Two days later.

early morning.

"Akhtar, do you plan to leave any descendants?"

Putting down the wine glass, Siegfried looked at Akhtar across the table and touched his chin, "Well, that doesn't seem right."

He changed his words.

"Do you have a partner you want?"

"If we can solve... the Fire of Surtur." Ximu lowered his eyes and said in a very calm voice. If he didn't take the ashes route, he would take the route of being accompanied by gods and men and find a way to capture the goddess of life. , then there is indeed a need for a partner.

But since he has taken the ashes route and is ready to burn the entire world, he has no intention of focusing his energy elsewhere.

Moreover, the Goddess of Life is not very easy to guide. It is necessary to create a... suitable environment so that the Goddess of Life has to partner with him for the sake of this world.

Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time completing the Life Goddess branch.

"Speaking of which, there is something I have wanted to ask for a long time." Yaslaqi looked at Akhtar's downcast expression and took the initiative to change the topic.

she asked Siegfried, who was drinking.

"Father, why did you choose Akhtar to kill you?"

"Because he can kill me sooner or later." Siegfried took a sip of wine and showed a generous smile, "Only those who can kill me are qualified to protect you."

I chose to let Akhtar kill him mainly because Akhtar had this qualification, and Akhtar was still very depressed at the time. He had potential but failed to realize it. Investing in advance can get the greatest return.

After all, finding a ready-made strong man to protect his daughter would be too costly and not enough to reassure him.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much." Akhtar suddenly spoke to comfort him, "When the door to hell opens, there will be a chance to run out and see Aslaqi."

Aslaqi looked surprised and asked, "Really?"

"Since the door to hell can be opened." Ximu nodded, "The souls trapped in hell will naturally have a chance to escape."

"There is a chance to return to the world." Siegfried touched his chin and began to feel his heartbeat.

However, when Ximu saw this, he poured cold water on it and explained: "For the soul that sneaks from hell to the human world, being killed is the real death."

He shook his head.

"And the messenger of hell will not let the dead souls live in the world."

"After all, too many dead souls have come to the world, and the world will probably become very bad." Siegfried nodded.

If he could escape from hell and find that his daughter was being bullied miserably, he would definitely be...angry.

You may do something very extreme.

"That's what the goddess of death needs to be concerned about." Ximu smiled, and Siegfried nodded in agreement.

He waved his hand and talked about another thing.

"By the way, do you know Mist?"

Ximu nodded and said, "We can be considered friends."

"That friend of yours almost caused the destruction of a country." Siegfried looked at Ximu's surprised eyes and looked out the window at the snowstorm.

"I heard that Mist was looking for someone, but this person was involved in the secrets of the Blood Church, which caused a conflict between Mist and the Blood Church."

He laughed.

"Because of the conflict between the Blood Church and Mist, it almost led to the destruction of a country."

"The City in the Sky is also...on the verge of destruction." Ximu reminded him, but Siegfried didn't pay much attention when he heard this.

He raised his glass and touched it with Ximu, and said:

"Is there any country that is not on the verge of destruction now?"

"That's right." Ximu drank all the strong wine in the cup. When he completely became the Lord of Ashes, no country would exist.

"Compared to the destruction of the country." Siegfried stretched out his hand and untied the false magic on his palm, revealing his palm that had completely transformed into a dragon.

"Akhtar, are you kill me?"

Although Akhtar has grown very quickly, he still looks very weak compared to his current strength.

In response, Ximu's sword of death was inserted on the floor next to him, "Is this enough to kill you?"

Siegfried touched his chin, looked at the Great Sword of Death, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that the Witch of Death would actually give you the Great Sword of Death."

He shook his head.

"It may not be able to kill me."


Hearing this, Ximu took out the Sword of Light again, inserted it on the other side of his body, and asked, "What about this one?"

"There is a chance." Siegfried nodded. If he loses his mind, there is a chance to kill him with the damage of the Sword of Light and the Great Sword of Death.

After all, there is a huge difference in a person's actual combat ability between being rational and being irrational.

The reason why humans can hunt beasts stronger than themselves.

That's because there is wisdom in using weapons.

"What about my partner?" Ximu touched the ring and summoned the little mare.

The tall body of the eight-legged horse stood on Ximu's back.

You don't need to look carefully to see that the eight-legged horse is unusual. It is a top-notch monster and has very high intelligence.

"Haha... I hope that when I transform into the Dragon Queen, I will be a brainless beast." Siegfried felt relieved.

The only thing I'm worried about now is whether her strength will skyrocket to an unacceptable level if she transforms into a dragon queen.

Even if you are good at using weapons to hunt wild beasts, if the beast is too powerful, you may not be able to win.

After all, he transformed into a dragon.


The sky was dark.

Siegfried left the Sky City alone and went to a spreading snowfield, waiting for him to completely lose his mind.

He cannot stay in his own country, otherwise he will transform into the Dragon Queen and destroy the Sky City indiscriminately.

Even if he can be successfully killed, Sky City may be shot down in the battle, which will cause countless casualties.

So he has to leave.

The cold wind was blowing across the endless snowfield. Siegfried sat on the hillside and looked at the mercenaries and several giant dragons appearing in the distance.

As night fell, he could feel the call more and more, and a vague woman appeared in his field of vision.

That is the legendary creation witch.

at the same time.

on the other side.

"The aura is getting more and more dangerous." The female dragon put one hand on her hips, her long blue hair fluttering in the wind. She looked at Akhtar aside and asked:

"Are you sure you want to participate in the crusade against Siegfried?"

It's not that she doubts Akhtar's ability, but it's an obvious fact that even though he is a famous hero, Akhtar's magical power cannot sustain high-intensity battles.

If you release a few high-intensity magic spells in a distance, the magic power will be almost exhausted, and you will not be able to support the subsequent battle.

To this.

Ximu thought for a while and said seriously: "So I have something I want to ask you to help me with."

"What's the matter?" The female dragon took a step back, feeling that this human's eyes were malicious, and then her bad premonition was fulfilled.

Xi Mu said: "Let me ride."

"What a beautiful idea!" The female dragon rolled her eyes, "Dragon knights are not allowed to have people of the opposite sex. If you want to find a female dragon to ride during the day and continue riding at night, that kind of thing has been banned for a long time, and it is impossible to do it now. ”

Ximu looked puzzled.

"In the past, dragons often fell in love with their knights, causing their husbands or wives to find out that they had been cuckolded." The female dragon explained.

"So in the Dragon Empire, dragon knights of the "opposite sex" are expressly prohibited. Only males and males, or females and females, can assist in becoming dragon knights."

She smiled triumphantly.

"So if you want to ride me, it's illegal."

"If you have the same gender, you can't cheat?" Ximu asked, making the female dragon fall silent.

Then she turned her head away.

"The cheating rate has dropped, and the law is still effective."

"Okay, then I can only ask your partner." Ximu shook his head in disappointment, looked at the little mare next to him, reached out and touched her neck, showing a very gentle smile.

When the female dragon next to her saw this, she suddenly said:

"Your partner seems to be female too, right?"

"Yes." Ximu nodded. He valued the little mare more than most beautiful female NPCs. After all, ordinary female NPCs only need to conquer and take away the mission props, and they don't have much interaction with each other.

But this is not the case with the little mare. She can be ridden all the time and accompany the player until the later stages.

If you don't take the Ashes route, the little mare will accompany the player after the game is cleared.

"Can she... take human form?" The female dragon came to the little mare, looked at it carefully, and kindly warned:

"The marriage between a human and a monster is more serious than the marriage between a human and a dragon."

"Can my partner turn into a human form?" Ximu asked curiously, and saw the little mare shaking her head wildly, completely refusing to admit that she could turn into a human form.

"Really, that's really a pity."

No regrets at all.

The little mare scraped the ground with her hooves, and then glared at the female dragon. This guy is really annoying. Whether she can turn into a human form has anything to do with this female dragon.

If she accidentally becomes pregnant, can the female dragon help her raise her children?

"My partner is probably...a rather special monster." Ximu smiled, then got on his horse, took out the Great Sword of Death, and looked towards the horizon.

The last ray of sunshine dimmed.

And as day and night complete the alternation, darkness completely envelopes the world, and an unspeakable terror spreads rapidly along the darkness, as if an evil dragon has opened its mouth to devour the world.'s just a dragon.

On the hillside in the distance, Siegfried's existence has changed. He is collapsing and changing, as if a monster is about to emerge from Siegfried's skin and completely descend into this world. world.

The murderous intent...the violent aura spread like nuclear radiation.

Then, all traces of Siegfried disappeared completely.

What appeared in front of people's eyes was a monster. It was not the evil dragon that people imagined. His forelimbs were very thick, as if they were human hands.

Although it has the aura of a dragon, scales of a dragon, and eyes of a dragon, it still retains a body shape close to that of a human.

"Hey, hey, hey... doesn't this feel right?" The female dragon retreated subconsciously, her pupils constricted, and she felt every hair on her body stand up.

"Can this be considered a dragon?!" She subconsciously wanted to leave, but then stopped immediately. A beast that had lost its mind was not enough to scare her.

Can fight.

"Let's go!" A calm male voice suddenly sounded, and then the female dragon felt her long hair being grabbed by someone, and then her whole body flew upside down.

Accompanied by the scenery in her eyes, she looked backwards.

"Boom!" Light suddenly flooded the world, and the spreading shock wave squeezed the air. From a distance, it looked like a bowl upside down on the ground.

What happened?

The dragoness was stunned for a moment, but the pain from her scalp made her realize that someone was still pulling her hair.

"Don't pull, it hurts." She covered her head and turned to look at Akhtar riding an eight-legged horse, and then she was really put down.

And she also changed from flying to falling.

"Ahhh... It's not immediately!" The dragoness screamed, and the whole person fell into the snow pile. After struggling to climb out.

Found that the situation had changed dramatically.

It was a dragon with red scales and a human-like shape, standing on the ground flowing with magma.

He grabbed the screaming human with one hand and stuffed it into his mouth full of fangs. As his mouth bit, blood splashed directly.

Then he waved his hand, and the strong storm he set off to tear the attacking mercenaries into blood foam.

Massacre... It is more accurate to say that it is a massacre.

It was not for eating, but purely for killing, attacking all life indiscriminately.

The mother dragon retreated subconsciously, the malice and violent breath against all life seemed to be ready to target dragons.

And at this moment.

The other dragons had already counterattacked, spitting out dragon breath around Siegfried.

Dragon breath from the red dragon.

Dragon breath from the thunder dragon.

Dragon breath from the wind dragon.

Dragon breath from the earth dragon.

Under the collision of these composite dragon breaths, the terrifying light and heat spread, the thick snow was blown away, and then turned into water vapor.

The hot air flow swept through like a tsunami.


The mother dragon still saw the pair of tyrannical beast eyes at the center of the explosion, he was still alive, without any weakening.

"Hey, the fight started!" A familiar male voice came, she looked subconsciously, and saw Akhtar holding two knives and rushing towards Siegfried.

"Don't waste time like a woman!"

"I am a woman!" The dragoness shouted angrily, and looked at Siegfried who was killing people everywhere, and hesitated for a moment.

She still rushed forward.

In fact, she had received a good education. No matter what, she was a daughter of a duke, but... her practical experience was not good.

In the past, she either relied on strength to crush others, or had her family as a backing. This was the first time she faced an opponent that made her feel scared.

After a while.

The dragoness rushed out and flew backwards at a faster speed, as if a steel nail was inserted into the mountain, half of her buttocks were exposed, and her two slender thighs wrapped in white silk were shaking anxiously.

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