"Hey, are you here to defeat the immortal snake as well?" A familiar voice came from behind, and Ximu turned to look.

The visitor was a one-armed swordsman, wearing a tattered cloak, holding a sword with one hand, and wearing a bamboo hat.

He raised his head slightly, revealing his scarred face under the bamboo hat.

"Would you like to go with us? We are all human."

"You don't know the way, so you want to find someone to take you with you?" Ximu seemed to see through the one-armed swordsman's true intention at a glance.

"Hahahaha... Is it that obvious?" The one-armed swordsman laughed embarrassedly, and then admitted it frankly.

"I am indeed not familiar with the rules of the underground world." He pointed to the train station not far away, and the train running on the magma river.

"It feels strange to think about vehicles running on the fire river."

"Once you are familiar with it, you won't find it strange." Ximu turned around and continued to walk towards the train station.

He knew the one-armed swordsman who greeted him. He was also an adventurer who came to defeat the undead snake in order to become a hero and carve out a niche for himself.

The one-armed swordsman looked at the cold attitude of the Silver Armor Knight and approached him more enthusiastically, not caring about the perfunctory attitude of the Silver Armor Knight.

After all, he was really unfamiliar with the rules of the underground world, and most of the people he met were dwarves, so there were some racial barriers in communication.

Entering the train station, the one-armed swordsman followed Ximu's footsteps and learned from Ximu how to buy tickets, how to get to the waiting station, and how to get on the train.

Finally, he successfully boarded the train to the city to defeat the undead snake.

"Brother, the underground world is really interesting." The one-armed swordsman looked at the scenery outside the window and felt the hot wind coming towards him.

"What technology supports the train running on the river of fire?"

"..." Ximu did not explain. He supported his elbow on the handrail and supported his cheek with one hand. He seemed to be in a trance. This... was just the brain hole of the game official. He wanted a train to run on magma, and then deduced the so-called technology.

The official explanation is that the train uses the natural heat of magma to directly burn water into steam, which drives the train on the rails.

As for the more specific explanation, he did not study it in detail. Anyway, he just needs to know that the underground world has developed the technology of using steam engines.

The train is running, the whistle is blowing, and as the train continues to accelerate, layers of lava waves spread.

The scenery outside the window is rapidly receding.

After a while.

The train passed through a long tunnel, and the scenery suddenly became clear. I saw a tall city wall in front of me, and a slogan written in eye-catching large characters on the wall: "The City of Gears Welcomes All Visitors with Good Will."

The City of Gears.

This is a city famous for its technology, selling many novel props, which also led to the development of tourism in the City of Gears.

"Finally here." The one-armed swordsman looked at the prosperous city that appeared, his eyes subconsciously narrowed slightly, and his hand was placed on the sword.

He looked at Ximu and asked.

"Brother, do you want to...sign up together?"

"I just want to kill the Undead Snake. Signing up is meaningless to me." Ximu shook his head and said meaningfully.

"If I were you, I wouldn't sign up."

The mission of defeating the Undead Snake is not completed by the player alone, but by the strong from all over the world.

Those who successfully defeat the Undead Snake will receive the generous rewards promised by the Gear City, and can also become heroes praised by wandering poets.

Wealth and reputation will reach the pinnacle of life at the moment of successfully defeating the Undead Snake. This temptation...is hard to refuse.

Is it to choose to live a mediocre life, or to gamble your life to become a hero.

"If you don't sign up, you won't get the promised bonus." The one-armed swordsman leaned back in his chair and sighed distressedly:

"I am different from heroes like you, brother."

"Do you know me?" Ximu seemed a little surprised, and the one-armed swordsman smiled awkwardly when he heard it, and then his expression became serious.

"Akhtar, your name is very famous now." He explained to Ximu, "You are the most popular name among the bards during this period. You can't not know it."

"It's really... unexpected." Ximu smiled, but he was not surprised at all that he became famous so quickly.

After all, his teacher is Hecate, the strongest astrologer in the world, and has a very special status in the group of astrologers.

In addition, Amphis, the real bard, is the teacher's licker, so it is not difficult to understand why he became famous so quickly.

Fortunately, the bard did not take his photo and tell his story to the audience, otherwise he would probably be surrounded by people wherever he went.

Now people know his existence, but they don't recognize him in front of them.

"You... may not care about the so-called fame and wealth, but just act out of kindness." The one-armed swordsman scratched his head, "But for people like us, wealth and fame are the reasons why we are willing to fight against the immortal snake."

He was very calm.

"Coming to the underground world to gamble your life is for wealth and fame, to be the center of attention, to be respected in any country, and to have in-depth exchanges with noble ladies."

"Don't be ashamed, this is human nature." Ximu smiled, and did not respond with contempt to what the one-armed swordsman said.

After all, with an NPC to help assist, the success rate of defeating the undead snake is a little higher, although most of them will die in the process of defeating.

"I feel relieved to be recognized by the noble knight." The one-armed swordsman smiled and seemed to be relieved.

He admired Akhtar's existence and was also... jealous. He was also a person who climbed up from the bottom, but Akhtar had everything people dreamed of.

Not only did he get the love of the princess, but he was also the apprentice of Queen Hecate, which could be said to be at the peak of his life.

If he were the protagonist of the story, it would undoubtedly be very cool, but he was just a listener, and an adventurer with ambitions to stand out.

Then he naturally felt a little jealous.

"Noble knight... Well, you have misunderstood me." Ximu smiled, and when he felt the train slow down, he stood up.

"I hope I can meet you when I defeat the undead snake." He walked towards the train exit.

If you want to enter the Gear City, you must take the train. This is the rule set by the Gear City. This is to prevent dwarves from entering the Gear City and to provide an additional source of income.

In short, if you want to live in the Gear City, you must go through registration, take a dedicated train to enter the Gear City, and get an official permit.

Only with this permit can you consume and stay freely in the Gear City, otherwise all consumption behaviors will be restricted, and you will be caught by the city guards and ruthlessly expelled.

This is why he didn't just ride a mare into the Gear City.

The train door opened.

Ximu followed the crowd out, and before he took a few steps, he was stopped by several dwarves in armor.

"Sir Akhtar, welcome to the Gear City." A dwarf girl with short golden hair and fair skin came over.

She raised her fair little face and smiled:

"I will treat you to food, clothing, housing and transportation in Gear City. If you have any needs, you can tell me and I will try my best to meet your needs."

"How did you know I came to Gear City?" Ximu seemed a little surprised, and the girl with short golden hair smiled when she heard it.

She bowed and explained:

"At the train station, you wrote your name on the registration form."

"I see." Ximu nodded, and then said: "Don't worry about me, I just came to Gear City for a visit."

"This is the etiquette of Gear City." The dwarf girl smiled, slightly lifted the white skirt with both hands, and her voice was soft.

"Please allow me, Naris, the fifth princess of Gear City to entertain you."

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

The people passing by seemed to be surprised by the identity of the dwarf girl who revealed herself. No one expected that the princess of Gear City would appear here in person.

"Heroes are different. The princess came to the door directly." The one-armed swordsman not far away twitched his mouth, feeling envious and jealous.

Who doesn't want to come to a new city and be personally entertained by a princess of noble status? He dared not even think about this treatment.

After all, he was just an unknown adventurer. He could not be said to be on the same level as a famous hero like Akhtar, but he was completely different from her.

"It's really enviable." He glanced at the delicate face of the dwarf princess, which was rough compared to the ordinary dwarf women.

This dwarf girl was as delicate as a doll. Even from his human perspective, she was an absolute beauty.

Shaking his head, the one-armed swordsman turned and left.

Now he was more determined to defeat the immortal snake. As long as he succeeded, he could get the name of a hero, and wealth would come rolling in.

Maybe he could even marry a beautiful princess.

"Then I'll trouble Princess Naris to lead the way." Ximu glanced at the one-armed swordsman who was leaving, and then smiled at the dwarf princess.

After the player gains a certain reputation, it is easier to contact the plot characters, such as letting a princess come to the door directly.

Instead of having to struggle in a new map and gradually pass a bunch of side quests to get the attention of big shots.

After all, the player's strength has been improved, and they still have to work hard to do side quests to brush up their favorability and slowly enter the mission plot.

Isn't this a waste of strength and reputation?

"No trouble, I am also... curious about Mr. Akhtar." Nairis waved her hand, seeming a little embarrassed.

She coughed lightly.

"Please follow me, I have arranged a residence for you."

"..." Ximu nodded and followed Nairis's footsteps. This character is quite popular among players. She has a lively personality and is a bit innocent. There is really admiration for players who have the name of heroes.

However, if this is not enough to be loved by players, she has a certain tragic color, which makes players leave a certain memory point.

Nairis, who yearns for heroes and desires to become a hero, has always wanted to defeat the undead snake that threatens the gear city.

However, Nairis herself is... the daughter of the undead snake, a hybrid of a dwarf and a monster. The monster she longed to defeat was her own father.

This fact made Nairis collapse. She had been trying to help the players defeat the undead snake, but in the end she found herself killing her own father.

And she herself was a monster she once wanted to defeat.

"Akhtar, is there any place you want to visit?" Nairis put her hands behind her back and tilted her head to look at the handsome knight beside her. "I have a lot of free time now. I can take you to the clock tower, or buy you a steam car."

"I want to take a rest." Ximu shook his head. He had no interest in wandering around the gear city, which would trigger unnecessary side quests.

Now he just wanted to wait for the cave to defeat the undead snake to open, and kill the undead snake with the gathered adventurers.

No other side plots.

"Then I'll take Lord Akhtar to rest." Nairis seemed a little disappointed, but she still agreed with a smile.

She took Ximu to the outside of the station and got on a steam-powered car. With the roar of the engine, the vehicle moved towards the gear city.

The scenery outside the car window was backwards, many steam cars passed by, and the shops on the roadside sold many exquisite props. Occasionally, you can see the sightseeing train passing by around the city.

The style of the Gear City is very punk, and you can see many applications of machinery. However, due to the approval of the church and the state, many technologies can only exist in the Gear City. Once taken out of the outside world, it is illegal.

Moreover, there is no environment of the Gear City in the outside world. The energy of magma is inexhaustible for the Gear City, plus a bunch of dwarf forgings used to make mechanical parts, which supports the culture of the Gear City.

In the outside world, many technologies will cause serious acclimatization.

Gear City Palace.

Well… Nairis took him directly into the palace and did not arrange him in the hotel in the city. It seems that she planned to talk with him all night.

Of course, this is really a long talk all night in the literal sense.

There is no negative in-depth communication.

"Sir Akhtar, you can rest here." Nairis pushed open the door, and then her body trembled in fear. She subconsciously took a step back and bumped into Ximu behind her.

Her expression changed from brilliant to... guilty.

"Mother, why are you here?"

"Come to see my good daughter, what kind of man did you bring home." A cold voice floated out of the room, with a hint of severity.

"Come in, I am also an open-minded parent."

"..." Naris pursed her lips, looked at Akhtar for help, looked inside the house, then grabbed Akhtar's wrist and walked into the room.

Then a cold blonde woman came into view. She looked cold and arrogant. She sat elegantly on a chair, holding a fan to cover the lower half of her face.

Ximu met her gaze and then set his eyes on the woman's belly. The bulging belly was obviously pregnant.

And the child in her belly was the immortal snake.

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