After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1916: Agreement with Yaozu

The strength levels of these monsters are not high, and they are about the peak of the Void God Realm.

Even so, the monsters are extremely powerful after all, and everyone at the moment is the golden core that just broke through with that condensed core.

Under these circumstances, the siege of these monsters alone would be extremely difficult to deal with.

After all, in Li Zhe's perception, there are dozens of monsters in this entire group of monsters!

I think these monster beasts are all excluded, and only these low-level monster beasts will appear in this place that meets the human realm.

However, the appearance of these monsters gave Li Zhe an excellent opportunity to escape from here!

After all, the bracelet can be in contact with the big sect at any time. If Li Zhe suddenly leaves the team without authorization, these people will inevitably send a message to the sect.

Li Zhe is not afraid of that sect. After all, that sect is not at the level of the fairy mountain gate. Now Li Zhe is acting alone, with Donghua Sect as his backer, and he is completely worthy of the opponent.

However, looking for Deng Xuan Qiyi's incident was related to whether Li Zhe's Magic Devouring Spirit Sword could successfully evolve into a real killing weapon.

Therefore, Li Zhe had to be cautious, and all circumstances that might affect progress had to be taken into consideration.

At the same time, on the snowy ground about one mile away from Li Zhe and the others, a group of monsters had already assembled.

These monster beasts look like a bear, but they don't have the kind of tall bears that can cause slow movements. On the contrary, they look like wolves and look extremely ferocious.

And in front of these monsters, there is a monster with a metamorphosis in the golden core realm as its leader.

He stared at the direction where Li Zhe and the others were, with a cold face, and said indifferently: "Hmph, these human races, even though Yu Yaodi has signed a non-interference treaty, they dare to send people in!"

Hearing his words, all the monster beasts behind him also uttered a low roar, seeming to agree, but also looking forward to attack.

After all, for these monsters, human monks can be said to be the best ingredients!

Especially those people who cultivate are already forming pill, if they can swallow their bodies, then they will be able to get a lot of benefits from their respective cultivation bases!

"The siege formation is on. Don't let them escape. If you let them escape to other monsters, we will have less food."

The leading monster took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

Hearing that, all the monsters roared deep, as if they were responding.

Immediately, the figures of these monster beasts turned into afterimages of the roads, pulling away from the surroundings, and then slowly enclosing the people of Li Zhe!

The leading Transformation Monster Beast also gave a cold smile, spreading its figure directly, and galloping towards Li Zhe and the others.

His goal is also Li Zhe. In his perception, all the monks are obviously unable to resist the siege of their own people.

Only Li Zhe, a monk in the same realm as himself, was relatively difficult to deal with.

However, at the moment his figure unfolded, his forward body stagnated for an instant, and his entire body trembled for an instant.

At this moment, he felt a coercion unique to the Ziyuanying realm, and the release of coercion was definitely stronger than him!

Just at the moment when the pressure fell, a message of divine consciousness entered his sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

Feeling this message, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a look of doubt.

After a long while, he took a deep breath, nodded respectfully, and responded.

And here, everyone has discussed various countermeasures, and they are ready to leave.


It was at this moment that Li Zhe suddenly shouted.

Hearing that, everyone slowly turned their heads and looked at Li Zhe.

Li Zhe didn't say much, just motioned everyone to look around.

Seeing Li Zhe's actions, everyone looked around. It didn't matter if they didn't look at it. At first glance, they found that everyone was surrounded by more than a dozen monsters!

"Humph! The monster beasts in the Void God Realm dare to surround me and wait!"

"Quick fight, don't delay it for too long, otherwise the fluctuations in spiritual power generated by the battle will attract other spirit beasts."

"None of these monsters can be kept, otherwise, if other monsters know that someone has entered the snow, we will be completely finished!"

In an instant, everyone discussed in a low voice.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Li Zhe yelled loudly, and the whole person jumped.

It was the moment Li Zhe jumped up, a slash came from the air suddenly, and it happened to be blocked by the leaping Li Zhe.

At this time, everyone noticed that in that mid-air, there was already a mid-Golden Core Realm Transformation Monster Beast!

The transforming monster looked at Li Zhe, who was leaping up, his expression was obviously a little complicated.

Li Zhe yelled at the opponent with a calm expression, "Bold monster, dare to attack me and wait!"

As he spoke, Li Zhe just jumped in and rushed towards the monster beast.

The monster beast also gave a cold snort at this time, and the palm of his hand instantly turned into the claw of the monster beast, and it directly grabbed Li Zhe.

In an instant, that claw was directly in the air, forming a claw mark about one meter long, and flew towards Li Zhe.

It was the moment that the claw print touched Li Zhe, Li Zhe's whole body instantly exploded a blood mist!

In just a moment, the blood mist condensed in this cold weather, and Li Zhe’s body was gone, only the bracelet stayed in the blood mist, he seemed to be caught by this claw, Solved it directly!

Seeing that Li Zhe, the strongest among himself and the others, was unable to support even a single move under the opponent's hands, the expressions of everyone also sank instantly.

However, what surprised everyone was that after the Transfiguration Monster Beast had solved Li Zhe, it stopped attacking them.

Just glanced at the crowd coldly, and then the back figure retreated directly to the back, and in an instant, there was no trace.

Naturally, the coercion suffered by this monster beast and the divine consciousness message it received before it set off were all done by Li Zhe.

What Li Zhe wants him to do is also very simple, that is, to cooperate with him and use his full blow towards Li Zhe, and then Li Zhe will pretend to be defeated and leave the place with the power of space.

Then, he was not allowed to participate in the attack on the six people, apart from that, there was nothing else.

The reason why Li Zhe didn't let them retreat directly was because Li Zhe knew very well that with everyone's cultivation base, they would never reach the target location.

He can help them once, but he can't help them a second time.

This practice world is cruel, since they have chosen to participate in this task that can never survive on their own level, they have to bear the corresponding consequences.

Helping them this time, Li Zhe had already done his best.

And everyone faced the monster beasts of the Void God Realm. Although it was difficult to completely eradicate them, there was still no big problem in keeping their lives.

As for Li Zhe, he appeared on a high mountain in the snow more than ten miles away.

Standing on this hill, Li Zhe also took a sigh of relief, took out the purple spirit jade garment from the storage bag, and put it on his body.

That piece of blood fog just now was naturally created by Li Zhe. It was naturally simple for him to create a piece of blood fog at his level of cultivation.

At this moment, getting rid of these troublesome things, the information that should be obtained is also obtained.

Li Zhe also took a deep breath, straightened out his figure, and drove away from the light, galloping towards the direction of looking for the mountains that day.

At the same time, Tianxun Mountain Range.

Originally, the Tianxun Mountain Range was the place where the Human Race monks blocked the Yao Race's actions.

However, Xunshan Mountain nowadays has become the birthplace of this monster clan power.

Therefore, the large monster races still live here, but they have a broader space for activities, and the various required training resources can also be dispatched by the tribesmen to mine.

Compared with the inability to leave the Tianxun Mountain Range before, it can be regarded as a sky and an underground.

And because of this action, there is also an alliance within the monster clan, and the large monster clan, under the leadership of each monster emperor, all form an alliance.

The apex of this alliance is naturally the nine demon emperors.

And the location of this alliance is also set up in a group of mountains in the center of the Tianxun Mountain Range.

At this moment, on top of a high mountain in the center of these mountains, below the peak, there is a huge cave opened by the monster race.

This cave is different from the outside world. As soon as you enter it, you can feel a scorching high temperature. The bitter cold outside that monks can't bear has formed two worlds!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of this cave.

If Li Zhe is here, he must be able to recognize it. This figure is the Snow Demon Emperor who helped Li Zhe obtain the incarnation of the Tao!

After the Snow Demon Emperor appeared, with a smile on his mouth, he walked slowly towards the cave.

As we move forward, the temperature in the cave is constantly getting higher. When we reach the deepest part of the cave, the temperature in it, even the golden core monks, can hardly stay long!

Standing here, the Snow Demon Emperor also smiled slightly, looked forward, and said slowly: "Well, this place is built exactly as you said, did you disappoint?"

"After all, you are a monster, and you are naturally not as sophisticated as a human monk, but I can be arranged like this, I am very satisfied, and disappointment is not enough."

Hearing the words of the Snow Demon Emperor, a person slowly walked out of the cave and said softly.

Hearing what the other party said, the Snow Demon Emperor also smiled slightly and said, "Well, in that case, don't forget your and mine agreement."

"Don't worry, I am also very interested in the magical tools your monster race needs, and I will help you create them."

The man also smiled softly and said.

This person was slightly sloppy, and he held a small silver hammer in his hand.

He was clearly the person recorded on the map, Deng Xuanqi!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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