After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1973: The old monk appeared

After the bead fell, it instantly stopped in this piece of magic energy.

At the same time, with the appearance of the bead, the expression of the demon race stagnated for an instant, and the whole body of demon energy stopped flowing at this moment.

On Li Zhe's body, the great aura that was about to spread dissipated in an instant, and Li Zhe's stagnant heart began to beat again, and his spiritual power began to return to normal at this moment.

In an instant, Li Zhe weakened all over and fell directly to the ground. Perhaps due to the influence of the great power, Li Zhe at this moment only felt that he could not get up with all his strength. He could only lie on the ground, quietly. Wait for the body to recover on its own.

At the same time, the bead hovering in front of the Demon Race also emitted golden light at this moment, and began to slowly rotate.

On the body of the demon race, along with the rotation of the beads, a series of fine runes appeared!

At this moment, a body wrapped in golden light suddenly fell from above. Li Zhe was very familiar with that figure, and it was the old monk who helped him to repel the Royal Beastmen!

"The poor monk never thought that these demons still have such strength, but it makes the donor suffer."

When the old monk came, he smiled and said to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe stared at each other with his eyes widened. After a long while he barely took a breath, and said bitterly, "When did you come back?"

"Let's talk about it later."

The old monk smiled slightly, ignored Li Zhe, turned around and looked at the demons.

When he looked at the Demon Race, the smile on his face was completely closed.

I saw the old monk gently raised his hand, and a golden light spell appeared instantly, directly wrapping the body of the demons together.

Then he raised his hand slightly, and several golden threads dropped instantly on the big golden net at the entrance of the magic well above.

Immediately, those golden silk threads were directly connected to the limbs and head of the demon race.

At the moment of connection, those golden silk threads were instantly solidified and turned into chains.

The demons who made Li Zhe even lacked the power to resist, at this moment in front of the old monk, they did not even have the power to resist.

The demons couldn't make any actions now, but stared at the old monk with hatred in their eyes.

The old monk's expression remained unchanged, but he was quietly operating the formation in this magic well.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, about a quarter of an hour passed.

And at this moment, the whole body of the Demon Race was already full of chains generated by that formation.

Afterwards, the old monk drank lightly, and suddenly swiped his wrist downward.

Through this voice, Li Zhe was able to judge that the cracked ground had become an abyss at this moment!

And that Mozu's body was not leaking the slightest magic energy, and it was completely restricted from the use of power.

When the Demon Race reached the bottom of the abyss, Li Zhe vaguely heard the sound of chains buckling the Demon Race's body.

At this time, Li Zhe finally recovered from that weak state, and slowly stood up.

"Don't stay here anymore. Let's go up and talk if you have anything."

The old monk looked at Li Zhe with a smile, his figure flashed, but he left first.

Li Zhe was silent for a long time before finally letting out a sigh of relief.

Until now, Li Zhe has clearly realized that his strength is probably only maintained at the middle level.

That demon, if you take it seriously, you can instantly lose all resistance.

And just such a terrifying enemy, in the hands of the old monk, turned into an opponent without any resistance.

After a while, Li Zhe shook his head slightly, knowing that he still has a long way to go.

With a wave of his wrist, he put the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword into his storage bag.

Immediately this was a flash of figure, and he also walked towards the top of the magic well.

Soon, with the imprint of the golden bead, Li Zhe flew out of the magic well and reached the top of the temple again.

"Donor, you are fine!"

Seeing Li Zhe coming out, the Zhifa monk waiting outside the well also smiled slightly and said to Li Zhe with a smile.

Li Zhe also smiled slightly and said softly, "Thank you for your concern."

Monk Zhifa waved his hand, then turned around, pointed to a door leading to the Buddhist hall behind him, and whispered: "The abbot is waiting for you there, saying that there are things I want to tell you. It's almost done, let's go, I still need to seal this magic well completely."

Hearing this, Li Zhe took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

In the battle with that demon clan, the incarnation of Killing was fighting before, and all that was consumed by killing Qi.

After that, apart from fleeing himself, Li Zhe almost did not engage in any battle with the demons and was restricted in his figure, so his own consumption was not large.

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped forward and walked in the direction of the temple, wanting to see what the old monk had to say to himself.

As soon as he entered the temple, Li Zhe took a deep breath. He could clearly feel that the old monk was here, and the entire temple seemed a little more solemn.

After seeing the old monk, Li Zhe also bowed to the old monk slightly, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Master, for just helping me."

Hearing this, the old monk looked calm and whispered: "These demons are sealed here. I was supposed to wait for it to be controlled, but it's not a help."

"In any case, I have written down this kindness."

Li Zhe took a breath and said softly.

Hearing this, the old monk also said softly to Li Zhe: "Presumably, the donor’s trip is also very rewarding. You should organize your own harvest first, and when you are fully prepared, you will come to the poor monk. Zen room."

After all, the old monk smiled slightly at Li Zhe, then turned around and walked towards the Buddhist room.

Li Zhe was stunned and nodded slightly.

He was at the bottom of this trip, except that he successfully obtained the Supreme Pure Heart Secret Art, which helped him suppress the killing Qi in his body.

It was also obtained that bitter pill and the crystal of that day demon in the battlefield of the day demon.

Li Zhe had never known about the catastrophe of breaking through the Purple Mansion.

Similar to these things, generally only when the monks arrive when they are about to enter the Purple Mansion, they will begin to understand.

Knowing too much from the beginning, in fact, it may not be a good thing. It can easily lead to a high level of distraction and confusion.

Therefore, that bitter pill Li Zhe did not do any further research, but a flash of light in his hand took out the magic crystal of that day.

The magic crystal was just taken out that day, and the surging spiritual power instantly covered the entire Buddhist hall.

Li Zhe also took a deep breath, holding the crystal in his hand, sitting cross-legged on the futon in the Buddhist hall like a Danyu, and began to absorb it.

Within this celestial demon crystal, spiritual power is actually relatively small, but demon energy is more.

Li Zhe doesn't need those demonic energy, but in addition to this demonic energy, there is also the origin of the demon that day: the power of divine consciousness!

Immediately, Li Zhe was holding the crystal and slowly absorbing the power of the divine consciousness in the crystal.

This power of divine consciousness condensed into the gods is naturally different from the power of divine consciousness of monks, but under the condensing of the demon battlefield that day, these divine powers have also become very easy to absorb.

At this moment, as the power of the Taoist consciousness was absorbed, Li Zhe could clearly feel that his own consciousness, at this moment, seemed to have begun to undergo a very subtle change.

The degree of the change was small, but Li Zhe could clearly perceive that his spiritual consciousness had indeed changed!

Time passed slowly, because Li Zhe's absorption speed was not too fast because he wanted to avoid the impurities in the magic crystal and only absorb the power of the divine consciousness.

In an instant, three days have passed.

In these three days, Li Zhe had been absorbing the power of the divine consciousness that belonged to the demon.

At this moment, the magic crystal in his hand has been obviously faded a lot, although it still looks black, but it can be felt that it is empty.

At noon that day, Li Zhe finally slowly opened his eyes.

It's just that in those eyes, there is quite a weird look, and it seems that he can't believe it.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Zhe smiled blankly. The look in his eyes had already transformed into a surprise.

Li Zhe clearly felt that the strength of his current divine consciousness, after absorbing the strength of the divine consciousness in this magic crystal, was already comparable to the strength of the late Nascent Soul Realm!

And apart from this incident, what surprised Li Zhe most was that he had acquired a little talent that was unique to the gods after completely absorbing the power of the divine consciousness in the sunglasses!

He can now, in front of a monk whose divine consciousness is not as strong as his own, unknowingly, like the demon of the day, into the memory of the opponent!

Although the depth of this exploration is not deep, only some recent memories can be understood, but it is also very strong.

Moreover, he can easily tell whether others have lied to himself, which is a very practical skill!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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