After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 175 Invitation From Colleagues

Five minutes later, Xing Yifu was covered in the blood of the Zaoyan Spider. He stood in the middle of the battlefield, surrounded by the corpses of monsters, and an evil aura naturally spread from him.

In these five minutes, Chen Bugu saw the true strength of this humanoid beast.

There are no fancy skills or collisions of elements and energy in his battles, only the indomitable momentum and the violent aesthetics of punches to the flesh.

When his body is covered with dragon scale markings, his body becomes his best weapon.

Fists, elbows, knees, and even forehead, all parts covered by dragon scales have become his weapons to crush the enemy.

When Chen Bugu watched him smash the head of the last Zaoyan Spider with one punch, he couldn't help but frown.

[Dragon-like Arms] is a top-notch combat power, coupled with Xing Yifu's life-threatening fighting style, it almost turns this man into the ultimate killing machine.

From the battle just now, Chen Bugu could almost conclude that even if Xing Yifu hadn't broken through to nine stars, he already had the combat power of nine stars.

There is another thing that Chen Bugu cares about very much, and that is the elves around him.

During Xing Yifu's battle, Chen Bugu took a serious look at the elf next to him for the first time.

This is a female Elf, about 1.23 meters tall. She is no different from a normal Elf. She has long green hair, the color of which gradually changes from dark to light from the root to the end of the hair. It is long and pointed. The ears protrude from the hairline and hang low on both sides of the head.

Her body was shrouded in a wide white robe, and only her white wrist was exposed outside the robe, holding a short green-level wand.

Chen Bugu could clearly feel that the surrounding wood elements showed a strong affinity to this elf.

The elves are the natural darlings of the elements. Every elf will be chosen by a certain element since birth.

But this natural single-element affinity also has drawbacks. The side effect is that it is difficult for the elves to master the second element.

But the elf in front of her did it. She not only gained the affinity of the wood element, but also gained the favor of the wind element.

When Xing Yifu was escaping, the whirlpools that appeared at the right time on his feet were obviously the work of this elf.

She could easily take out a warrior-level magical beast elixir, and she seemed to be extremely talented, but she didn't seem to have any fighting ability. This girl from the Elf tribe gave Chen Bugu a strange sense of dissonance.

When he saw Xing Yifu coming back, Chen Bugu withdrew his curiosity about this elf.

Although his whole body was covered in blood, Xing Yifu only suffered some painless injuries, which shows the strength of his body.

"It's so dirty. Stay away from me and wash yourself first."

Seeing that Xing Yifu was covered in blood, and even his bald head was stained with some dry rock spider glands and internal organs, there was a hint of disgust in the clear voice of the Elf.

Xing Yifu didn't pay much attention, he just looked at the three spiders frozen in the black ice not far away and expressed his gratitude to Chen Bugu.

Those three Zaoyan spiders were the monsters that he missed in the battle just now. He wanted to pursue them, but found that Chen Bugu had already taken care of them for him.

Chen Bugu stood up and waved his hand. His purpose of staying here was purely to witness Xing Yifu's fighting ability with his own eyes. Now that his purpose was achieved, he was ready to leave.

"I thought I needed to take action, and I thought I could make another profit. It seems that there is no chance, so let's say goodbye. For the sake of the beast elixir, I'll give you a piece of advice. Get out of here as soon as possible. There was a lot of noise just now. This place It’s time for the owner to come over and take a look.”

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he put the shrunken Amon back into his pocket. Regardless of how Xing Yifu and the elf reacted, he turned around and plunged into the forest again.

Xing Yifu said that Bai Ting and others were at the Araki Camp in the southwest outside Gaotian City. This location was one of the several targets Chen Bugu planned to visit. Regardless of whether the information was correct or not, he would go to the Araki Camp to take a look.

"Wait! Big man, take me with you and catch up with him!"

"Don't you think I'm dirty? I haven't cleaned it yet."

"Catch him first!"

Seeing Chen Bugu's figure disappearing into the forest ahead, the elves hurriedly spoke.

Xing Yifu had no choice but to put the baby carrier on his body again, and then chased Chen Bugu away.

Not long after Chen Bugu entered the forest, he noticed the two people chasing behind him again and had to stop.

"Why are you following me?"

Chen Bugu stopped and turned around to face the two of them again, still maintaining a trace of vigilance.

However, he saw a blue beast pill flying towards him again. Chen Bugu reached out to catch it with a look of confusion on his face.

"What is this for?"

Chen Bugu looked at the Elf hanging on Xing Yifu's chest again, and saw green light lingering around her. The surrounding wood elements accelerated towards her direction, and then turned into streams of energy and poured into Xing Yifu's body.

The minor wounds on the surface of Xing Yifu's body healed instantly without leaving even a trace.

"This friend from the human race, let's negotiate a deal. The beast pill will be regarded as a deposit."

"Oh, don't you try to persuade her?"

Chen Bugu played with the beast elixir in his hand. Hearing the words of the elves, he felt a little funny and turned to look at Xing Yifu.

"This is between you and her, not me."

Xing Yifu's answer was concise and clear, but this reply made Chen Bugu start to re-examine the relationship between the two.

"Well, this friend from the Elf tribe, you gave me the deposit so readily, aren't you afraid that I will run away? You know, even with the blessing of your wind element, he can't catch up with me. In addition, you look like There are a lot of good things..."

Chen Bugu suddenly became interested when he looked at the strangely matched two people in front of him.

"The deposit is just a deposit. If I can take out one or two beast pills, I will naturally get three or four more. This is the sincerity of this genius. In addition, you seem to be just Black Iron. You can see the fighting power of this big man." Now, instead of going to war, you might as well listen to me."

Chen Bugu put the beast elixir into the ring. Regardless of whether he cooperated or not, since the deposit was already in his hands, there was no reason to return it.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"You are very special. At first I thought you were a user of the water element. Later I found that it was awkward to use the wood element around you. Those wood elements always give priority to you. This kind of situation is rare. If I am not wrong, Your wood element affinity should be quite high."

"Let's be honest, what do you need me to do?"

"Judging from the conversation between you and the big man, you should also be going to Gaotian City. In that case, how about we go the same way and talk while walking?"

"Big guy?"

Chen Bugu repeated the sentence, looked at Xing Yifu unconsciously, and then understood.

He thought for a moment, looked at the elf again, and finally turned sideways and gave up half of his body, making a gesture of invitation.


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