After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 27 Race Against Time

"Bullet time!"

In Chen Bugu's eyes, all sounds disappeared, and the whole world suddenly became dead silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

A faint silver light lingered all over his body, and everyone and everything except him seemed to slow down a lot.

This is the first skill that Chen Bugu learned after awakening the [Time and Space] power: bullet time.

Bullet time: Bullets fall into the quagmire of time, shattering the trajectory of fate. Wrap yourself with the power of time and enter "bullet time", and the world will appear 0.2 times faster. Using skills during "Bullet Time" will consume twice as much mental energy.

I have to say that the skill brought by [Time and Space] is very strong.

But the consumption is also terrible.

20 points of mental power per second means that even the reborn Chen Bugu can only last for 12 seconds when "bullet time" is turned on with full mental power.

Chen Bugu actually experimented with "bullet time" when he encountered goblins for the first time.

The distance between him and the goblin before he held the fireball and directed it towards the goblin looked to others like Chen Bugu sprinting at high speed and approaching instantly.

But in fact, Chen Bugu walked over slowly at that time.

After that experiment, he had a rough feeling about this skill.

After turning on "Bullet Time", everything around him plays at 0.2 times speed, which means that everything about Chen Bugu himself appears to play at 5 times speed to others.

At this moment, Chen Bugu looked at the giant stick less than 50 centimeters away from him, as if he had suddenly fallen into a quagmire and slowed down strangely.

Chen Bugu seized the opportunity and squatted down.

The huge wooden stick swept against Chen Bugu's scalp, and the strong wind picked up a bunch of Chen Bugu's hair.

He put his limbs on the ground and jumped back quickly, taking the opportunity to distance himself.

In order to save mental energy, after confirming that he had completed evasion, he released "bullet time".

At this moment, Chen Bugu had clearly seen the appearance of the sneak attacker.

Just as he guessed, another Goblin Berserker!

Chen Bugu was very sure that this was not the one that Bai Ting led away, because its right arm was wrapped with a red cloth.

And even if Bai Ting couldn't kill his opponent, he couldn't be killed by the Goblin Berserker so quickly.

That meant that the third Goblin Berserker had been staying in the woods, waiting for Chen Bugu to be driven over before taking action.

The "bullet time" just now took 1 second, and Chen Bugu still has a total of 205 points of mental power left.

After all the calculations, he still had 10 seconds of bullet time left.

How to use these 10 seconds of bullet time to avoid or even kill two Goblin Berserkers?

Several thoughts flashed through Chen Bugu's mind.

The goblin berserker was obviously confused for a moment after the attack missed.

In its mind, the blow just now should have hit, but the "bug" in front of it was indeed still alive, and it was still staring at it not far away.


The Goblin Berserker seemed to be angry and raised his head and roared. Then his eyes were blood red and he entered a violent state in an instant.

Chen Bugu didn't have time to curse, so he had to turn on "Bullet Time" again, because the Goblin Berserker who was chasing him at the beginning had already rushed behind him.

It is still possible to lead a Goblin Berserker around in the woods, but if there are two in front and behind him, the space for escape will be greatly reduced. If he is not careful, he will be hit and he will lose his fighting ability on the spot. .

Chen Bugu looked at the two Goblin Berserkers who were slowing down, and quickly dodged to one side, and at the same time drew out the [Crossbow Arrow] and completed the winding.

At such a close distance, using the [Heart-linking Crossbow] to attack is far less convenient than using a wooden stick. After all, it takes time to string it up every time.

But there was no way. Since there was no way to store the [Heart-linking Crossbow], and this green equipment could also provide a small amount of attribute bonuses, Chen Bugu had been holding it in his hand.

He didn't have a weapon in his hand at the moment, so it was not a good choice to fight in close combat with the thick-skinned Goblin Berserker.

The speed of the two Goblin Berserker "After Berserker" is obviously faster than his own. Even if "Bullet Time" is turned on, he will be easily injured once he gets close.

Chen Bugu was an archer in his last life, and his long-term fighting habits made him abandon the option of close combat with berserkers at the first opportunity.

At this moment, Chen Bugu's target was the Goblin Berserker who was missing an ear.

Once the arrow leaves your hand, the "bullet time" effect is automatically released as the arrow leaves your hand.

The arrow went straight towards the opponent's knee.


The Goblin Berserker suddenly saw an arrow coming, and subconsciously raised his giant stick to sweep forward.

The crossbow arrow was knocked to one side.

Chen Bugu even saw that the arrow's body was slightly bent, and it was obviously damaged and could no longer be used even if it was subsequently recovered.

Even in a violent state, the irrational Goblin Berserker still has a very strong sense of fighting.

In other words, it is precisely because of losing one's mind that the body relies more on the combat consciousness that has been formed over a long period of time, and the subconscious defense and counterattack become more accurate.

One shot failed, Chen Bugu did not hesitate at all, and continued to distance himself, waiting for the opportunity.

However, in just five seconds, he was forced into "bullet time" again.

Chen Bugu suddenly realized that it was difficult for him to keep enough distance when facing two Goblin Berserkers.

Chen Bugu took out his crossbow, finished cocking it, turned around while running, and aimed at the Goblin Berserker who had his ear shot through.

The duration of its violent state should be almost half over. If you can seriously injure it or even affect its speed, then you don't have to be so stretched.

One must be dealt with first.

The arrowhead of the crossbow flashed red, and then a spark appeared in front of the arrow.

Enchanting completed!

The rocket broke through the air instantly and hit the Goblin Berserker's right knee without any error.

Although the arrow hit and successfully burned the Goblin Berserker's knees, Chen Bugu was not happy.

This arrow did not break the opponent's leg bone. His current strength was still not enough.

The Goblin Berserker seemed to have no sense of pain in a violent state, and simple burns were meaningless at this moment.

"Lian Xin" is also still cooling down.

In the "Bullet Time" state, the mental energy consumed by using skills is doubled.

At this moment, Chen Bugu's mental power is still enough to activate "bullet time" for 6 seconds.

Moreover, the restriction of doubling the mental power consumption made him dare not use "Fireball" combined with "Bullet Time" to attack. Otherwise, even if he could kill one, he would be unable to deal with the other one due to exhaustion of mental power.

He reluctantly discovered that the best way was still to rely on "bullet time" to continuously increase the distance and deal with it.

Chen Bugu calculated that even if he relied on trees to maneuver around, on average every five seconds, he would have to turn on "bullet time" to distance himself, otherwise he would be easily attacked.

Although he can rely on "bullet time" to increase his speed, his strength and vitality are only at the level of two stars. Once he gets close, it is too risky for him.

With the "bullet time" of 6 seconds left, it can just last about 30 seconds...

And the Goblin Berserker who first chased him was in a violent state for less than 30 seconds!

As long as it exits its frenzy, the burns on its right knee will directly feed back to it, and its threat will be reduced by then.

And status skills like bloodthirsty usually have side effects.

After making a plan, Chen Bugu will use 1 second of "bullet time" to regain the distance every five seconds or so.

However, Chen Bugu overestimated the physical strength of this body.

Several dangerous situations and continuous high-intensity battles affected Chen Bugu's body functions uncontrollably, and his speed also slowed down a bit.

Two Goblin Berserkers sandwiched Chen Bugu between them, one on the left and one on the right. The giant sticks in their hands were already swung over.

This time, Chen Bugu, who was wrapped in the power of time, gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble.

He controlled his body to twist strangely, and quickly pulled away from the gap between the two huge wooden sticks.

Although he tried his best to escape, a huge stick still hit his right arm.

Just being hit by the remaining force of the giant stick, Chen Bugu's right arm was instantly broken. The pain of shattering the bones made Chen Bugu's expression distorted in pain.

The [Heart-linking Crossbow] in his right hand has also fallen to the ground, and the 5-point speed bonus brought by the equipment disappeared instantly.

But even so, Chen Bugu still gritted his teeth and stabilized his body at the next moment, then shook his broken right arm and continued to pull.

The "violent state" of the first Goblin Berserker is about to disappear.

He must run!

This time, Chen Bugu, who lost the [Lianxin Crossbow], was caught up again in just 3 seconds.

The huge stick dilated rapidly in his pupils.

Chen Bugu's eyes flashed with silver as he entered the last second of "bullet time".


The next second, there was a loud noise.

Chen Bugu's body flew out of the forest in a parabola and hit the original clearing heavily.

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