After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1681: The power of Styx

After leaving the Thousand Bamboo City, Li Zhe took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the island with Qing Yuan.

Qing Yuan glanced at Li Zhe, and after seeing Li Zhe nodded slightly, he raised his hand and took out the sea shuttle.

Nowadays, in the face of so many enemies, a little strength can be saved, that is a little strength.

Therefore, Li Zhe will decide to take the sea shuttle with Qingyuan.

Soon, a silver light appeared directly on the surface of the sea, swiftly driving towards the East China Sea.

This silver light is naturally a sea shuttle traveling at full speed.

Only now, Rao Li Zhe has placed a few top-tier Danyus, which has increased the speed of the sea shuttle to the apex, but it is only not much different from the speed of ordinary Nascent Soul Realm monks.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had already traveled a distance of nearly ten miles.

It was also at this moment, on an island nearly a hundred miles in front of the two of them.

The island is flat, only the size of a house, and now on this island, there are two monks standing.

These two people were the two monks in the late Nascent Soul Realm among the six monks who came out from the auction venue.

"Hmph, it looks like that guy is really pretending, but I didn't expect to be able to pretend to be so natural, almost fooling you and me."

The monk in the red robe snorted coldly and murmured.

The person next to him also nodded slightly at this moment. Obviously, the spirit of the two of them had already discovered the sea shuttle that was speeding in the direction of the two of them.

At the same time, in several other directions, the remaining five cultivators had already noticed the figure of Li Zhe, and at this moment, they were chasing Li Zhe quickly.

For fear that it would be later, Li Zhe and Li Zhe were resolved, and they would not be able to share good things.

It was obviously not the first time that the red-robed monk cooperated with the person beside him. At this moment, the red-robed monk slowly closed his eyes, and his whole body suddenly surged, turning into a ray of aura, spreading towards the surroundings. go with.

At this moment, the other person took out a fan from his storage bag. The fan was engraved with countless twisted faces. Upon closer inspection, one could still see the face on it. Is wailing!

This distance of nearly a hundred miles is naturally not too far for the sea shuttle that is going all-out. It is just less than a cup of tea, and the sea shuttle has come to the front of this small island. !

At this moment, the red-robed monk's spiritual power surged wildly, and a burst of red light spread directly from his body.

"The blood is overwhelming!"

The monk yelled angrily and suddenly raised his hand.

With this raising of his hand, a wave of waves suddenly rose from the originally calm sea within several hundred meters on both sides of him.

Immediately afterwards, the sea immediately rose up to a height of 100 meters, becoming a wall of water, blocking it in front.

At the same time, the monk beside him also suddenly waved the fan in his hand, among which countless black lights flew out directly into the hundred-meter-high water wall.

In an instant, the water wall turned into a blood-red color, and countless souls twisted and roared in it!

"go with!"

Seeing this scene, the red robe cultivator waved his hand suddenly, and the entire wall of blood rushed towards Li Zhe's direction like a wave!

Li Zhe and Qingyuan sitting on the shuttle have already discovered the situation ahead.

Almost the moment the blood-colored sea wall rushed towards their faces, Li Zhe and Li Zhe jumped off the sea shuttle at the same time.

As soon as Qing Yuan raised her hand, she directly put the Shuttle Shuttle away. At the same time, a light flashed in her hand, and the four silver needles had already fallen into her hand.

Only at this moment, Li Zhe raised his hand slightly and patted Qingyuan's shoulder.

"It's not time to shoot."

Li Zhe pressed Qingyuan's shoulder and said calmly.

During the speech, when Jin Ling cleared his qi, it directly enveloped the two of them.

"Is this breath?!"

Qing Yuan's pupils shrank, almost instantaneously, it was a reaction. The breath that Li Zhe released was exactly the same as the breath that caused his spiritual power to disappear for a quarter of an hour!

At this moment, she remembered, although Li Zhe seemed to have only the initial cultivation base of the Nascent Infant Realm.

But its various methods are extremely numerous, and its true strength is definitely not something he can guess.

Thinking about this, Qing Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, trusting Li Zhe in her heart.

At this time, the monstrous waves in the distance have already reached the eyes of Li Zhe.

Li Zhe looked calm, looked at the twisted soul in the waves, and muttered: "If you change other people and want to break the waves, you will have to be harassed by the soul in it, and the soul will be damaged. It's me..."

While speaking, Li Zhe's hands flashed, and the shocking sword had fallen into his hands.

His thoughts only moved slightly, and the sword spirit that stunned the sword already understood Li Zhe's thoughts.

In an instant, the shocking sword broke out directly, dancing frantically in front of the two.

It was the instant that the wave reached the two of them, and it was directly opened by the Shattering Sword with a mouth tens of meters wide.

Among the countless turbulent spirits, all those who came close to it were directly under the shocking sword, turning into blue smoke and dissipating!

Li Zhe is very clear that this kind of spiritual energy condensed attack is almost completely immune to himself with the shocking sword!

It was at this moment that the waves that had been blindly forward surged in an instant, directly wrapping Li Zhe in it!

Li Zhe can clearly feel that there is a strong corrosive aura in the blood-red seawater. If you really wrap yourself in it, I am afraid that Li Zhe and Li Zhe will instantly turn into two. Bones.

However, the shocking sword has now turned into a stream of light, dancing back and forth rapidly around Li Zhe.

The rushing sea water would not even touch Li Zhe at all, and it would be cut apart by the shocking sword, turning into ordinary sea water and falling into the sea below.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, a full quarter of an hour passed.

And the originally monstrous surge was completely cut down by the shocking sword at this moment, and the souls contained in it were all resolved by the shocking sword!

Qing Yuan glanced at Li Zhe with a little surprise, and now he recognized Li Zhe's strength a little more.

She specializes in strength, and facing a cultivator of swordsmanship is not worth it, but facing such spells, she will find it difficult.

However, all of this was easily solved by Li Zhe!

However, the two red robe cultivators weren't planning to use this spell to solve Li Zhe.

"Oh, your strength is pretty good, but a pity, you only have two!"

At this moment, the red robe monk and the other person had already arrived in front of Li Zhe, looked at Li Zhe, and said softly.

The other monk beside him was still holding the fan in his hand, looking at Li Zhe with a hint of mockery in his expression.

Almost the moment when the two people's voice fell, there were already a few rays of light from all directions. In a flash, Li Zhe was directly surrounded by seven Nascent Soul Realm cultivators!

"Boy, no matter what your background is, this is Xihai. When you get here, you have to abide by the rules here."

At this moment, another monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage looked at Li Zhe and said with a sneer.

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly and asked softly.

Hearing this, this person snorted coldly, and said calmly: "Strength is respected! Now, you are the weaker one. If you want to survive, you will give up all the good things in you. Maybe I can let you go. Yima, otherwise, just wait to die!"

Listening to this person’s words, Li Zhe sighed slightly, and did not directly reply to the other person. Instead, he glanced around and gently counted: "One, two,, seven people, but all come together. Up."

While speaking, Li Zhe raised his hand and took out the five elements.

In an instant, the peculiar aura of the Five Elements Lingfang diffused out instantly at this moment.

Seeing Li Zhe taking out the Five Elements Spiritual Formula, the eyes of everyone around him suddenly lit up.

"Yes! Hand over this treasure, and then take out the others one by one, we will let you make a living!"

Seeing the five-element spirit prescription in Li Zhe's hand, the eyes of several evil cultivators around him were about to glow green, and he shouted at Li Zhe.

"I think you made a mistake."

Li Zhe shook his head and said softly.


The crowd condensed slightly and looked at Li Zhe.

It's just that Li Zhe stopped talking at this moment, and his mind moved directly, and the light on the five elements instantly shined!

Suddenly, a light group directly wrapped Li Zhe and Qingyuan with his hands on his shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, a black light flashed instantly.

At this moment, with Li and Zhe as the center, within a kilometer of a radius, it was all at this moment, completely covered by a thick black fog!

In the middle of the dense fog, Li Zhe and two of them could clearly feel the chilling aura outside through the light that protected them two!

"Can this... be solved?"

Qing Yuan was stunned, and then asked Li Zhe softly.

Li Zhe nodded confidently, and said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, even if you are outside the Purple Mansion Realm, you will have to peel off if you don't die. As for the evil cultivation of the Nascent Infant Realm, there is always no reason to survive."

After hearing Li Zhe's words, Qing Yuan gave Li Zhe a weird look.

This sentence is very domineering, but it seems a little strange to say it from Li Zhe, a cultivator at the beginning of the Nascent Infant Realm.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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