The fire in front of him has been extinguished, and the light shines on the ground through the dense branches and leaves.

The ice stood up on Amon's back. He stood in front of Chen Bugu, his vigilant mood constantly feeding into Chen Bugu's mind.

Chen Bugu looked forward. Just like in his dream, a group of people were standing not far away looking at him.

"Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bugu followed the voice and saw that the face was somewhat familiar.

Wei is coming!

Chen Bugu remembered.

He is the leader of the Guanzhou group and a colleague of Uncle Han Badou.

"Mr. Wei?" Chen Bugu asked tentatively.

Wei Lai's current condition looks very miserable, his clothes are in tatters, his face is yellow and thin, his hair is unkempt, and his figure has also lost a lot of weight.

Of course, Chen Bugu forgot that at this moment he himself was covered in blood and looked no better than Wei Lai.

"Yes, it's me, I'm Wei Lai."

Wei Lai saw that Chen Bugu recognized him and was about to step forward.

When Amon saw this, he opened his mouth wide at Wei Lai.

"Amon, it's okay, let him come over."

Chen Bugu calmed Amon's emotions and asked him to step aside.

"Mr. Chen, are you okay? You seem to be seriously injured." Wei Lai stepped forward, looked at Chen Bugu and said.

"I'm fine, but you don't seem to be in good condition."

Chen Bugu's impression of Wei Lai was not bad.

The night before Han Badou and Chen Bugu left, Wei Lai came to him specifically and asked him to take good care of Han Badou.

For a colleague's nephew to be able to do this, it shows that this person has a kind nature.

"Hai, being alive is already considered a blessing. By the way, where are Badou and your companions? Didn't they escape with you?"

Wei Lai looked around, but saw no one else.


Chen Bugu was a little confused. He had indeed escaped from "Obsidian Town", but he felt that what Wei Lai was talking about was not the same thing.

"Wei Lai! Are you okay? Hurry up and leave. The monsters will catch up later."

Before Wei Lai could continue to speak, he heard someone from the group of people not far behind him yelling at him.

"Okay, okay, let's go now."

"Mr. Chen, please come with us. It's not safe here yet." Wei Lai turned around and continued to say to Chen Bugu.

Although he didn't quite know what happened, Chen Bugu could probably guess a thing or two from their conversation.

This group of people seemed to be being hunted by some powerful monster.

And it is very likely that they are intelligent monsters such as goblins. After all, Wei Lai mentioned the word "escape", indicating that those monsters seem to be keeping humans in captivity.

If this is the case, Chen Bugu doesn't mind helping Wei Lai. After all, he is also in urgent need of plundering energy for a breakthrough.

"Okay, let's go."

Chen Bugu put the shrunken "Amon" on his shoulder and followed Wei Lai towards the crowd.

There are men, women, and children in this group. The common feature is that they all have a sallow complexion and thin muscles, as if they have been malnourished for a long time.


An aunt looked at Chen Bugu and asked Wei Lai.

"Yeah, a friend of mine."

"It seems that he has been tortured a lot, but as long as he is still alive, let's go quickly."

The aunt had sunken cheeks and a sallow complexion, and she could tell she was in a bad state.

The others saw this and didn't ask any questions. The group started again and moved in a certain direction.

"By the way, Mr. Chen, I haven't finished talking just now. Where are Badou and the others? Didn't they escape?"

"What did you say? Yato was also arrested?"

Before Chen Bugu could answer, a man with glasses next to Wei Lai came forward and grabbed Chen Bugu's shoulders. There was suddenly a trace of emotion on his originally weak face.

Just as Chen Bugu was about to push the man away, he noticed that the thumbs and index fingers of both his hands were cut off.

Wei Lai hurriedly stepped forward and pulled the man away.

"Fu Yu, don't get excited, we all ran out, Badou may not be okay."

Chen Bugu looked at this man and suddenly realized that his eyebrows were somewhat similar to Han Badou's.

"Are you Han Fuyu?"

Chen Bugu remembered Badou saying that after his sister's death, his uncle Han Fuyu came to Ding Wenli to argue, but Ding Wenli cut off his fingers in order to scare the monkeys.

The night he lost his finger, Han Fuyu disappeared. Badou always felt that he had no face to face his relatives, so he ran away at that time.

This is also in line with Han Fuyu's image in Badou's mind - cowardly, timid, and likes to escape.

After Han Badou's sister died, Han Fuyu abandoned him again, which made him extremely disappointed in this uncle.

"Yes, I am, where is Yato now?"

Han Fuyu's depressed expression only changed slightly when he mentioned Badou.

"Don't worry, Badou is safe now."

Chen Bugu controlled the volume and explained to the two of them the situation of Han Badou and others, as well as why he appeared here.

When hearing Chen Bugu describe Black Obsidian Town, both of them had a look of yearning in their eyes.

However, when Chen Bugu said that he was forced to use the teleportation crystal to escape back to the forest after killing the deputy leader of "Cross Street", the two were so surprised that they were speechless.

Before Wei came, he mistakenly thought that Chen Bugu was in trouble like them, but he never imagined that he was so wrong.

"Mr. Chen, you mean you can leave here at any time?" Han Fuyu asked suddenly.

"You can also say that I only need to activate the teleportation crystal to leave this forest and return to Obsidian Town."

"Then can you take us away together?"

Han Fuyu looked at Chen Bugu, his eyes suddenly full of expectation.

"Sorry, no, the teleportation crystal can only teleport one person, and even if it can take you back, the 'Cross Street' must have set up a dragnet, and the situation there may not be safer than here."

Chen Bugu shook his head and then continued.

"But as long as you continue walking towards the big tree, you can leave this forest like me."

"Mr. Wei, I told you how to leave the forest at the beginning, but it seems that it is not going well for you now."

"Besides, you seem to have been separated from the Guanzhou group..."

Except for Wei Lai, no one in Guanzhou is here at the moment.

"Yes, Guanzhou's team has long ceased to exist."

"Some of those who are still alive have escaped, but they are not in this team."

"As for those who didn't escape, they are still slowly waiting to die under the control of those monsters."

Wei Lai's words seemed to bring back some bad memories, with a hint of panic in his expression.

"What kind of monster did you encounter? Maybe I can help you solve it?"

Chen Bugu was also a little curious. He chose to go with Wei Lai and the others just to see if he could kill these monsters after recovering his strength.

Judging from Wei Lai's words, this group of magical beasts seems to be raising a large number of humans in captivity. The group must be large in size, and there may even be advanced magical beasts.

It may be more dangerous to attack the gathering place, but if there is a steady stream of pursuers, it can become a stepping stone for Chen Bugu to break through.

With Dongcheng Shuugo's beast crystal, breaking through eight stars is a matter of course, but if he can break through nine stars, then he can return to Obsidian Town with peace of mind.

But Wei Lai's question was beyond Chen Bugu's expectation.

"What we encountered was not a monster, but a human..."

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