After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1942: Immortal power

It was also when Li Zhe used the life-spirit branches to recover his body, as the immortal power entered the body, the slightly rickety body in front of Li Zhe gradually straightened up.

At the same time, a breath that was enough to make any monk feel trembling also slowly spilled out of his body.

"It's been a long time, this feeling of controlling the world..."

He slowly raised a hand and murmured.

With the aura surging at this moment, this person's appearance with the characteristics of monsters is slowly returning to the appearance of a normal human at this moment.

It seemed that the human form with the beast horns was his body, but now the appearance of ordinary people is transformed.

At this moment, he slowly walked up to the front. Before reaching the prison, he lifted his palm lightly and placed it directly on the iron bars of the prison.

In an instant, the light of the formation directly appeared on the iron fence, with a strong backlash.

Above this formation, there is a very strong damage to those who trigger the formation from the inside, in order to prevent those prisoners from escaping from prison without authorization.

However, at this moment, that power seemed to be completely non-existent to this person.


It was at this moment, accompanied by a crisp sound, that the formation above the prison shattered instantly.

And that person also pushed the iron gate lightly at this time and walked out of it.

The other prisoners naturally felt the breaking of the formation, but no one had any changes due to this.

After all, the demon emperor's coercion is now shrouding here, and they naturally dare not have any other thoughts.

Seeing that the other party came out, Li Zhe said to the other party: "I will leave here first."

Before speaking, Li Zhe directly took out his token.

Now that the person in front of him can help his Magic Devouring Spirit Sword break through, Li Zhe naturally does not need to stay here anymore.

While speaking, Li Zhe raised his hand to use the power of the token to control the formation to send the two out of this place.

Only at this moment, Li Zhe's expression changed slightly.

He could clearly feel that the power of the formation seemed to be cut off by some kind of power at this moment.

This power is naturally the power of the laws laid down by the three Dao calls.

Logically speaking, the power of this formation should be the most advanced existence in this island.

It does not mean that the power of the law should be superior to this formation.

It's just that under the blockade of the power of the law, all the fluctuations here have been completely blocked in this and cannot be transmitted. The fluctuations that the token transmits are naturally blocked in it and cannot be transmitted.

Seeing Li Zhe's expression, the person in front of him also smiled indifferently, as if he knew what was going on.

"Do you want to keep those monster races still being sealed here, or let them go out."

At this moment, the man turned his head to look at Li Zhe and asked softly.

Listening to this person's questioning, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "What do you mean?"

Hearing these words, this talent explained to Li Zhe.

If Li Zhe wants these demon races to continue to be sealed here, he only needs to persuade the demon emperor, and now he naturally has the power to persuade the demon emperor.

And if Li Zhe had no idea about this, he could directly kill the demon emperor here.

"Wait, what does your killing of that Demon Emperor have to do with those demon tribes leaving this seal?"

Li Zhe frowned suspiciously, and said slowly.

Hearing this, this person said indifferently: "If I kill the demon emperor, it will naturally be a matter of time for the two countries to reunify here. Without the existence of the enemy, they will inevitably study the matter of peace formation. Although the formation is strong, it will only be a matter of time before it is broken."

Listening to the other party's words, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and then he nodded slightly, having to say that the other party's thoughts were not unreasonable.

Although Li Zhe has no hatred with these monster races, it is not difficult to imagine that once these monster races successfully break free from the shackles of this formation, some monks will inevitably die as a result.

Li Zhe naturally didn't want to see this scene.

"I understand, let the island maintain this condition, anyway, they seem to be doing pretty well now."

Li Zhe took a deep breath and said slowly to the other party.

Hearing this, this person nodded to Li Zhe, and then said softly: "Okay, just wait here."

As he spoke, the figure of this person disappeared in the same place in an instant. Li Zhe was slightly stunned, and then quietly waited in place according to what the other party said.

After all, Li Zhe's strength was not enough to provide any help when facing the Demon Emperor.

At the same time, the demon emperor had already reached more than half of the prison stairs, and a little further forward was to reach the jailer's resting place.

However, at this moment, the demon emperor frowned slightly, and his original pace of continuous advancement stopped at this moment.

That is, the moment he stopped, the person rescued by Li Zhe stepped out of the void in front of the demon emperor and stopped in front of the demon emperor.

Almost the moment he appeared, a pressure far beyond the Purple Mansion Realm was instantly revealed from his body.

In an instant, the Demon Emperor's pupils shrank suddenly, his knees bent slightly, and he almost fell to his knees!

But after all, with the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion Realm, he still forcibly resisted this impulse.

However, Rao stopped this impulse, and the demon emperor also felt that the operation of his spiritual power had begun to become a little difficult.

The pressure oozing out of the person in front of him is far from being the pressure brought by the pressure between normal monks, but a pressure that crosses the ranks and lives.

In the feeling of this demon emperor, it was as if standing in front of him was an existence whose life level far exceeded his own.

After this person appeared, he did not speak, but stood still and looked at the demon emperor calmly.

After a long while, he slowly said: "I don't have much hatred with you, don't disturb Benxian doing things."


The words said that the demon emperor subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Almost out of instinct, this demon emperor could feel that he was not the opponent of the other party, so naturally there was no hostility.

He wanted this person to hand over the spies of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

It was only at this moment that he was surprised to find that the other party's words seemed to follow a certain rule, and he could not say any words that defy the other party's meaning!

After struggling for a while, this demon emperor swallowed his saliva and nodded silently.

"Go away, within half a year, it is forbidden to approach this prison again, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Upon seeing this, this person nodded calmly and said coldly.

Hearing these words, the demon emperor seemed to have received an amnesty, nodded in an instant, turned around, and left the prison quickly.

Seeing that the demon emperor was leaving, the man took a sigh of relief. In fact, he was sweating in his heart.

The immortal energy that Li Zhe gave him was actually extremely thin, and the amount of that immortal energy was not even enough to support even one spell he released.

The only effect is to release his fairy breath, nothing more.

At the same time, the Demon Emperor also fled to the prison courtyard above.

Originally, all the demons thought that when the Demon Emperor came up again, he would return with the spy.

But at this moment, seeing his own Demon Emperor ran out empty-handed, everyone blinked in doubt.

"What's the matter? That spy is not among them?"

One Xuandao looked at the demon emperor and asked softly.

Hearing this, the demon emperor took a deep breath and didn't say much, but when he lifted his wrist, a piece of spiritual power instantly flew up into the air and turned into a light ball.

Upon seeing this, everyone instantly touched the light group as before.

This is a special spell for Yaozu to share memories.

Such spells not only share the memory, but also enable the perceiver to clearly feel everything that happens in the memory in the first person.

After a long while, the demons returned their divine consciousness, each of them glanced at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

They knew very well that their Demon Emperor's Purple Mansion Realm cultivation base was genuine.

In addition, this demon emperor still has the blood of ancient divine beasts in his body, and his strength is stronger than that of the general purple mansion realm.

Therefore, the only thing that can make their own demon emperor feel an instinctive sense of fear is that the opponent's strength really surpasses their own demon emperor!

"Retreat, make this place a forbidden place, and no one is allowed to approach it from now on!"

Immediately, after seeing that all the demons understood everything that happened below, the demon emperor said with a calm voice to the demons.

And listening to this, the demons naturally didn't say anything against them.

The sudden emergence of such a strong person, they naturally did not dare to defy their orders.

After all, judging from the demon emperor's perception, I am afraid that the monster beasts of the entire Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom will not be able to cause any damage to each other!

"This...sir, what's the matter?"

At this moment, the warden behind who didn't understand the situation was stunned, and asked in a slanderous voice: "Below the prison, there are still tens of thousands of spies from the Demon Kingdom..."

"Do you not understand the words of the emperor? This place, from today onwards, is a forbidden place!"

The Demon Emperor frowned and said in a deep voice.

He hit the wall one after another, and his temper would naturally not get any better.

At this moment, the warden swallowed, smiled awkwardly, and nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, below the prison.

"The matter has been resolved, those monster races will not bother us anymore."

The figure of that person reappeared beside Li Zhe and said with a light smile.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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