After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 151 The Movement Of The Storm

Chen Bugu was a little surprised.

Just when he was about to release the mental shock, he discovered through "deduction" that Ashiu suddenly distanced himself.

The attack range of psychic shock is not wide, and it can only be effective in close combat. However, due to its instantaneous nature, there is almost no precedent for being dodged in previous battles.

But Ah Xiu pulled away abruptly, as if he had anticipated the "spiritual shock".

Chen Bugu guessed that the other party also had prediction skills.

Taking advantage of this gap, he looked at George not far away. The three "water wood arrows" just caused only a little scratch on the other party, which also surprised him.

Even though he was hit by the Black Turtle's "Bone-Cold Sky", George's speed did not slow down at all thanks to his control of the wind element.

From this point of view, George's affinity for the wind element must be quite high.

"Do you think he's very fast?"

Chen Bugu's reaction was seen by Asiu.

"The wind element is good at speed, which is normal." Chen Bugu withdrew his gaze.

"You're still distracted when you're fighting against me..."

"I also know a little bit about the wind element."

As soon as Ash's voice fell, his limbs and huge tail were covered with a layer of cyan light.

In addition, the muscles all over his body swelled further and his eyes glowed red, apparently activating violent skills.

Immediately afterwards, Asiu's figure turned into a cyan afterimage, and rushed towards Chen Bugu with a gust of wind.

After dodging just now, Asiu discovered that there was no attack on the place where he was originally standing.

He couldn't believe that his "beast instincts" had never been wrong before.

The most important thing is that that damn boy, after realizing that he had retreated, looked at George as if nothing had happened.

This is undoubtedly a naked humiliation to him!

If that damn black turtle hadn't used some strange skills that made his body functions sluggish, he would have torn his enemies apart long ago.

Ashu felt humiliated when he thought that he was actually scared away by a young boy.

In order to wash away this humiliation, he would kill the other party no matter what!

Chen Bugu took three steps back, just in time to avoid the oncoming claw wind.

"Psychic shock" can no longer play its due role after the opponent falls into a violent state.

The afterimages of the two people kept flickering on the stone beach, and in a blink of an eye they hit the surface of the stream. Wherever they passed, sharp claws mixed with strong wind tore apart the frozen stream water.

Ash's eyes turned red. He squeezed the potential of his body, and his claws became faster and faster, as if he wanted to tear everything in front of him into pieces.

Its tail is like a huge iron rod, slashing horizontally and vertically, blasting ravines into the ice.

Amidst the flying ice shards, Chen Bugu completed the dodge with the least movement, while constantly bombarding Asiu's joints with water arrows and fireballs.

The two fought, completely blasting this small section of the frozen stream to pieces.

The ice chips dispersed, the hood fell, and Ash fell to his knees. He staggered and tried to get up, but found that his knees had no feeling.

Chen Bugu stood in front of him, a wooden arrow burning with purple sparks pressed against Asiu's forehead.


Feeling the heat coming from his forehead, Ash's eyes looked resentful.

He couldn't understand.

In the previous battle, he kept squeezing his own potential and increasing his speed again. His sharp claws could tear apart his opponent in the next second.

But every time! every time!

The opponent can always dodge his attacks eerily at the last moment.

If it's once or twice, that's it.

But it is like this every time, which means that the opponent's speed is far higher than him.

After figuring this out, Ash lost.

"The wind is very fast, but it can't beat time."

Without any extra explanation, Chen Bugu smashed Asiu's head with an arrow as soon as he finished speaking.

The headless body fell weakly on the broken ice. Chen Bugu turned his head and looked at George at the end.

At this moment, Chen Bugu's mental strength was running low. Fortunately, there was only one person left on the opponent's side. With Xuangui, the balance of victory had finally tilted.

Just as Chen Bugu rushed towards the final battlefield and was always on guard against the other party's escape, George also saw Asiu's death, which prompted him to make some determination.

The next second, George was surrounded by a cyan whirlwind. His limbs and body were gradually turning cyan. With him as the center, a huge dark cyan tornado quickly formed.

The wind picked up, and the brisk wind element suddenly became extremely violent.

Chen Bugu squinted his eyes and watched George's hood being blown off by the wind, revealing the red whites of his eyes.

"Listen, you dull ones, this is the music of the storm!"

After speaking, George opened his arms and threw his whole body into the wind, letting the violent wind element tear his body apart.

Soon, his flesh, flesh and bones were dismembered one by one by the fine wind blades, and were annihilated in the tornado.

The dark blue tornado became bloody and expanded rapidly, and the violent wind element seemed to have fallen into madness.

The bloody tornado doubled in size in the blink of an eye, and then struck in the direction of Chen Bugu and Xuangui with great force.


The eye of the storm radiated huge gravity, constantly tearing at Chen Bugu's figure. It was difficult to stand still, let alone escape.

Just when Chen Bugu was about to use "backtracking" to fight, Xuangui appeared in front of him in time.

The black snake spit out the letter and quickly wrapped around Chen Bugu.

Immediately afterwards, they were both swallowed up by the tornado.

A few minutes later…

The sound of the wind gradually died down, and Chen Bugu fell out of the protection of the black snake intact.

The original rocky beach was now exposed to soil, and the frozen stream had long been fragmented.

Chen Bugu couldn't understand how the man in black robe did it.

He turned himself into a pool of flesh and blood and completely integrated into the tornado, and unexpectedly raised the power of that move to the peak of nine stars.

This kind of ability to destroy both jade and stone was unheard of in Chen Bugu.

Seemingly sensing Chen Bugu's doubts, Black Snake shook off the broken black ice scales on his body, and then spoke.

"That's the power of the devil."

"Demon? But didn't you say that the devil has not yet been born?" Chen Bugu was confused.

"I don't know the source of that power, but it is undoubtedly the power of demons."

Chen Bugu was silent. Looking around, the tornado destroyed the entire battlefield. Even the ice that froze John had long been broken into slag. It is estimated that John who was in it was not spared.

The bodies of the two men in black robes he killed seemed to have been torn apart in the strong wind. At this moment, apart from the scattered pieces of meat, only blood stains could be seen on the ground.

In any case, the trouble of the man in black robe is finally solved.

Chen Bugu turned to look at Xuangui, and their transaction was about to enter the next step.

At the same time, a few miles away, a pool of blood on the ground slowly gathered into a figure.

Although the black robe on his body was in tatters, there were no wounds on his fair skin.

If it weren't for his pale face and the blood on the corners of his mouth, no one would have known that he had just experienced a battle.

After the tree trunk he leaned on with his right hand became dry, his face seemed to look better.

Water drops fell to the ground, reflecting his short blond hair and red eye whites.

George gave him hope of escape with the stormy movement of death and destruction.

He looked back at the direction of the stream, and after confirming that no one was pursuing him, he quickly turned into running water and disappeared into the dark night forest.

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