After Getting Married, My Husband Spoils Me

Chapter 999: Junior Fanwai (5) Tracking, candid photography, and taking

  Chapter 999 Junior Fanwai (5) Stalking, filming, and taking his things?

  Jingcheng Medical College

  Jiang Mutang wasn't sure that she was following him. The school was so big, and it wasn't his private place. He couldn't control where they liked to go, but he deliberately took a detour, but he didn't expect this girl to follow him.

   He couldn't see through this girl anymore.

   Last night Jiang Ruan proposed to take her home by himself. She ran so fast, as if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, but now she has been following him. What does she want?

   Someone was following him all the time, and he felt uncomfortable, so he deliberately walked quickly and made a detour.

  Xu Yan saw that his figure disappeared, and immediately became anxious, took small steps to catch up, and turned a corner...

   did not stop, almost hit him, and hurriedly took a step back.

   is just a turning intersection, dividing the light and the shadow, he is in the shadow, and she is surrounded by a layer of autumn sunshine.

   Black and white light and shadow, Jiang Mutang's glasses dazzled with a layer of cold light, and her eyes were even more dark, looking at her carefully, trying to see through her mind.

   She was frightened by what happened just now, and the person opposite was already tall and stared at her.

   Maybe she was too nervous, maybe because the autumn sun was too hot at this time, her face was burnt through with smoke, as if she was drunk and stained with a layer of red, and the fever persisted.

  Xu Yan pursed her lips tightly, raised her eyes and smiled at him, still a little timid.

   with the inherent greenness and shyness of a little girl.


   "What happened?" Jiang Mutang really couldn't understand this girl, "Aren't you following me?"

  Xu Yan's mind was pierced, and his face became even hotter, which reminded him of the white porcelain plum wine made by Huo's family, maybe drinking this kind of wine could dye her face such a beautiful color.

   "I, I didn't follow you."

   "Huh?" Jiang Mutang looked at her, wanting to see how she could explain it.

   "I'm just about to leave your school and go to the gate."

  Xu Yan was originally pulled to fill the number of people, and she didn't want to stay for a long time, but there was a boy who kept chatting with her. She just heard that Jiang Mutang was going to take the subway home, so she found an excuse to leave.

   The school is too big, so she couldn't find where the gate was. Anyway, Jiang Mutang was going to take the subway, so she had to go too, it was the most convenient to follow him.

   It’s just that although I saw each other last night, she didn’t know each other well, so she didn’t feel embarrassed to talk to her, so she could only follow along not far or near, never thinking that she would be caught.

   "Are you going to our gate?" Jiang Mutang looked at her amusedly.

   "I'm going to take the subway." Xu Ni pretended to be calm and spoke quite confidently.

  Jiang Mutang saw through her thoughts and suddenly smiled, thinking that this girl was a little cute.

   "Okay, I got it."

   He turned around and continued to walk ahead. Xu Ni was "caught" anyway, and the distance between him and him was not as far as before, so he followed step by step, and the result——

  Jiang Mutang turned around and entered a building directly. She glanced at the words above:


   She was dumbfounded!

   Instantly understood what Jiang Mutang was laughing at just now.

   He didn't go to the school gate to take the subway at all, but to the library, so he was lonely after being with him for so long?

   But now she looked around, Jiang Mutang just turned around, she was even more dizzy, and she didn't know how to go.

   can only wait for him at the door.

  Jiang Mutang returned the book and borrowed a few more. It took seven or eight minutes, but Xu Ni waited for him for so long and walked behind his ass.

   She kept wanting to ask, should you go home this time?

   hesitated, but didn't dare to speak.

   After all, it was embarrassing enough to lie just now.

  Jiang Mutang probably saw through her thoughts, she just thought it was funny, and said in a low voice, "Which subway line do you want to take?"

"number 2."

   "Then we are on the same road."


  Xu Yan is even more embarrassed, he is so embarrassed, and he wants to go with him?

   Doesn't he have a car? Running to squeeze the subway?

   But the two of them had nothing to say along the way.


   Arrived at the subway, the university town side is the terminus of Line 2. When you get here, you don't have to wait too long for the train, and the carriage is empty, and there are almost no people. Jiang Mutang finds a place to sit down at will.

   It was inappropriate to sit too close, and it was considered an acquaintance, and it was embarrassing to be too far away, so Xu Ni sat opposite him.

  Xu Yan was originally quite embarrassed, but after Jiang Mutang got on the subway all the way, he began to lower his head and read a book, which avoided the embarrassment caused by eye contact.

  The subway started from the terminal station. There were not many people at the beginning. Xu Ni looked at his phone for a while, and his eyes involuntarily fell on the person opposite.

Jiang Mutang is not only exquisite, but also clean, with a white shirt, wearing silver-rimmed glasses today, and the subway whizzing through, he is naturally motionless, his thin lips are slightly pursed, and the bridge of his nose is very straight, just like a man in a comic. Lord, and the hand that turns the book is also very beautiful.

  Xu Yan likes photography, so he went to the mountains last night to collect wind and watched a drag racing competition before meeting the three siblings Jiang Ruan.

   The person on the other side is sitting like this, which has formed an excellent composition ratio. She feels that the act of taking pictures secretly is not good, but she can't help but secretly hold the phone and turn on the camera.

   Thinking that secret photography is really bad, she was about to put away her phone, but accidentally——

   Accompanied by a "click--" sound, the flashlight also came on.

   In addition to them, there were three other people in this carriage, not only Jiang Mutang, but everyone looked at her.

  Xu Ni has rarely been embarrassed in his life, and as a result, he was planted twice today.

   If Jiang Mutang was really photographed, it would be fine, but he was caught before he could get it.

  Stalking, filming secretly, he is afraid that he will think he is a pervert.

  Xu Yan lowered his head and blushed again.

  Jiang Mutang just glanced at her lightly, lowered her head and continued to read, but the corners of her mouth evoked a slight arc.


  As the subway arrives at some platforms, people enter the carriages one after another, the seats are full, and it gradually becomes a bit crowded.

   Jiang Mutang was reading a book when she heard Xu Ni say, "Little boy, sit here." She got up and gave up her seat.

   "Quickly say thank you to my sister." A woman with a three- or four-year-old child was thanking her.

"You're welcome." Xu Ni said, then raised his hand and grabbed the pull ring on the armrest in the middle of the carriage. Jiang Mutang was about to stand up to give her the seat, but the girl turned her head and went to chat with the child, obviously not wanting to face it. she.

  Xu Yan is not stupid, he lost two people in front of him, wish he could be as far away from him as possible.

   It's just that she injured her right hand last night. Holding the pull ring, she felt a little tired after a while. She exchanged both hands. In addition, whenever she arrived at the subway station, she had a lot of inertia. She was worried about bumping into others, so she could only hold on to the handrail more strongly.

   After more than ten minutes, it seemed a bit laborious.

  Jiang Mutang thought this girl was very interesting, and the carriage was a little noisy, so she closed the book.

   looked down at the phone for a while, and caught a glimpse of a man standing in front of him. This book was nothing, but his appearance just blocked Xu Ni.

   The man grabbed the position on both sides of Xu Ni's pull ring with both hands. At this angle and position, it seemed that he was standing on the oblique back side of her, but his body would inevitably touch.

   Although the carriages were crowded at this time, there was no need to be so close.

  As the subway stops and goes, even if they don't get close, the two people's clothes and bodies will inevitably come into contact.

  Xu Yan only knew that there was someone on the oblique back side at first, but he moved slightly to the other side, but that person's body would still touch him intentionally or unintentionally.

   Once or twice it may be a coincidence, and it has been like this, then there is a problem...

   When she looked over, the man smiled and said, "I'm sorry."

  Xu Yan is not stupid. He knows the rogues he may encounter and wants to move his position. He hurts one hand, and there are many people in the carriage, making it inconvenient to move around.

   right now

   She felt a hand stretched out from the back and grabbed her armrest directly. The two were touching their hands, and their arms rubbed against each other. She took a deep breath and turned her head subconsciously. The position was too narrow, and she was...

   almost squeezed into the man's arms.

It's him.

   He was very clean, with a faint smell of disinfectant, and he was very tall. The two had probably never been this close before, and she could only touch his chest.

   "Go and sit at my place." He lowered his head, his throat was pressed down, slightly low, coming from above her head.

   She knew that Jiang Mutang was deliberately helping her out of the siege, "Thank you." She thanked her and released her fingers from the handrail. While the subway was running, it was a little unstable to walk in it, but she suddenly went to support her, and she bumped back.

  Jiang Mutang frowned, grabbed her forearm, she was pulled back...

   bumped into his arms this time.

   She was breathing a little too fast, a little hot, and it just landed on his chest. The momentary numbness made him feel uncomfortable.

   The most important thing is that Xu Ni was also startled and grabbed his arm subconsciously, which made him even more uncomfortable.

  Jiang Mutang lowered her head. From his angle, she could clearly see her slightly red nose and red ears due to excitement, "Are you alright?"

   "It's alright." Xu Ni said hurriedly released his hand from holding him, turned and went to his seat. His book was placed on the seat, occupying the seat.

  Xu Yan helped him hold the book, his heart was beating wildly, and he didn't dare to look at him.

   She had never had such close contact with the opposite sex, so she felt embarrassed, and when she touched his hand, she felt that this book...


  Xu Yan was nervous in her heart, she soon arrived at the station, she glanced at Jiang Mutang, "I'm here."

   "Yes." Jiang Mutang nodded.

  Xu Yan lost too much of this person today, so he didn't dare to face him, thank him, and left quickly because many people were waiting for the pit stop.

   Jiang Mutang frowned, she actually...

   hugged his book directly!

   He was about to chase after her, but the crowd that poured in had already pushed him back.

   And Xu Yan watched the subway door close, Jiang Mutang was standing at the door, pointing to her arms, only then did she notice that she actually took his book away.


  The subway whizzed away, Xu Ni was completely stunned.

  What happened to her today? what is she doing.

  Because she usually holds a book in class, she also got used to it, so she got off the subway with a book in her arms.

  Jiang Mutang didn't expect her to be so confused. She just sat down with his book for two stops, and actually took the book away?


   It's not difficult to find her. There must be a channel for the senior brother. Just let the senior brother know the contact information of a girl he is looking for. I am afraid that he will have to make some jokes. He remembers that Jiang Ruan has saved her contact information.

   It was just that Jiang Ruan's phone was not connected, but his mother called to ask him when he would be home.

   "I'll be at the station soon."

   This is the first time Jiang Mutang has encountered such a situation. If she hadn't been confused a few times before, he would have really thought that this girl was doing it on purpose. As soon as he got home, he heard someone hurriedly shouting bro.

   "Yeah." His brother replied.

   "Brother, let me tell you, today I went to the fourth uncle's house to find Xiao Jiu and Lao Shi. What do you think they are doing? They actually clasped their fingers together and said that this is to enhance brotherhood. Are you stupid?"

  Jiang Mutang responded lightly, and just changed his shoes at the entrance when someone came over instantly with a big face.

   He was not polite and waved his face directly.

"What are you doing?"

   Get so close!

   "Brother, when you go out on the weekend, not to go to school, but to go on a date!"

When the word   date came out, even sitting on Jiang Jinshang couldn't help but look at him more.

   "What nonsense!" Jiang Mutang frowned, staring at her brother.

   "Where am I talking nonsense, your shirt is clearly a lipstick print, Mom, come and see if this is lipstick on my brother's clothes."

  Tang Wan came out of the kitchen, also stared at his clothes, and asked suspiciously, "Have you made a girlfriend?"

   "No, I'll change clothes."

  Jiang Mutang was thinking about how to get her book back all the way, but she didn't pay attention at all, there was a bit of her lipstick on her shirt.

   He had just returned to his room when Jiang Ruan called.

   "Brother, are you looking for me?"

   "I have something to ask you."

"you say."

   "The girl you went to the hospital with last night, give me her contact information."


   The contact information must have been given, but Jiang Ruan asked the reason, but someone kept his mouth shut. If he said he wanted a book, the girl would definitely ask more questions. He was too lazy to explain, and simply didn't say anything, resulting in a deeper misunderstanding.

   At this time, the girl named Xu Ni also called her:

   "I'm sorry to bother you, that..."

  Compared with someone's magnanimity and directness, Xu Ni and Jiang Ruan are not familiar with each other at all. When they asked her for someone else's contact information, it was still a boy, so he was even more embarrassed to speak. He hesitated for a long time before speaking.

   "Can you give me your brother's phone number, even WeChat."

   "You want my brother's phone number? Why?"

   "No, it's nothing, is it convenient? Don't worry, I'm not here to harass him." Xu Ni was embarrassed to say the reason, after all, it was too embarrassing.

   Jiang Ruan: "..."

What exactly happened here?

  Is it the first time we met last night, they just looked at each other?

   The two love each other, so tacit understanding?

  She is going to have a cousin?

  If only Xu Ni asked for the call, Jiang Ruan might not give it. After all, Jiang Mutang doesn't like to be disturbed very much. If they like each other, it will be different...

  Since the husband and concubine are interested, then she can match.

   So Le Dian Dian gave her Jiang Mutang's phone number.

   One of them just wanted to return the book, and the other wanted to take the book. How could anyone know what someone was thinking.

  The twin brothers were still clasping their fingers together, going in and out together, enhancing their brotherhood. Seeing their sister suddenly so happy, it was even more uncomfortable.

   "It's obviously a fight together, why is it always us who get hurt."

   "Who let us both hang out."

   "Old Ten, your palms are sweaty and sticky. It's really uncomfortable."

   "Mom said, I can't let go this day." He also felt awkward, who wants to hold hands with a man all the time.

   His mother was a real devil.


   From childhood to adulthood, the three of them fought together, and it was their brother who suffered in the end. His sister could always escape perfectly.


  Kwun Tong Court

   At the dining table, Jiang Mutang had just taken his seat when three pairs of eyes shot at him. He explained, "Lipstick, just a school girl, accidentally rubbed it on."

   "School girl?" The younger brother deliberately dragged his tone, "Brother, you can, you all know the junior girl."

   Jiang Mutang: "..."

   "Not all, this senior, junior girl or something, it's very easy..."

   "Tsk tsk, brother, if you have a situation, just say it directly. It's not that your parents won't let you fall in love, so why hide it?"

   "When will you take your sister-in-law to show me."

   Jiang Mutang glanced at him, "How's your monthly test score this time?"

  A certain little **** fainted in an instant...

   He is very smart, but he doesn't like to study very much. Jiang Jinshang whips the whip twice, and his grades can go up a lot, but he can't stare at him all day long, causing someone's grades to go up and down.

   "Brother, have some dishes." Someone smiled bitterly.

  Jiang Mutang originally came back with the book to read, but now that the book is gone, he has free time in the afternoon, staring at his brother, and casually said:

   "I'm free in the afternoon, help you with your homework."

  The second child was cowardly in an instant. He originally wanted to inquire about his brother's gossip, but it turned out well...

  I didn’t hear the gossip, and even put myself in.

   Sure enough, not everyone can eat melons.

   There are only two shifts today. I’ve been feeling inexplicably flustered recently. I’m going to the hospital in the afternoon. I’ll update it tomorrow, okay?

   It is said on the Internet that I am flustered, it may be menopause [cover face]


   Little second: Your menopause is not important, I only care what should I do?

   Jiang Ruan: I am more concerned about my brother's personal situation.

   Jiang Mutang:  …



   (end of this chapter)

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