After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1918: Yaozu detection

Confirming the disappearance of the Snow Spirit Demon, Li Zhe also let out a long sigh of relief, which is considered to have solved a trouble.

However, this matter also made Li Zhe clear that the detection ability of these monster races is far stronger than that of monks. Li Zhe should move slowly on the next journey.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe noticed that there seemed to be a slight change in the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand.

This change is not obvious, and it is difficult for Li Zhe to determine whether it is good or bad.

At this moment, holding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and put the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword into his storage bag.

The changes of the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword also made Li Zhe even more anxious to find Deng Xuanqi.

After all, it has been half a year since the changes of the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, although it is normal for a breakthrough of one and a half years in the practice world.

But after all, this is also his own spirit sword, and care is chaotic. At this moment, Li Zhe also flew up again in silence and galloped towards the hermit residence of Deng Xuanqi.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed.

In the past half a month, Li Zhe's speed has slowed down a lot, and his aura is more secretive than before.

Therefore, along the way, no other monsters have discovered it.

Now, in this high altitude, Li Zhe could vaguely see the outline of the mountain range that day in the distance.

It was only a few dozen miles away from the hidden residence of Deng Xuanqi.

According to the records on that map, the place where Deng Xuanqi lived was on a snow-capped mountain.

Soon, Li Zhe found the snow-capped mountain and came to the top of it.

This snow-capped mountain is not high or short. Among the northern snowy areas, it is very common and not particularly eye-catching.

I thought that if Deng Xuanqi didn't take the initiative to appear, it would be difficult for those monsters to find his existence.

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhe also went to the mountain.

However, at the moment Li Zhe went up the mountain, there was a sound of eagle crowing in the distance.

This kind of sound seemed very common in the northern snowfields where monsters and beasts were everywhere, so Li Zhe didn't pay much attention.

And at the moment when the sound of the eagle screamed, on the edge of the Tianxun mountain range, a monster beast waiting here suddenly condensed, and the whole person turned into a stream of light, and went straight to the depths of the Tianxun mountain range. Gallop away.


In the depths of the Tianxun Mountain Range, inside the cave created by the demon clan for Deng Xuanqi, there was a regular sound of intersecting gold and iron at this moment.

Deng Xuanqi was hitting something similar to metal with the small hammer he carried with him.

If you look closely, you can see that the entire cave is now covered with various artifact components.

These things were all refined by him during this period of time, but they had not been refined yet. The entire room was filled with various semi-finished products.

"What's matter?"

At this moment, Deng Xuanqi suddenly stagnated, and slowly put away his hammer, raised his head, and looked towards the entrance of the cave.

The figure of the Snow Demon Emperor, I don't know when, already appeared at the entrance of this cave.

"Hehe, your reaction is as sensitive as ever."

Listening to Deng Xuanqi's words, Xue Yaodi smiled slightly and laughed loudly.

Hearing this, Deng Xuanqi only glanced at him faintly, and then said slowly: "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"On the mountain where you lived before, today a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm entered, and his concealment ability is quite strong, but it was still discovered by the Spirit Hunting Eagle."

The Snow Demon Emperor chuckled lightly, then said slowly to Deng Xuanqi.

Hearing these words, Deng Xuan's eyebrows slightly frowned, and the whole person fell silent.

After a long while, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the Snow Demon Emperor, and said slowly: "So, what are you going to do with him?"

"We have signed a contract with the human race. The monks who broke into the snow without permission can leave it to my monster race."

The Snow Demon Emperor glanced at Deng Xuanqi with a smile, and then said, "I know, you are a human race after all, and you still don't want to see these monks and be strangled by me?"

Hearing the words of the Snow Demon Emperor, Deng Xuanqi also took a deep breath, then slowly shook his head, and whispered: "After all, he came to find me. If not necessary, let him go back. "

"What if he keeps exploring?"

Xue Yaodi nodded, and then continued to ask Deng Xuanqi.

Although the demon race has never had a good impression of the human race, after all, it is the demon race who wants Deng Xuanqi now.

It was also necessary to consider Deng Xuanqi's attitude, so the Snow Demon Emperor had this question.

"Then bring him to me, and I will persuade him to live a good life. After letting him go back, no other monks will be found again, so that you can also be cleansed."

Deng Xuanqi let out a long sigh of relief, and then slowly said to the Snow Demon Emperor.

Hearing this, the Snow Demon Emperor shrugged and nodded. He didn't say much, but said softly: "Understood, then you can continue casting."

After that, the Snow Demon Emperor directly turned around and walked out.

And Deng Xuanqi also stood still, and after a long period of silence, he let out a long sigh, continued to lower his head, picked up the hammer, and silently cast the vessel.

At the same time, on the snow-capped mountain, Li Zhe had already arrived in a valley between the mountains.

This valley has a semicircular shape, and similar locations can be seen almost everywhere on the snow-capped mountains.

But with the map, Li Zhe was quite sure that Deng Xuanqi's reclusive place was here.

Immediately, he stepped forward and walked slowly to the position of the mountain wall.

Although the snow-capped mountains are full of snow, the mountain wall is not covered by that snow because of the angle.

Li Zhe stood on the spot and looked quietly on the mountain wall for a while, then he slowly raised his palm.

In an instant, several spiritual powers flew out of Li Zhe's palm, hitting the raised rocks on the mountain wall in turn.

When the last spirit power fell, the entire mountain wall trembles slightly at this moment.

Suddenly, on this rock wall, a gap was slowly cracked, and within this gap was a passage leading to the inside.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also let out a long sigh of relief. It seems that this reclusive place of Deng Xuanqi seems to have not been destroyed.

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped directly into this passage.

The entire passage is not very long, but after reaching the end of the passage, Li Zhe slowly frowned.

He walked this way, and the entire passage was not damaged in the slightest.

However, all the formations in this channel recorded on the map have disappeared!

At this moment, Li Zhe also walked out of the end of the passage and reached a circular cave that was opened up.

In this cave, there are still a lot of gems embedded on the rock wall that emit a gleam, but in the entire cave, apart from the existence of these gems, there is nothing!

These gems may be extremely precious to mortals, but they are completely worthless in the eyes of monks.

"It's empty here. Could it be that Deng Xuanqi was taken away?"

Diaobao Boy asked in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge with some doubts.

Hearing this, Li Zhe took a deep breath, then shook his head.

"In the entire cave, except for the formation that opened the cave still exists, all formations inside have disappeared, but there is no trace of a fight inside."

Li Zhe looked around and murmured, "In other words, Deng Xuanqi probably left after calmly packing up his own things and closing the formation."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Diaobao Boy asked in doubt, "How could it be like this? Could it be that Deng Xuanqi escaped ahead of time by taking advantage of the demon clan's troubles?"

"It should be impossible. At the time of the monster clan, I took the lead. No sect can react in advance, let alone Deng Xuanqi who doesn't communicate with these sects."

Li Zhe shook his head slightly and said, "Also, the monster clan did not lose wind at the beginning. I am afraid that this area is the first area that the monster clan controls. In other words, whenever Deng Xuanqi wants to leave, he is always there. Within the territory of the Monster Race, it is impossible not to be discovered..."

Li Zhe was now wearing a purple spirit jade suit, and all the way along, he was discovered and intercepted by a snow spirit demon on the way.

Although Deng Xuanqi is also a cultivator of the Nascent Soul Realm, but his major is refining tools, he should be no better than Li Zhe who has a purple spirit jade suit.

Therefore, it is very likely that Deng Xuanqi was caught in the territory of the monster race!

Either die or be taken away, there are only these two possibilities.

Immediately, Li Zhe stood there and let out a long sigh of relief.

His only hope for a breakthrough with the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword was that he could only find a way by finding Deng Xuanqi.

Therefore, Li Zhe will never give up!

"Master, what are you going to do next?"

Diaobao Boy asked softly in Li Zhe's knowledge of the sea at this moment.

Hearing this, Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief and said slowly: "There is no way, I can only go into the sky and look for the mountains..."

While speaking, Li Zhe turned around and walked out of the cave.

When he walked out of the cave and stepped outside the snow-capped mountain again, Li Zhe stopped, squinted, and looked forward.

At this moment, outside of this cave, more than a dozen monsters of Yuanying realm were all holding their arms and looking at themselves with interest.

It was as if these monsters were waiting for themselves here!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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