At the moment Huang Yitian turned his head, Li Zhe felt that the world's barrier to him had disappeared at this moment!

"Sorry, although this illusion is very real, it still cannot fascinate me. I just use this illusion to feel the feeling of reunion."

Huang Yitian looked at Li Zhe and said softly.

While speaking, Huang Yitian waved his hand, and the figures of Huang Hao and his dead wife disappeared into the world in an instant.

"It's really long enough for you to feel this. In this illusion, almost a hundred years have passed."

The corner of Li Zhe's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Huang Tiantian, he said with a little helplessness.

Listening to Li Zhe's words, Huang Tianyi laughed and said, "Hahaha, it's okay. Anyway, you didn't sink in this world. The flow of time has little effect on you, right?"

Hearing that, Li Zhe raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

The flow of time in this illusion is only for the sleeper in the illusion, and for an outsider like Li Zhe, it's not that such a long time will really pass.

The flow rate of the whole world is normal to Li Zhe, which is equivalent to the fact that the world is fast-forwarding countless times in Li Zhe's eyes.

However, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness is strong, and he can capture every detail, so he can talk to the other party like this.

"Time is really running out. This illusion is about to end. If you don't wake up, you will stay here forever."

Li Zhe looked at Huang Tiantian and said slowly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Huang Tianyi sighed slightly, turned his head, and glanced around at the scenery in this illusion, with a slight nostalgia in his expression.

Fortunately, although the dead wife could no longer bring her back to life, Huang Hao had already found it, which allowed Huang Yitian to abandon this illusion.

Immediately, Huang Yitian nodded slightly to Li Zhe, and said, "I know."

While speaking, the entire fantasy world began to gradually collapse at this moment.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also took his spiritual consciousness out of Huang Yitian's sea of ​​knowledge.


Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief in the power of death and life, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Sect Master, how is Senior Huang?"

"Would you not wake him up?"

"You should be all right?"

In an instant, when a group of disciples saw Li Zhe regaining consciousness, they all asked repeatedly.

So far, Qing Yuan has completely let go of her shyness towards Li Zhe. She leaned over to Li Zhe's side, took Li Zhe's hand, and whispered, "Is it all right?"

Li Zhe squeezed Qingyuan's hand slightly, then smiled and nodded.

At this moment, Huang Tianyi, who had been lying on the ground, trembled slightly, and it was also at this time that he slowly opened his eyes.

As Huang Tiantian's eyes opened, the infinite life in his body instantly gushed out.

Then, in the depths of this space, there was a faint roar of despair, and then the endless vitality was at this moment, gushing out from the depths of that space and injected into Huang Tianyi's body.

With the return of this last life, the power of death and life also began to surge rapidly at this moment.

Seeing it, this power of life and death has reached the last juncture and will soon dissipate.

Li Zhe's heart is very clear, although Dao Hai's concealment spell is extremely effective.

But after all, it was just a spell, it was impossible to envelop everyone in the moment the power of death and life dissipated.

Even if it does, the three real people will be aware of this when faced with the power of death and life dissipating and nothing is left.

At that time, they will also be unable to avoid each other.

"Well, since everyone is awake, let's go."

Qing Yuan didn't know the situation of the outside world, and at this moment, she spoke to everyone with a slight ease.

Hearing that, everyone nodded with a smile.

Only at this time, Li Zhe took a deep breath and coughed deeply.

Immediately, everyone turned their eyes to where Li Zhe was.

In fact, Li Zhe now feels a little guilty for everyone.

After all, the main reason for their presence here is to come and save themselves. Now they have finally escaped from one danger, but they are about to face the next danger.

Moreover, facing the three real people in the Purple Mansion, Li Zhe knew in his heart that he and others had little chance of winning, and it was unknown whether he could even escape, which made him feel very sorry for everyone.

However, at the moment this situation cannot be changed, whether it is said or not.

Li Zhe sighed. This was the calm voice and said to everyone: "Outside, there are three real people from the Purple Mansion at the fairy mountain gates guarding outside. After we go out, I'm afraid we will face the siege of those three people. Up."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, everyone was stunned for an instant, and the joy of finally escaping from the illusion on his face disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, the entire space fell silent for an instant, only the sound of gusts of wind groaning from the power of death and life rang.

After a long while, Huang Yitian said solemnly, "What is the realm of those three people?"

"Two in the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm, and one in the middle of the Purple Mansion Realm. One of them is not good at fighting, but the spell should be as difficult as the power of life and death at this moment."

Li Zhe took a deep breath and said solemnly to Huang Tiantian.

"I'll take them with me. I should be able to entangle an early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm. The middle stage of the Purple Mansion Realm will be handed over to Senior Huang, and the remaining one will be left to you."

Qing Yuan looked at Li Zhe at this time and said slowly.

Among the seven former cultivators of the Nine Endless Sects that Qing Yuan brought, four of them were all the elders of the former Nine Endless Sects, possessing the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Coupled with her burst of strength close to the Purple Mansion Realm, she can indeed entangle one person.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and raised his wrist, he had already taken the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword into his hand.

Although the sword spirit has not completely swallowed the real weapon and spirit, it will not affect the use of the magic spirit sword.

Immediately, everyone was in a state of combat, waiting for the power of life and death to dissipate.

In the outside world, Shang Ling, Shang Qing, and the Shang Yun Zhenren had already separated from that space, all gathered around the power of life and death, waiting for the power of life and death to dissipate completely.

If the real Shang Ming is resurrected, they will **** the real Shang Ming back to the fairy mountain gate.

On the contrary, if the real person of Shangming cannot be resurrected, they will **** the person back to the fairy mountain gate.

Regardless of the result, their task can barely be completed.

"I just didn't expect that, I thought that guy would come back to save his companions, but now I haven't seen the shadow."

The halal man shook his head slightly, his words filled with contempt for Li Zhe.

Hearing that, the real Shangling smiled coldly, and said: "It's just a rat, I'm afraid I'm scared!"

Hearing the words of the two, the real person Shangyun only chuckled, but did not speak, but quietly watched the power of death and life that were about to dissipate in front of him dissipate.

Below, Dao Hai is still concealed here, looking at the three people above, Dao Hai's expression is slightly complicated.

Dao Hai couldn’t be more familiar with these three people. At the beginning, he had a good relationship with these three people, but now...

He shook his head and sighed slightly. Only when Li Zhe and others came out, he would show up and try to make the other party's men be merciful.

It was at this moment that the ball of light condensed by the force of death and life suddenly surged.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a little bit of aura, continuously drifting around, and then dissipating in the air.

That is the moment when the power of death and life dissipated, an astonishing sword intent suddenly burst out of it, and a long sword pierced out instantly like a star.

Directly pierce the strongest Shangling real person!

Although Huang Yitian was only the cultivation base of the early peak of the Purple Mansion Realm, he was also a sword repair in the end.

With that amazing sword intent, he was also barely able to fight this real Shangling!

The real person Shangling was also slightly shocked, and he did not expect that the real person Shangming had really not been resurrected, and that the people in it still retained such combat power!

If they wake up normally in this, it will take some time to recover.

However, they were all awakened by Li Zhe, and naturally they have already recovered!

This sword light locked the body of the real Shang Ling, making him unable to move a bit.

Upon seeing this, the real person Shangling also yelled angrily. As soon as he lifted his wrist, a whisk fell into his hand.

Then he pinched the whisk in his wrist and flicked it suddenly.

The filaments on the whisk stretched instantly, directly entangled Huang Tianyi's sword!

I don't know what kind of material the filaments on this whisk are made of, but they were entangled in this way, and they were not cut off by that sword qi!

It was at this moment that suddenly the light above the sword body burst into light, but in an instant, the two of them disappeared in place.

In order to prevent the other party from harassing Li Zhe and others, Huang Yitian directly inhaled the real Shangling into his own small world at this moment!

And the halal man was originally going to step forward to help.

It's just that in this instant, Qing Yuan, who has already used the golden needle to raise her own state to an infinitely close to the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion Realm, has already brought a group of nine outstanding disciples to greet him!

This halal person can perceive the power of everyone, and he does not dare to neglect. It is directly a flash of light under his feet, a formation is formed under his feet in an instant, and his whole body is also instantly retreated to the back.

The Shangyun Zhenren frowned, when even he was ready to step forward to help Shang halal people.

It's just that this idea just came into being, a real dragon phantom wrapped in infinite sword energy, already rushing towards him.

In an instant, this originally peaceful Kunyun Sect had turned into a battlefield for the top three cultivators!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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