After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 17 Head-To-Head Confrontation

"Do it!"

The one-horned blue sheep sprinted at full speed at this moment, and at the moment when the stone wall collapsed, it hit the first black shadow that jumped out with all its strength.

A howl came out, and half of the one-horned blue sheep's horn had penetrated deeply into the abdomen of a scarlet hound.

The injured scarlet hound reacted very quickly. His two front paws flashed red and he was about to activate his skill.

The one-horned blue sheep immediately raised its head and flew it away, but unfortunately it was hit by a claw on its neck, causing blood to spurt out.

The scarlet hound was stabbed in the abdomen and fell to the ground after being thrown away.

Wang Bin seized the opportunity and a fireball flew out from his palm.

When the one-horned blue sheep charged just now, Wang Bin was already waiting for the opportunity.

The fireball hit the Scarlet Hound's wound and exploded into sparks.

The monster was in pain, turned around and rushed towards Wang Bin.

Seeing the huge bloody mouth appearing in front of him across a distance of four to five meters in an instant, Wang Bin turned pale with fright, and he had no time to take the next step.

Chen Bugu and Bai Ting each killed one of these monsters before, which stole the show, causing Wang Bin to almost forget about the monster's previous one-sided killing record.

Just as he was about to be buried in the dog's belly, a stone wall as tall as a person suddenly rose quickly from under the scarlet hound, accurately hitting its injured abdomen.


Yan Kuan pressed his hands on the ground and shouted at Wang Bin.

Taking advantage of the moment when the scarlet hound was knocked away, the one-horned blue sheep ran to Wang Bin's side.

He quickly mounted the horned blue sheep and fled backwards.

On the other side, Bai Ting was already fighting with the scarlet hound he had shot before.

Due to being shot in the back and being affected by the paralysis effect, the scarlet hound was indeed not in good condition.

Bai Ting relied on his own speed to constantly fight with him.

If you seize the slightest opportunity, you will release lightning to attack the opponent.

As long as he doesn't make any mistakes, it will only be a matter of time before he kills this scarlet hound.

Compared with the other two places, it was Chen Bugu's side that really fell into a narrow escape.

The original plan was for Lao Liu to use [Floating] to contain him, Lin Xiaoxiao to use [Nian] to control him at critical moments, and then Chen Bugu to use [Lianxin Crossbow] to kill him.

But there was a fatal problem from the beginning - Lao Liu couldn't hold back his hatred.

Perhaps because the threat posed by the green weapon in Chen Bugu's hand was too strong, and the man floating above was not easy to catch, the scarlet hound had its target on Lin Xiaoxiao from the beginning.

Seeing the monster running toward her without looking back, Lin Xiaoxiao panicked a little.

Seeing that the girl was in danger, Old Liu ignored his fear and picked up the shovel and flew towards Lin Xiaoxiao at full speed.

Since he was closer to Lin Xiaoxiao, Old Liu arrived first and rushed in front of Lin Xiaoxiao. He picked up the shovel and was about to hit the scarlet hound that was galloping towards him.

The shovel hit the scarlet hound and broke instantly.

But the scarlet hound continued its attack unabated and hit Lao Liu hard.

At this moment, Lao Liu seemed to be hit by a speeding car. He flew backwards and fell to the side. His eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

After the monster hit Old Liu, it slowed down and came to Lin Xiaoxiao.

It raised its glowing red front paws and was about to grab it.

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly activated her power [Thread] to control the Scarlet Hound.

One second, two seconds...

Lin Xiaoxiao was sweating profusely. At the critical moment of life and death, she gritted her teeth and exerted overwhelming mental power on the monster in front of her.

However, it only lasted one second longer than usual.

Just when Lin Xiaoxiao fell into despair and was about to run out of energy...

A pool of warm blood suddenly splashed on her face.

When she regained consciousness, the monster had fallen in front of her, with a big hole in its head.

Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head and saw Chen Bugu standing not far away, slowly putting down the [Lianxin Crossbow] in his hand.

In the two seconds when Lin Xiaoxiao controlled the monster, "Connecting Heart" was activated.

Two arrows flew and accurately killed the scarlet hound in front of him.

Chen Bugu breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he could also hit the fast-moving scarlet hound. After all, he often used bows and crossbows in his previous life, so he still had good accuracy.

But with his current reaction speed, it is difficult to kill with one hit...

The cooldown of "Linked Heart" is three minutes. If you miss a hit, wait another three minutes and the team may be destroyed.

He knew that he only had one chance, and that was the moment when Lin Xiaoxiao took control.

So, he didn't dare to breathe and stood there, holding the sledgehammer in both hands, always aiming at the scarlet hound.

Finally, two seconds of stillness allowed Chen Bugu to complete his first kill.

The first scarlet hound, death!

Lin Xiaoxiao sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily, her face turned pale.

Chen Bugu absorbed the energy and did not upgrade this time.

Seeing that Lin Lin was already healing Lao Liu, he quickly looked at the others.

At this moment, Wang Bin has also fallen into crisis.

Half of the body of the one-horned blue sheep under his crotch was stained red with blood, and its speed gradually slowed down.

Due to a hard hit from the "Scarlet Claw", the "bleeding" effect was triggered, and the one-horned blue sheep's injuries became more and more serious. It felt that its steps were getting heavier and its speed was getting slower and slower.

Wang Bin was originally riding a one-horned blue sheep. While keeping a proper distance from the scarlet hound behind him, he could also condense fireballs one by one to attack.

However, they were soon overtaken as the one-horned blue sheep slowed down.

The moment Chen Bugu looked over, he happened to see the scarlet hound attacking the one-horned blue sheep.

The one-horned blue sheep was already weak at the moment, and coupled with the heartbreaking pain, it fell to the ground without strength in an instant, unable to get up again.

Wang Bin was also thrown away due to inertia.

Seeing the scarlet hound beginning to bite the one-horned blue sheep, Chen Bugu quickly unhooked the arrow and prepared to continue the attack.

Wang Bin stood up and saw the one-horned blue sheep lying not far behind him, already breathing in but not out.

At this moment, he didn't know where the courage came from, and he "ignited" the iron lift in his hand.

Wang Bin's flame seemed to be extremely hot, instantly burning the ironware red.

Then, he lunged forward, swung the iron with all his strength and hit the scarlet hound on the head.

Unfortunately, Wang Bin's speed and reflexes are far inferior to the Scarlet Hound.

The monster sensed the danger and quickly dodged back.

Wang Bin swung the iron lift and hit the ground hard. The blow was so powerful that the iron lift was deformed.


The moment Wang Bin lost his strength, Chen Bugu had already considered the impact of the counter-quake on Wang Bin.

Sure enough, Wang Bin's mouth was numb at this moment and he could no longer hold the weapon.

The scarlet hound wanted to bite off the neck of the one-horned blue sheep first, but it didn't expect that an ignorant human would take the initiative to come to the door, so it immediately jumped forward, preparing to kill the person in front of it first.

"call out!"

Chen Bugu raised his hand and shot an arrow straight into the monster's face.

The monster seemed to sense the danger and immediately turned around and flicked its tail.

While dodging Chen Bugu's arrow, his thick tail brought up a strong wind and hit Wang Bin hard on his chest.

Wang Bin's chest collapsed, he vomited blood, flew backwards, fell to the ground and stopped moving.

After the scarlet hound dodged Chen Bugu's arrow, several stone pillars appeared one after another at its feet, one of which hit its abdomen that had been pierced by the one-horned blue sheep.

Yan Kuan gritted his teeth and continued to manipulate the earth element to pull up stone pillars from the ground, forcing the scarlet hound to retreat continuously.

Yan Kuan's face turned pale again, blood oozed from his nostrils, and he was about to run out of mental energy.

There is no time.

Chen Bugu didn't dare to stop and shot four arrows in succession within ten seconds.


The scarlet hound was already injured, and it was difficult to guard against Chen Bugu's cold arrow while avoiding Yan Kuan's stone pillar.

Except for one arrow that missed the target, the other three arrows hit the body one after another, knocking the scarlet hound back continuously.

The moment the scarlet hound raised its head again, its scarlet eyes were already locked on Chen Bugu.

Even though Chen Bugu's attack power has reached 28 points with the addition of equipment at this moment, the crossbow's penetrating power is insufficient and cannot kill the monster in front of him instantly.

And when targeted, the other party only needs one claw to kill him.

What's more, he only has 2 arrows left.

He needs a more powerful arrow, but "Lian Xin" is still cooling down...

Lin Ye was anxious on one side. He wanted to continue summoning to help his teammates, but because the unicorn blue sheep seemed to be still breathing, he could not summon a second monster on the field with his current ability.


"Fat man, help me hold it back!"

Seeing the scarlet hound running towards him, Chen Bugu shouted.

Yan Kuan greeted Chen Bugu frantically in his heart, but his hands were always pressed firmly on the ground.

His mental power poured out, and the stone pillars continued to press towards the Scarlet Hound.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Bugu hurriedly took out the red skill ball from his pocket.

Purple light flashed in his eyes, and he poured all his mental energy into it.

[Cracked] Activate!

The red skill ball vibrated.

After two seconds, the skill ball stops vibrating.

The originally red skill ball turned white at this moment.

Chen Bugu quickly checked.


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