, this is what makes him subconsciously feel that Li Zhe is somewhat afraid of himself, so he dares to threaten Li Zhe at this time.

However, when Li Zhe said these words, he disappeared instantly.

Until this time, he had clearly realized that his life was in the hands of the other party, and he had no qualifications to negotiate terms at all!

"Okay, let’s talk about how you got the information inside, and how much do you know about the information inside."

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath and looked at the other party and said slowly: "If you cooperate with me, I can guarantee that you can go to other places to hunt for treasure after the incident. If you don't cooperate, you will suffer the consequences. Think about it."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the man gritted his teeth and hesitated, after all, he sighed, nodded, and spoke in a low voice.

This Qixuan Building has a history of thousands of years since its establishment.

And the ancestor of Qixuan Tower was once a disciple above the 42 peaks of the Taiyi Immortal Sect!

Above this peak, he specializes in casting tools to refine alchemy, and his ancestor also cultivated here to the Yuan Ying realm.

Later, I felt that I was hopeless in the sect, so I asked to leave.

The Taiyi Immortal Sect was extremely strong at that time, and he didn't react too much to this situation.

After all, a disciple of the Nascent Soul Realm who left the sect, for them, has no influence, and in the Taiyi Immortal Sect, various spells and the like are extremely rich and diverse, they are not afraid of any secret skills leaking out, so they agreed. The Patriarch of Xuanlou left.

After this, the ancestor of Qixuanlou founded Qixuanlou by himself. With the skills learned in Taiyixianzong, it developed rapidly in a short time.

Later, this Taiyixianzong bizarrely disappeared.

After his ancestor confirmed the departure of Taiyi Xianzong, he always wanted to find the old site of Xianzong, because as a former disciple, he knew how many good things were there.

However, during his entire life, he could not find it, but before the end of his life, he refined the operating compass on the forty-two peaks according to his memory, and at the same time, he will know where some treasures in Taiyi Immortal Sect are. And the map in Taiyixianzong was drawn.

After that, while Qixuan Tower was developing, it was always trying to find the Taiyixianzong ruins.

Although I don't know if this Taiyixianzong disappeared with the sect, if the sect is still there, if they find it, they can jump directly into the top sect!

It wasn't until a few years ago that they finally spent an auxiliary real tool in the black market of the Lingzhuan area in exchange for this inheritance pearl.

"These are the approximate things that have passed."

At this moment, when the words were finished, this person looked at Li Zhe and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also narrowed his eyes slightly. In this way, it is no wonder the other party is so familiar with this place.

After all, its ancestor was once a member here.

"The map is on you, give it to me."

Li Zhe looked at each other and said slowly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, this person's complexion stagnated, obviously hesitant.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe waved his wrist.

In an instant, accompanied by a flash of spiritual light, a burst of strong medicinal fragrance instantly filled the entire room!

"There are five hundred spiritual herbs in the medicinal garden here. Change your map."

Li Zhe looked at him and said softly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the person's eyes widened in an instant, and he glanced at the pile of spiritual herbs, and then looked up at Li Zhe again. The eyes were as weird as they were.

In the world of cultivation, the strong always respect, and his life is in the hands of the opponent. In fact, it is not an option to choose if you don’t pay. However, Li Zhe still chooses to trade with him. He is the first time he has seen him. To someone as strange as Li Zhe...

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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