After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1785: Time rune into the disc

"Let me go and see the formation before making a decision."

After hesitating, Li Zhe looked at everyone and said slowly.

I don't know if it is my own illusion. Since entering the island, Li Zhe has always felt that the atmosphere on the island has changed.

The change was very small, not because it was missing, but because there was something more familiar to Li Zhe.

Although Li Zhe said that he would appear to be struggling when he encountered a similar opportunity, but now this matter concerns the entire Linghai Sect. Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that Li Zhe has already asked Daohai and others to give up continuing to study that formation.

It's just this kind of wonderful feeling that Li Zhe decided to take a look for himself before making a decision.

Regarding Li Zhe's decision, everyone would naturally not violate anything. Even if they all nodded, they followed Li Zhe and headed towards the central mountain.

Soon, the group of people arrived at the top of the mountain. As soon as they arrived, Li Zhe clearly felt that the aura that made him very familiar had become more obvious.

He took a deep breath, looked up, and saw that the formation disc that he had brought together the hundreds of islands in the first place had now completely changed its appearance.

"Is this this place?"

Li Zhe asked slowly as he felt the spiritual power converging on the disk and then dissipating.

Hearing this, Dao Hai nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, that's it..."

Just when Dao Hai was about to give Li Zhe a specific introduction, Li Zhe's eyes were slightly condensed, and then he waved his hand to Dao Hai, interrupting Dao Hai's words.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe strode forward quickly without saying a word.

"Be careful, if something goes wrong, Ling Haizong can..."

Seeing that Li Zhe seemed to want to move forward to manipulate the formation, Qing Yuan condensed her eyes and said repeatedly.

It's just that she didn't finish her words, she was gently patted on the shoulder by Huang Tianyi on the side: "Li Zhe is not a reckless person, don't be too anxious."

Listening to Huang Yitian's words, Qingyuan's expression was also stagnant. This was the reaction, and she seemed to be concerned and confused.

But this is understandable, after all, this Linghaizong, but Qingyuan's only hope for revenge against the Zhongzhou Qing Family.

It was at this time that Li Zhe had already stepped forward to the front of the formation disk.

As mentioned before, the formation disc is divided into three circles, with a vacant position in the center, and the three circles are each composed of nine curved stones.

On these stones, above each one, there is only one rune carved, and there is nothing else.

After Li Zhe walked to the front of the formation disk, his eyes were slightly dilated, as if he was thinking about something.

Above the disc, the three circles are all rotating in an orderly manner, but there is nothing too surprising. It looks like an ordinary formation control center.

However, it was at this moment that Li Zhe's lost eyes suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, he directly raised a hand and gently stroked a very strange spell in the air with his spiritual power.

The moment this spell was generated, it was directly transformed into an aura, converging towards the vacancy in the center of the formation.

In an instant, the entire array disk shook slightly, and the three circles of stones on it that were originally rotating in an orderly manner suddenly stopped and remained motionless.

In the entire air, the spiritual power that was continuously converging seemed to slow down at this moment.

For a while, everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise, no one dared to speak out, for fear that it would affect Li Zhe.

Dao Hai is one of the most surprised.

After these seemingly simple runes are formed together, Dao Hai himself knows the most complicated formations.

Although Li Zhe's formation talent is outstanding, he has not received professional training after all.

Right now, Li Zhe's wave of his hand directly stopped the formation, how could this make Dao Hai not surprised!

However, Li Zhe's movements did not stop because of the stagnation of the disc, but continued to wave his arms. In this mid-air, a series of rune marks were carved.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed, and Li Zhe's movements did not stop for a moment.

In the hollow in the center of the formation disk, there are now countless very small runes, which are all traces left by Li Zhe's constant depiction.

In fact, Li Zhe himself is not very clear about what he is doing.

It was just that after reaching the front of the formation disc, he looked at the rune in front of him, but suddenly something flashed in his mind.

He just continued his actions according to his subconscious.

It wasn't until this time that Li Zhe escaped from the sudden mysterious realm.

The movement of his hand suddenly stopped at this moment, and he blinked slightly.

Immediately after that, I remembered everything that I just remembered, nothing else.

It was precisely the art of time that Li Zhe obtained from the world of jade clean vase and green mountains when he was reborn through the incarnation outside the Tao!

And the mysterious runes portrayed by Li Zhe just now are all basic spells in the time spell!

"How is this going?!"

Until this moment, Li Zhe suddenly realized that the formation disk in front of him had changed!

I saw that the formation disk was originally just ordinary spinning. If it weren't for a monk with a high level of cultivation, he wouldn't even think it was a powerful formation.

However, now, as Li Zhe continues to portray runes in it, rays of light are faintly radiating above the circle of formation.

This light is extremely weak, but from it, you can feel the hidden, even the purple mansion realm will feel terrifying!

"Li Zhe...what did you do?"

After seeing Li Zhe's movements finally stopped, Qing Yuan in the back swallowed his saliva and murmured.

If it is said that the rich spiritual power on the hundred islands just slowly gathered here, then now, the spiritual power in this can already be described as a surge!

Not far from the circle of this formation, everyone's clothes are even floating slightly under the surge of spiritual power!

It was also at this time that Li Zhe completely recovered his sober state.

Although I don't know what exactly triggered the time technique in my mind just now.

But what is certain is that this time technique seems to be what is lacking for this formation!

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, turned his head, and said solemnly to several people: "Go and see if this affects the practice of the disciples."

After the words fell, Li Zhe took a deep breath, although he still didn't know what effect this time technique had in this formation.

But now that it is half of the description, it is naturally impossible to give up halfway.

Immediately, Li Zhe continued to raise his hand, and began to quickly describe the runes that were not completed.

At this time, everyone also listened to Li Zhe's orders, and directly stood up to escape the light, and went to the sect everywhere, wanting to see if the spiritual power below was affected.

Time passed slowly, just less than a quarter of an hour, everyone returned to this mountain again.

"The situation on the island is all normal. These spiritual powers seem to be accelerating after being high in the sky."

At this time, Qing Yuan also came back and said to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, squinted his eyes, and continued to portray the spell.

The art of this time is extremely magical. It's because Li Zhe only portrayed these spells. By now, the spiritual power in the body has been consumed as much as half!

Fortunately, Li Zhe was already promoted to the position of elder in Donghuazong.

The hairpin on his head dedicated to the elders of Donghuazong had already poured enough spiritual power into it when Li Zhe was practicing before.

Now, the spiritual power in the hairpin is continuously pouring into Li Zhe's body to help Li Zhe recover the spiritual power he has consumed.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it had already been five hours since Li Zhe and the others went up to this high mountain.

The sky was completely dark at this moment.

However, on the top of this mountain, there is no pitch black, but extremely bright.

There is no him, just because the formation disc in front of Li Zhe is exuding extremely bright spiritual light!

Finally, Li Zhe's arm trembled slightly, and the last rune was finished in his hands.

In an instant, without Li Zhe's control, the rune poured directly into the void in the center of the formation!


With the last rune portrayed inside, the entire mountain, or the entire hundred islands, trembled quietly at this moment.

And the formation disk that stopped because Li Zhe painted the runes before, also slowly revolved at this moment!

"this is……"

Li Zhe opened his mouth and murmured.

At this time, Dao Hai and the others also noticed that on the formation disk, there were a total of twenty-nine stones, on which there was originally only a rune.

And at this moment, the stone was flashing with light, and runes continued to appear on it.

"You seem to... have completely activated this formation. At least, the central disk of the formation on this island has been completely restored..."

Dao Hai murmured as he stood behind Li Zhe and opened his mouth.

He was a little surprised. He didn't know how Li Zhe did all of this at the moment. The runes that Li Zhe painted just now, he was constantly observing all of them, but there was no rune that Daohai recognized.

The two brothers of the Heaven Wheel and Earth Tool also opened their mouths wide. They thought that Dao Hai was already one of the strongest Array Masters, but Li Zhe had such a high level of attainments!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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