It was when Li Zhe and others had just confined the two real people of Shangqing and Shangyun to the water of the Styx.

Huang Yitian's small world.

The original small world of Huang Yiyi, under Huang Yiyi's creation, is blossoming in spring, with various scenes.

But now, in the entire small world, yellow sand is flying, and there is no sight to be seen.

In the entire world, the sky full of sword energy is constantly flying.

At the same time, the various spirit swords Huang Yitian has collected over the years are now flying in this world wantonly.

In the entire small world, just the scattered and spreading sword intent is enough to make a defensive cultivator of the Nascent Soul Realm be instantly cut apart!

However, with such strength, Huang Yitian at the moment, his clothes were also torn in several places, and there were many wounds on his body.

These wounds were all wounded by the dust from the hands of the Shangling real person, and the wounds could not heal quickly with spiritual power.

Huang Yitian could only use his spiritual power to continuously produce blood to prevent himself from dying due to excessive blood loss.

"Is this all your strength? In the Purple Mansion Realm, your strength is indeed pretty good, but it's not enough to challenge me."

The real person Shangling was still dressed as new, holding his whisk, looking at Huang Tiantian, and said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Huang Tiantian looked at each other coldly, and raised the spirit sword in his hand again.

As the sword was raised, the entire world suddenly condensed at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the sky full of sword aura and spirit swords all converged towards Huang Tiantian.

In an instant, those countless spirit swords were condensed in Huang Yitian's hands, and they merged into one body. At a glance, they looked like a great sword!

And that countless sword aura was also at this moment, lingering around the great sword. In an instant, Huang Tiantian's aura was also locked on the body of the Shangling real person at this instant.

Feeling this amazing aura, the real person Shangling just shook his head faintly, and murmured: "Come on again? It seems that you have no other moves."

From the beginning, Huang Yitian didn't want to delay too much time with the other party. He knew that there was a difference between the strength of the two after all, so he wanted to make a quick fight.

It's just that, all his moves have been exhausted, and the opponent is still unscathed.

The realm gap that seemed to be only one step away, at this moment, it seemed as remote as a chasm.

However, Huang Yitian didn't want to give up just yet. He screamed in a deep anger, and at this moment the giant sword in his hand suddenly swung towards the real Shangling.

The moment a sword was swung, the sky full of sword energy condensed into a sky-shaking sword light, suppressing the light in the entire space to darken it.

At the same time, before the sword energy arrived, a space crack arrived first at this moment.

The real person Shangling didn't rush, lifted his palm lightly, and the whisk in his hand instantly grew longer, covering his whole person in it.

Immediately afterwards, a small world breath rushed out, attached to the dust.

The moment the space crack arrived, it was impossible for the whisk to produce the slightest feedback, just as if the blow was painless or itchy.

At the same time, Jian Qi arrived.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the moment that sword aura touched the dust, it instantly turned into a burst of surging spiritual power.

And the huge sword scattered immediately following the explosion of the sword qi, turning into a sky full of spirit swords, and all flew towards the real Shangling.

"Tian Ling Absolute Sword Formation!"

Huang Tiantian gritted his teeth abruptly at this moment and let out a loud anger.

Accompanied by this angry shout, the whole world was shaking at this moment.

The power of the small world directly turned into a little starlight at this moment, attached to the tip of each spirit sword.

In an instant, the speed and power of these spirit swords strengthened again, and in an instant, they were all inserted on the whisk.

What followed was a sound of friction that was almost tearing.

Huang Tiantian stared at the other party motionlessly, panting heavily, the power of the entire small world was almost exhausted at this moment, and there was not much spiritual power left.

After this battle, Huang needs to retreat for at least several years a day before he can restore his peak state again!

At this moment, the real person Shangling suddenly burst into a burst of light.

The dozens of spirit swords inserted in his body had cracks on the sword body at this moment.

Immediately after that, the crack spread out in an instant, and in an instant, the sword body was all fragmented.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the countless spirit swords all cracked, turned into countless iron pieces, and flew away.

Huang Yitian's face also sank at this moment.

He was very clear that from the very beginning until now, he has been constantly launching an offensive, while the other party just defended silently and never counterattacked.

And now, the opponent's counterattack is coming!

"Okay, I will accompany you to this end. I think you also know the gap between you and me."

The real person Shangling raised his eyes and glanced at Huang Tianyi, and said calmly.

As he spoke, Huang Tianyi's eyes widened instantly.

The countless dust filaments were already entwined with his body at this moment.

This is clearly in his own small world, and it is impossible for any fluctuations to escape his own perception.


The other party superimposed the other party's small world on his own without knowing it!

Sword dance!

At this moment, Huang Yitian's palm loosened, and the Spirit Sword he was holding in his hand fell instantly, and Huang Yitian began to wave it directly.

Countless sword lights continuously hit the dust filament.

However, the dusting filament did not fluctuate at all, as if the attack did not have the slightest strength!

At the same time, the entangled filaments had completely entangled Huang Tiantian's body, and began to shrink slowly!

Huang Yitian knew very well that if he went on like this, there was only one dead end.

"Sorry for the lord...I am not against the opponent..."

Huang murmured in a low voice one day.

The moment the voice fell, a world power suddenly surged in the entire small world.

That is the true origin power of Zifu Realm!

As this power surged, the dusty filaments entwined with Huang Tiantian's body instantly scattered.

At the same time, both Shangling and Huang Yitian were squeezed out of this small world at this moment, and reappeared in the Kunyun Sect.

This move Huang Yitian used was the last life-saving move of all the Purple Mansion realms.

The power of the original world can squeeze out all the foreign objects in the small world, and the entire small world will be sealed in an instant, and no one, including Huang Yitian himself, can set foot in a short time.

As long as the small world is not destroyed, the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm will not really die.

The moment he returned to Kun Yunzong, Huang Tiantian's figure flew upside down and crashed onto the ground.

His clothes had already turned into ragged pieces at this moment, and his whole body was constantly spilling blood.

Today's Huang Yitian is at the end of the battle, and there is no more combat power!

"Senior Huang!"

Li Zhe, who was blaming himself slightly because of the Daohai incident, suddenly shrank his pupils and shouted at Huang Tiantian, his figure instantly fell.

"Sorry, Sovereign...The gap between me and him is still too big."

Huang Yitian raised his eyes and glanced at Li Zhe, his eyes full of guilt.

Especially seeing that in the midair, after being trapped by Li Zhe and the others, the guilt of Shangyun Zhenren became even stronger, as if he felt that he was dragging Li Zhe and the others.

Seeing Huang Yitian's performance, Li Zhe also gave a wry smile, and his heart was full of guilt.

After all, the cause of all this is Li Zhe himself.

"The Stygian Water?"

The real person Shangling raised his eyes and glanced at the water of the Styx in the air, and murmured.

He also knew very well that the water of the Styx could not cause much damage to Shangqing and Shangyun, so he didn't care.

Immediately, with a wave of the whisk in his hand, the whisk filaments stretched countless times in an instant, directly attacking Li Zhe Qingyu and others who gathered around Huang Yitian.

As long as this shot falls, they will be killed instantly!

At the moment when the real person Shang Ling shot, Li Zhe's hand flashed, and the Five Elements Spirit appeared in his hand instantly.

At the same time, the strength of the silver condensed gold and iron was also released instantly, turning into a silver light, covering everyone in it.


With a crisp sound, the dust filament hit everyone, but it was instantly bounced away.

Seeing that his own whisk was bounced away, the real person Shangling remained unchanged, but his wrist flicked slightly, and the whisk no longer attacked in an instant, but in an instant, it directly tied Li Zhe and others together. .

Only when the power of silver, gold and iron dissipates, it is the death date of Li Zhe and others!

"Sorry everyone... I am already, there is no other way."

Being firmly bound by the dusty filaments, and the power of the space around him was completely sealed, Li Zhe sighed in a low voice and said helplessly.

"You don't need to apologize, you are our Sovereign, and it is only natural and proper for us to save you. This time, we can only blame our lack of strength. There is nothing to be sorry for."

Qing Yuan took a deep breath and looked at Li Zhe with a soft voice on her face.

Listening to Qing Yuan's words, the group of people from the original Jiujie nodded slightly to Li Zhe.

It is said that they were going to die when they tried to ambush Li Zhe. It was Li Zhe's generosity that gave them the possibility of survival. Therefore, instead of resenting Li Zhe, they were more grateful.

It was at this moment that the water of the Styx in the air slowly dissipated, and the two people, Shangqing and Shangyun, appeared unscathed in front of everyone at this moment.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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