"It's obvious that I'm being excluded." The memory demon sighed, then stretched his waist, "But I'm too lazy to pursue the so-called truth now."

In the past, he was very persistent in the so-called truth. In order to know the biggest secret of this world, he tried to steal the memory of the omniscient god.

And of course he failed, and was killed by the omniscient god. Only a memory made before his death survived in the memory of believers.

"Since you don't pursue the truth, let's talk about some serious topics." Ximu chuckled and changed the topic very naturally, "Do you want to join us and seize the dominance of this world together?"

The memory demon twitched his mouth and asked, "Can I refuse?"

In fact, he didn't want to join the war for world dominance. After all, with his current strength, even if he joined the camp of the witch of death, he couldn't be on par with the witch of death. He could only become a higher-level cadre.

It would be better to stay in the countryside and live a stable life.

In response to this.

Ximu didn't answer, but kept smiling, and the memory demon sighed tiredly when he saw this, as if he understood Ximu's attitude.

"Okay, I'll join you." Waving his hand, he chose to join the Death Witch camp, although he was very reluctant.

But he had no choice. If he didn't choose to stand on the Death Witch's side, the gods would not let him go, after all, the Death Witch sent someone to contact him.

Even if he said that he had nothing to do with the Death Witch, it was estimated that no god would believe it, and it was likely that he would be directly solved as a hidden danger.

"Welcome to join." Ximu nodded calmly, then stood up on his knees and looked at the snow scene in the distance.

"Someone will contact you tonight."

"Don't you want to go into the village for a cup of tea?" The memory demon pointed to the village with smoke not far away. It was a village with faith in him as the mainstream, and it was also the headquarters of the Memory Church.

"Forget it, I still have a lot of tasks to complete." Ximu summoned a mare, then looked at the memory demon and said:

"We will see each other soon." He rode on the mare, then pulled Eden on the horse, and disappeared at the end of the white land.

And not long after he left.

"Ah... the dangerous guy is finally gone." The memory demon fell directly on the snow, completely different from the calm look not long ago.

The little girl next to him showed a puzzled look. She didn't understand why the demon she believed in showed an expression of surviving a disaster.

The memory demon gave an explanation.

"The woman in the gray cloak knows me very well, but I can't peek into her memory."

"It's a powerful big sister." The little girl showed an expectant expression. She had no interest in powerful big brothers, but she was obviously very... yearning for powerful and gentle big sisters.

"It's a very powerful guy." The memory demon waved his hand, "The woman also protected the man's memory by the way."

He sighed in distress.

"If we had refused before, the woman would probably kill all of us...."

"What a dangerous big sister." The little girl opened her mouth in surprise. She thought the big sister was a very gentle person, but she didn't expect that she was so dangerous and wanted to kill all of them if they didn't agree.

The memory demon rubbed the little girl's head and said, "You still have a lot to learn. You can't think that someone is a good person just because they are pretty."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded repeatedly and humbly accepted the teachings of the memory demon, although she still thought that the big sister in the cloak was a good person.

I want to play with that big sister.



Castle in the sky.


Back garden.

Ximu and Eden got off the horse, then looked at Siegfried who was walking not far away, and the familiar and heroic laughter.

"Isn't this our hero back?" Siegfried laughed heartily, came to Akhtar, and looked him up and down.

He patted Ximu on the shoulder.

"Do you have the confidence to kill me now?"

"It depends on when you turn into a dragon." Ximu smiled and explained, "Otherwise I will go to fight other evil dragons."

"About twenty days later." Siegfried was unexpectedly calm, and did not shy away from when he would turn into a dragon.

"My physical condition is getting worse and worse." He stretched out his palm to Ximu, and saw scales appearing on his wrist.

"I always dream of a woman in my dreams during this period. She said something to me, asking me to open the gate of hell."

"That's probably the Creation Witch." Ximu looked at Siegfried's surprised expression and explained:

"The Creation Witch has never died. Since you use the magic she left behind, you probably..."

"You have become her puppet, right?" Siegfried seemed to have expected it, and covered half of his face with his hands in distress. "That figure is not inferior to the Goddess of Life. It is indeed the Creation Witch."

Ximu: "..."

"Objective evaluation, do you believe in the Goddess of Life purely because of the concept?" Siegfried smiled indifferently. He knew the man's thoughts very well and did not shy away from it at all.

"Akhtar, you need to face your heart more directly, at least you should be able to praise beauty frankly."

At this point, he pointed to Eden who was silent on the side.

"For example, your current female companion is undoubtedly a great beauty. It would be great if someone could dress her up specially."

"..." Eden raised her hand and pulled down her hood. She didn't care much about Siegfried's evaluation. Although Siegfried was a famous dragon-slaying hero, she had already witnessed too many heroes. , I don’t particularly care about heroes.

"Then let me take her to dress up." A pleasant female voice came. Everyone looked along the sound source and saw Aslaqi walking over in a gorgeous red dress.

She covered the lower half of her face with a folding fan, looked at Akhtar who had returned, looked up and down, and said:

"I'm happy to see you're safe."

"This...maybe it's luck." Ximu sighed, making Aslaki roll her eyes, and saw her poking his breastplate with a closed fan.

"You won't be lucky every time." Aslaqi warned, "If you still want to live well, don't run to dangerous places."

At this point, she shook her head.

"No... sometimes, it seems like wherever you go, something will happen."

"It's just a coincidence." Ximu smiled and waved his hand, while Aslaqi looked subtle when he heard this, but had no intention of talking more about this topic.

She held out her hand to Eden.

"Miss Eden, do you want me to take you around the Sky City?"

"Excuse me." Eden smiled politely, took the hand offered by Aslaqi, and left with Aslaqi.

She knew that Aslaqi had deliberately taken her away to create a suitable space for Siegfried and Akhtar to talk.

So she didn't refuse Aslaqi's invitation.

"Let's talk about something serious." Siegfried walked towards the pavilion not far away and said to his colleague Xi Mu, "There are several dragons temporarily staying in the Sky City, all for the purpose of...killing me. Come.”

Ximu asked doubtfully: "To kill you?"

"To facilitate understanding, let me tell you a story." Siegfried sat on a chair in the pavilion, broke the mouth of a wine bottle with his hand, and then poured two glasses of wine.

"If a monster turned into a human and suddenly blended into human society, what do you think most people would react?"

Ximu immediately replied, "It's dangerous."

"What if this monster's thoughts are very different from humans?" Siegfried asked again, "Do you have the ability to kill monsters?"

"I will try to kill that monster." Ximu replied, and Siegfried smiled, picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip.

He went on to add:

"What if this monster still has the ability to make other monsters continue to turn into humans?"

"Then we have to kill him no matter what." Ximu answered without thinking, and then fell silent.

He seemed to understand Siegfried's situation.

"And the "magic" mastered by this monster can also take away people's power." Siegfried poured himself another glass of wine. "As long as this magic spreads, greedy monsters will continue to attack people." "

"Are those dragons here to kill you?" Ximu frowned and his voice became serious. He certainly understood what Siegfried wanted to express.

From the dragon's perspective, the originally weak race suddenly becomes the same kind, and they can also gain power by killing their own race.

Naturally, he wanted to kill the guy who stole the power of the dragon.

And this is also a side effect of using the magic of Dragonborn. You will encounter the hostility and curse of the dragon until the person who uses the magic of Dragonborn dies.

However, for experienced players, the magic of Dragonborn is simply... the magical ability to attract monsters, which can directly make players naturally hostile to dragons, continuously attract dragon attacks, and continuously increase experience points.

"I'm here to kill everyone who holds the magic of Dragonborn." Siegfried told the truth, "They don't dare to do it now because they are worried that after I die, there will be no way to trace how many people know the magic of Dragonborn. "


Ximu drank a glass of wine silently. His frown showed that he was not in a very good mood. He seemed to be very troubled by the dragon clan's malice.

In this regard, Siegfried told another bad news, "I wouldn't have turned into a dragon so quickly."

He explained under Ximu's confused eyes.

"But some time ago, I killed an evil dragon. After taking the power of the evil dragon, my time to transform into a dragon was advanced."

Ximu asked in confusion: "Dragonborn magic can continue to capture the power of dragons?"

"You can keep seizing it." Siegfried explained cheerfully, "But the more power you seize from dragons, the less human you will become, and you will no longer be human."

He sighed.

"Even if you have the correct interpretation of Dragonborn magic, as long as the number of dragons killed reaches a certain level, you will still transform into a dragon."

It's no lie. Essentially, Dragonborn's magic is to seize the power of the dragon to strengthen oneself. If one continues to use Dragonborn's magic, the result will be that oneself transform into a dragon.

"Is there no way to avoid it?" Ximu asked, and Siegfried shook his head and explained to him.

"The magic of Dragonborn was prepared by the Creation Witch in order to return to the human world." Siegfried waved his hand, "A correctly interpreted Dragonborn magic can only ensure that you do not lose your human rationality."

Ximu: "..."

"Don't worry too much about the dragon's thoughts." Siegfried took a sip of wine and comforted Akhtar, "As long as you don't continue to kill dragons and expose the fact that you know dragon magic, you don't have to worry about being hunted down by the Dragon Empire."

Ximu frowned, "But they won't let Aslaqi go, right?"

"I will erase some of Aslaqi's memories." Siegfried's voice suddenly became tired, "They won't target Aslaqi too much in the future."

He had planned everything very well, waiting for Akhtar to grow up, and then secretly killing himself, and letting Akhtar protect his daughter for life.

However, the plan was unexpected after all. He originally killed the evil dragon with good intentions, but it actually caused him to transform into a dragon much earlier.

And the Dragon Empire also noticed that he had taken the power of the dragon.

"It doesn't matter. I will kill all dragons that have ill intentions towards Yaslaqi." Ximu gave a guarantee, "If the Dragon Empire still doesn't give up, I will go to the Dragon Empire in person and talk to the Dragon King in person."

"Hahahaha... you are really arrogant." Siegfried laughed loudly, and his heroic laughter seemed to shake the entire garden.

He was not surprised by Akhtar's arrogance. After all, geniuses are arrogant, especially geniuses of Akhtar's level. It is too normal to think that he can threaten the Dragon Empire alone.

Anyone who has Akhtar's growth rate is estimated to be very arrogant, not taking anyone seriously, and believing that he has the potential to become a demon.

"When you have the power to reach the gods, you can threaten the Dragon Empire." Siegfried restrained his laughter.

He picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Akhtar, saying:

"Excluding the blessing of "ability", in terms of race... there will also be huge differences in strength due to the difference in bloodline, which is why the dragon race is the strongest race. They have a strong blessing of bloodline."

"I understand, the teacher told me." Ximu subconsciously raised his hand and touched the bracelet on his wrist.

In the official setting of the game, the peak level of man is level 99, but in actual combat, there is a certain degree of difference in the value.

In the first round, he was successfully killed by the dragon because the dragon's blood bar was too long, resulting in insufficient magic power.

However, the high value means high experience value.

Of course... the boss character with a strange mechanism, that is, a boss character with almost cheating ability, will also have very high experience value.

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