The city wall defenders attacked fiercely, and countless energy attacks roared towards the city.

A large number of monsters fell down, turned into corpses, and became "stepping stones" for the army of monsters in the rear.

The army of monsters fought their way under the city wall at the cost of hundreds of four-star and five-star monster corpses.

As the last four magic cannons exploded among the group of monsters, countless monsters began to climb up the city wall.

Hand-to-hand combat is still the main theme of this battle.

The awakened ones on the city wall threw themselves into the battle regardless of their own safety, and the roars, screams and metal collisions were intertwined.

The monsters were looking for any place they could climb, and they continued to swarm up the city wall.

Some monsters were decapitated by the blades of the awakened ones as soon as they poked their heads out, and some monsters were knocked down by boulders and corpses falling from the city when they were halfway up.

Swords and magic intertwined with each other in an instant, and then left broken limbs and splattered blood, adding a touch of blood to the fierce battle at this moment.

A seven-star willow leaf demon appeared on the wall, and the willow branches shuttled on the ground, instantly restraining two demon lizard warriors and a human awakener.

The three people were shocked, and hurriedly raised the blades in their hands to slash at the willow. Unexpectedly, the white-level weapon could only leave a mark on the surface of the willow, but could not completely cut it off.

The willow leaf demon stood at the edge of the city wall. It rolled its eyes, and then drove the willow branches straight towards the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it restrained another warrior of the Storm Tribe.

Then, under everyone's gaze, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Liuye Yao's deadwood-like face, and then he fell straight back and fell off the city wall.

The wicker shrank rapidly as the willow leaf demon fell down the city wall. The awakened people who were bound by the wicker suddenly felt a strange force pulling them to fall uncontrollably towards the bottom of the city wall.


"Help me! Help me!"

The human awakened person hurriedly called for help. He had fallen to the ground and was dragged for more than ten meters. He was about to fall off the city wall and fall into countless monsters.

Right here, a cold light flashed through, and the branches at his feet snapped.

Chen Bugu held the [Short Wind Blade] in his right hand, grabbed the back collar of the man's clothes with his left hand, and dragged him back quickly.

"Back off! Back off! Back off!"

Chen Bugu looked around and saw that a large number of magical beasts were already swarming on the surrounding city walls.

The monsters that attacked this time were generally of a higher level, and the awakened people of all races could persist for a shorter period of time than before.

Chen Bugu pulled this man back quickly. It was too dangerous to continue fighting at the edge of the city wall.

The higher the level of the monsters, the stronger their fighting instincts. If they continue to stay on the edge of the city wall under the command of brainworms, they may be taken off the city wall one after another and then drowned in the tide of beasts.

If an awakened person below the Seven Stars of Black Iron falls alone into the beast tide, it is undoubtedly equivalent to a death sentence.

The two warriors from the Demon Lizard Tribe and the Storm Tribe who Chen Bugu failed to save were immediately silenced after being pulled off the city wall.

Less than ten minutes had passed since the battle on the city wall started. The strong smell of blood filled the air again, and even heavy rains could not block it.

As Chen Bugu shouted, all the awakened people on this section of the city wall moved closer to Han Badou and Lin Lin in tacit agreement.

They must narrow the battle circle and rely on Han Badou's command and Lin Lin's treatment to fight these monsters in order to persist until reinforcements arrive.

Just when the protective circle was about to take shape, everyone suddenly felt a blazing heat behind them.

Everyone turned around and saw that a flying fire meteor with a diameter of more than three meters had cut across the sky and flew rapidly towards the section of the city wall where they were.

The bolide is so powerful that the heavy rain evaporates quickly before it falls on its surface, and the water vapor is dispersed by the strong wind driven by the bolide before it rises and floats.

Its speed is extremely fast, and it enlarges at a speed visible to the naked eye among everyone's pupils.

When Chen Bugu saw this, he instantly judged that it was too late for him and others to escape.

He gritted his teeth and took out [Jasper Wave], ignoring the loss of mental power, and was about to enter "bullet time" and release his strongest blow at the moment, so as to weaken the power of this bolide as much as possible.

However, before Chen Bugu could enter "bullet time", a black shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Master Fran jumped into the air, and the war hammer in his hand instantly became as big as his body. The surface of the hammer head was covered with cracks, and a hot red light emitted from the cracks.

Chen Bugu could see that the few fire elements on this city wall gathered on Fran's war hammer in an instant.

The war hammer waved in a circle in the air, and then was thrown straight towards the passing bolide.

The world seemed to be silent for a second, followed by a dazzling flash of light and a powerful wind brought by the shock wave.


Huge explosions resounded in all directions.

Under the hammer, the bolide exploded and scattered into several large pieces of rubble that flew towards the city.

Rubbles fell to the ground, and dozens of six-star monsters were instantly turned into charcoal.

Master Fran landed on the wall with his back to everyone, and then he raised the warhammer as tall as himself above his head with one hand.

"Don't mess up!"

"Nine-star monsters, come from me!"

After saying this, the awakened ones on the wall burst into cheers and roars.

Master Fran's majestic appearance of smashing the bolide with a hammer was deeply imprinted in the eyes of this group of people, inspiring them to regain their confidence.

Only Chen Bugu, who was the closest, could clearly see that Master Fran's cracked tiger's mouth was slowly leaking blood.

His undulating body and slightly rapid breathing all secretly emphasized that the blow was not as easy as everyone saw.

Yes, even if Master Fran is dressed in green, he can only reach the peak level of the Eight-Star Black Iron. Facing the monsters of the Nine-Star Black Iron, he must risk his life.

Even so, he is still the only one who can effectively contain the nine-star monster on this battlefield.

His strength, his identity, and even his unknown glory all forced him to stand in this position to face the nine-star monster.

In the cheers of everyone, Master Fran jumped off the city wall. In order to avoid accidental damage, he must stay away from the battle with the nine-star monster.

At this moment, Chen Bugu felt respect for this grumpy dwarf.

After Master Fran jumped off the city wall, the morale-boosted Awakeneds seemed to have been pumped, and they attacked fiercely. They even staged a brief counterattack and once killed the Warcraft back to the edge of the city wall.

Even when the seven-star willow leaf demon climbed onto the city wall again, it was killed by Chen Bugu who shot two wooden arrows with purple flames under "bullet time".

Thunder resounded through the sky, Bai Ting's hands turned into meter-long electric blades, and he killed a seven-star monster by himself.

However, this situation did not last long.

As time passed, monsters continued to swarm up the city wall. The defensive pressure increased again, casualties continued to increase, and the surviving awakened people were once again forced to shrink around the protective circle.

Chen Bugu used "Heavy Rain Arrow" again. Although an area was briefly cleared, it was quickly filled by the monsters behind him.

The encirclement continued to shrink, and the adherent Awakeners died one after another. Even Yan Kuan and Lin Xiaoxiao were inevitably injured.

They are like a small boat in a stormy sea, facing the danger of capsizing at any time.

However, the house leaked and it rained all night, and a figure hit the city wall heavily, adding a haze to everyone's heart again.

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