Li Zhe was also a little relieved after learning all the things had happened.

Fortunately, the spiritual consciousness of the three dragons is now almost indistinct. After being sucked into Li Zhe’s sea of ​​consciousness by the silver needle phantom, he subconsciously thinks that Li Zhe’s body is their body, otherwise, Li Zhe It is not certain that Zhe will even be seized!

But now, after these three divine senses have transmitted the information, the remaining energy is completely absorbed by the silver needle, which saves Li Zhe's worries.

Li Zhe himself did not know how long the Silver Needle Phantom could exist. After all, according to the information he had obtained, the Silver Needle Phantom was entirely dependent on the residual energy of the three gods. If that energy dissipates, I am afraid The phantom of the silver needle will disappear into nothingness.

At the moment, Li Zhe didn't dare to delay. After straightening out his thoughts, he probed his consciousness toward the location of the phantom of the silver needle.


Just as Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness was about to touch the Silver Needle Phantom, the voice of the treasure fishing boy suddenly rang at this moment.

"what's happenin?"

Listening to his voice, Li Zhe asked suspiciously.

Hearing that, the treasure fishing boy said in a deep voice: "The energy attached to the silver needle always gives me a very strange feeling. This is only a phantom. You better prepare for the worst. ."

Li Zhe frowned slightly at the words of the boy Diaobao.

Indeed, as he said, Li Zhe himself felt a strange aura on the phantom of the silver needle of the water, which was similar to spiritual power, but it seemed to be more advanced.

For this kind of things that I have never known before, I really should take precautions.

However, after Li Zhe thought for a while, he decided to take a risk.

There is no way, if you don't take the initiative to obtain the information on the silver needle, it is estimated that it will not be long before the phantom of the water silver needle will dissipate due to the exhaustion of energy.

And this phantom is now rooted in the depths of his own sea of ​​consciousness, and Li Zhe can't get it out, so after thinking about it, he can only take a risk.

I can't watch this baby here but dare not touch it because of fear.

Thinking of this, Li Zhe condensed his entire breath in an instant, and cautiously drove his divine consciousness closer to the silver needle.


Almost at the moment when Li Zhe's consciousness touched the silver needle, a fierce roar rang in his ears.

It was not any explosion or collision, it was simply the vibration of his consciousness!

At this moment, Li Zhe had completely lost control of himself.

His consciousness sluggishly stayed on the side of the phantom of the silver needle, and at this moment, the silver needle also slowly rotated.

Immediately after that, the long silver needle, at this moment, turned into a blood red color!

However, if you look closely, you can find that it is not the color of the silver needle that has changed, but that there are countless dense red runes attached to the silver needle.

After these runes lighted up, they trembled and fell off the silver needle directly, rushing towards Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness madly.

Li Zhe was conscious at the moment, but he was completely unable to control his own consciousness and body. He could only watch those runes crazily flood into his own consciousness.

With the influx of these runes, Li Zhe vaguely felt that the scene in front of him had suddenly changed.

Vaguely, he seemed to see that the sky was dark and gloomy over the endless sea. This sight gave Li Zhe an indescribable sense of depression.

At this moment, in the sky, a huge light ball slowly fell from behind Wuyun, and stopped on the sea.

Li Zhe couldn't see exactly what was inside the light group, but saw the light group flicker for a moment, and then a golden light lased out and fell into the water.

For some reason, Li Zhe knew with certainty that this golden light was a silver needle!

After the silver needle fell into the sea, the deep sea surged instantly, just as Li Zhe saw in the illusion, the water instantly retreated to the surroundings, leaving a huge hole in the middle.

This time, Li Zhe had a deeper understanding of the silver needle. He had only thought it was the effect of the silver needle, but this time, he felt a sense of fear in this unconscious sea!

It is as if the sea water is retreating to the surroundings because of the fear that the silver needle of water travels!

After Li Zhe felt this, his heart was infinitely shocked. What kind of power is this that can make this unconscious sea water exude fear!

At this moment, the scene in front of Li Zhe suddenly flashed and disappeared, and his consciousness returned to the body again.

At the same time, the shining masterpiece on the silver needle, even without the rune, still has a strong power.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the silver needle began to turn frantically, and Li Zhe was also surprised to find that with the rotation of the silver needle, the spiritual power in his body began to flow at this moment!

Moreover, after every breath, a part of spiritual power will be converted into spiritual power similar to the breath of silver needle of mercury!

"this is……"

At this moment, this breath is above the spiritual power he can control, and Li Zhe can naturally understand it.

However, when he tried to feel this spiritual breath, what he felt was a terrifying power that would destroy the world!


At the same time, a cloud of witches had gathered on the sea directly above the Dragon Palace.

The breath of this witch cloud can make any creature in the world surrender, and the thunder and flashes, as if the world is moving for it!

If Ao Zheng was here at this moment, he would be surprised to find that this is the legendary catastrophe!

Only when the cultivator has reached a certain level and is about to ascend, or when something against the sky appears, the catastrophe will follow!

At this moment, in Li Zhe's body, nearly half of the spiritual power was converted into the spiritual power of the silver needle breath.

At this time, the phantom of the silver needle trembles suddenly.

Li Zhe was taken aback, and then he reacted, this is the divine consciousness energy that has retained the silver needle phantom is about to dissipate!

It seems that the Silver Needle Phantom also felt this. It actually stopped Li Zhe’s spiritual power conversion, but sent a message to Li Zhe. Then, the Silver Needle’s phantom, Just like this, it disappeared in Li Zhe's mind.

And with the disappearance of the phantom of the silver needle, above the sky, the roaring thunder cloud that day also dissipated after a few brief thunders that seemed unwilling.

Li Zhe was sitting cross-legged on the futon at the moment, interpreting the message from the silver needle before it dissipated.

At the beginning of the birth of the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth were formed, and the three thousand avenues were brewed between the heaven and the earth. These three thousand avenues were all in accordance with the will of heaven and controlled by the heavens.

However, at that time, the world was chaotic, and besides these three thousand avenues, there was still a lot of energy generated.

This silver needle of water is a part of the chaotic energy separated.

Although it no longer possesses the power of chaos that can be called against the sky, it also has a part of the power of chaos.

According to the name in this message, the energy in Li Zhe's body can be called extreme force.

It is the limit of power, and it has the ability to swallow and crush all things!

However, people with this power also have a great disadvantage, that is, every time a great realm breaks through, they will face a catastrophe!

However, if he could survive the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation, his strength would naturally be an invincible existence in the same rank!

At this moment, knowing the strength that his spiritual power had changed, Li Zhe didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

After all, his current strength is almost invincible in the Golden Core Realm, and the enhancement brought by this effort does not seem to be very strong.

On the contrary, if you want to break through the Nascent Soul Realm later, you will have to face a catastrophe...

Thinking of this, Li Zhe himself was a little bit dumbfounded.

Right now, after the phantom of the silver needle dissipated, Li Zhe naturally regained control of his body.

He slowly opened his eyes, and then gently waved his hand, a burst of forceful energy shot directly from his arm!

This energy was blood-red color, and when it shot out, it was like thunder, and in a flash, it bombarded the gate of this hall.

There was hardly any sound, Li Zhe only felt that there was a flower in front of his eyes, and the door of the hall had disappeared from his sight.

And Li Zhe could clearly know that the door was swallowed by his own force!


The corner of Li Zhe's mouth twitched. You know, there are a lot of formations in this hall. Even if he really wants to destroy the gate, I'm afraid it will take some means.

But now, just in a moment, the gate disappeared...

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and only now did he finally understand why someone with extreme strength would need to face the tribulation at the time of breakthrough, because this is too bad!

It's just that the force that just waved away can have such power, and the power on it is equivalent to the serious attack of Li Zhe before!

Moreover, what surprised Li Zhe the most was the devouring power that was attached to her utmost strength. Under this swallowing power, the gate dissipated without even making a sound!

"What was that... just now?"

At this moment, Diaobao Boy asked softly, he naturally didn't know Li Zhe's change at this moment.

Listening to his words, Li Zhe asked with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth: "What do you think?"

"The energy just gave me a strange feeling, as if it only takes a moment to destroy me, but it feels too fast, it's fleeting."

After the treasure fishing boy thought for a while, he spoke slowly.

Hearing that, Li Zhe laughed directly. He was naturally the happiest when his strength improved.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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