After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1766: The Dark Lord

"This one... is not the original map, and I don't know if it's valid."

Li Zhe murmured in a low voice, and put up the map he had drawn from his memory.

I have to say that this map Li Zhe is drawn like the original map, but the same size and similar material.

The moment Li Zhe put the third map on, the entire altar trembled slightly at this moment!

It turned out that the three sects, although they came from the same ancient evil sect, the annual sacrifices were completed together.

However, they have almost no intersection, and they are afraid that the other party will covet the hidden map in their own exercises.

Therefore, they have never brought out a map on the ritual, let alone put three maps together.

In this whole world, even they have always thought that they are holding one-third of the map, as everyone knows, it happens to be missing one!

Along with this slight tremor, a blood-colored light suddenly surged under the table in front of Li Zhe.

Almost at the moment when the blood light came on, the stone pillars around the altar started to light up **** light from below.

The moment the blood light appeared, it instantly began to surge upward.

In less than a cup of tea, all the stone pillars were all wrapped in **** light, and the runes that had been damaged on them were all lit up and connected by spiritual power.

It seemed that the broken runes were all repaired by that **** spiritual power.

Standing on this altar, the three of Li Zhe could clearly feel that the spiritual power in the surrounding air was being madly swept onto this altar!

In the distance, the monk who had been watching quietly also rubbed his palms uncontrollably.

It's a coincidence that the Yinhe Gate where he is located is actually an ancient evil sect, and it has been passed down all the way to the present.

Different from the three sects such as the Annihilation faction, in their sect inheritance, they have suffered multiple attacks from the orthodox sect, which directly led to the loss of many of their inheritance.

Reluctantly inherited so far, the strongest sect master in their door is now only the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul Stage.

However, the other sects are not aware of the same inheritance from the ancient evil sect, but they know how powerful the inheritance of the three sects including the Dark Destruction Sect is.

It is precisely because of this that they will always remember the altar of these three sects.

And looking at the appearance in front of him, he almost didn't need to say more, he already guessed that Li Zhe and others must have successfully activated the real purpose of this altar!

But now, although Li Zhe and others have released their body protection spiritual power, they still can’t see the specific cultivation base, but he can be sure that the three of Li Zhe must be only the cultivation base of the Nascent Infant Realm, and there will be no one among them. Any monk in the Purple Mansion Realm!

Although the cultivation base of the monks in the Yinhe Gate is not high, there are as many as seven people above the Nascent Soul Stage!

With these seven people, and now in the Death Soul Valley Ling transfer area, he was almost assured that the three righteous monks of Li Zhe would not dare to cause any trouble.

And in this way, what Li Zhe and the others got on this altar, they can share a piece of the pie!

Thinking of this, the man couldn't help rubbing his hands in excitement, watching quietly.

At this moment, all the runes on the stone pillars around the altar blasted out **** spiritual power rays.

These rays of light are intertwined with each other, as if traces of formations, paving the way around the altar.

If Li Zhe and others flew into the sky at this moment, they would be able to see that the traces of aura emitted from the stone pillars were linked together, as if they had already turned into a formation composed of spiritual power!

The three of Li Zhe were in the very center of the altar at the moment, and they were under indescribable pressure.

At this moment, it was as if a mighty force was constantly squeezing towards them.

However, this amount of strength still does not cause much of a problem for the three Li Zhe.

At the same time, the tabletop in front of Li Zhe had already sunk slowly, and finally sank below the altar, leaving only a deep black hole.

At this moment, Li Zhe's heart was suddenly startled, he immediately raised his head and looked up towards the sky.

At this moment, above the sky, a huge crack appeared in the originally thick mist formed by the resentment!

And from that crack, there was an unspeakable coercion that came straight to Li Zhe!

In this coercion, in addition to the sense of oppression, there was also an extremely sharp aura that made Li Zhe feel a chill.

Then it felt like there was some very powerful monk who was preparing to attack Li Zhe with a sharp magic weapon in his hand!

Li Zhe gritted his teeth slightly, and subconsciously put his hand on his storage bag, preparing to take out his own magic sword to fight against.

Only at this moment, when Li Zhe's hand touched the storage bag, his whole person suddenly froze.

The surrounding coercion seemed to be strengthened thousands of times at this moment!

It was that Li Zhe was suppressed in an instant so that he couldn't move, or even mobilizing his spiritual power to take the sword out of the storage bag!

"Damn...what's going on..."

Li Zhe thought silently in his heart, preparing to use the forbidden spirit to calm the pressure.

It was only at this time that Li Zhe realized that he was actually too difficult to control his spiritual consciousness, and he couldn't contact the Forbidden Spirit Rune at all!

At the same time, in the crack above the sky, a huge long sword finally appeared.

On the body of the sword, there are countless fine runes, and the whole sword is the size of a mountain. Just looking at it, it has an infinite pressure!

The moment the sword body appeared, a tingling sensation, like being hit by sword energy, suddenly surged from Li Zhe's heart.

It's just that at this time, he can no longer do any resistance at all.

The sword appeared slowly, but it fell extremely fast.

When the sword body slowly emerged from the thick fog, it turned into a stream of light, and fell on Li Zhe's body in an instant!


In an instant, Li Zhe only felt the constant buzzing sound in his ears. At this moment, the whole person almost lost the ability to think.

Immediately after that, he felt that his body seemed to have lost its limits at this moment, and with the suppression of this sword body, it continued to sink downward!

When Li Zhe gradually reacted from the humming sound, the whole person was already under the ground under the altar. The surrounding area was pitch black, and there were only countless earthy rocks.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that the sword above his forehead is still constantly suppressing Li Zhe to continue downward.

Time passed slowly, and in Li Zhe's consciousness, time could no longer be calculated.

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Zhe only felt that he was light, and the whole person fell down instantly.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that now he was actually in an underground cave.

Below this cave, there are countless molten smelts, and the brightness of the molten lava illuminates the cave transparently.

At this moment, Li Zhe is in the center of the cave. Under his feet is a huge platform. Around this platform, chains extending from the wall are linked and suspended in the air.

The huge sword that had just suppressed Li Zhe was nowhere to be seen.


Just when Li Zhe was slightly startled, a hoarse laughter suddenly rang from behind Li Zhe.

Li Zhe was startled and turned around in an instant, but he could see that behind him, a man with white hair covered with blood soaked in blood was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"who are you?!"

Li Zhe was shocked, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

Listening to Li Zhe's questioning, the man was obviously slightly confused, and the laughter stopped at this time.

He took a close look at Li Zhe, and then said indifferently: "Boy, you don't even recognize the true monarch of Ansheng, how did you get my clan inheritance?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhe's heart was suddenly shocked.

This was the first time Li Zhe heard the name of True Monarch of Dark Life, but he remembered that He Lang had told himself at the beginning that the three sects, including the Dark Annihilation Sect, were all inherited from the ancient Evil Sect, the Dark Life Sect!

And this person claims to be the true monarch of the dark life, I am afraid he is the founder of the dark life school!

Li Zhe took a deep breath and looked at the other side quietly. Until this moment, when Li Zhe's mood had completely calmed down, he realized in a daze that he didn't seem to be really here now.

All this seems to be just an illusion!

"Forget it, you hold this thing. After entering the inheritance, use this thing to bring me back to life. When the true monarch returns to the mortal world, it will definitely revive my dark life school!"

The man looked at Li Zhe carefully, but it seemed that because he was in an illusion at the moment, he couldn't see anything.

As he spoke, the man raised his hand and immediately passed a strand of hair tied together into Li Zhe's hand.

Looking at the hair in his hand, Li Zhe frowned slightly. He was in an illusion at this moment. Ordinarily, even if the other party gave him something, he couldn't get it at all.

"Let's go back."

However, without waiting for Li Zhe to ask, the hidden true monarch waved directly at Li Zhe.

In an instant, with this wave of hands, Li Zhe's whole body's consciousness suddenly twitched. When he woke up, he realized that he was still standing on the altar.

On his side, Chan Juan and Qing Yuan both held Li Zhe's shoulders with a little worry.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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