After get off work, I started speedrunning through the other world

Chapter 287 The Superhuman Change of Civilization

Simulated world.

"Clang!" The sound of swords clashing echoed in the duel field, accompanied by the burst of brilliant sparks, a figure fell from the sky, like a meteorite hitting the center of the duel field, raising a cloud of dust.

The savior goddess covered her mouth and nose, stood up shakily, and then her expression suddenly froze, and I don't know when a sharp sword was pressed against her neck.

"The progress is very fast." A pleasant female voice came from the smoke and dust, and an invisible force swept through, revealing the true face of the sword holder. It was a woman with long silver hair. Her awe-inspiring temperament was like a sharp blade polished to the extreme, as if anyone would be cut as long as they touched it, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"But I still lost." The savior goddess pursed her lips, her delicate face showed frustration, and the silver-haired woman saw this and drew back the sharp blade, revealing a gentle smile.

"If you can defeat me in the field of swordsmanship, then I am the Goddess of Swords in vain?"

This battle does not involve the use of power, it is a pure duel of swordsmanship, so the Goddess of Savior naturally has no chance of winning.

And they have only fought for a few days.

"Well, I am greedy." The Goddess of Savior nodded gently. She felt that she was indeed a little too hasty and her desire to become stronger was a little unrealistic.

But as long as she thought of her teacher's growth rate, she felt...desperate. Her progress was so slow, when would she be able to catch up with the teacher's pace? You know, the teacher himself did not stay in the same place all the time.

This way, she will never have the opportunity to cut off the eternal cycle of reincarnation.

"People will stop improving after reaching a certain level." The Goddess of Swords smiled lightly, as if she saw through the worries in the heart of the Goddess of Savior.

She smiled and said:

"Your teacher has grown to the top of the world. It is not easy to continue to grow. Don't worry that you will never catch up."

The Savior Goddess forced a smile. If someone in this world reaches the upper limit after progressing to a certain level, then whether she has the hope of reaching the top of the world, she is not sure about this matter.

However, she did not say this worry.

"I don't know if the teacher has entered the dream." She chose to change the subject, and said with a tangled expression, "Or is he going to see his lover again."

The Sword Goddess chuckled and said, "That man should be in hell with the Witch of Death."

The Savior Goddess showed a puzzled expression when she heard this.

But the Sword Goddess did not intend to explain in detail, but just sighed and pointed the sword in her hand at the fair neck of the Savior Goddess.

"Let's continue fighting. The man will come back naturally if he wants to see you."

"Yes." The Goddess of Savior adjusted her breathing, raised her hand and waved at the holy sword stuck in the ground not far away. The holy sword trembled and flew up and landed in her hand. At the moment she was ready to attack, she found the figure of the teacher through the reflection of the holy sword. She was in the audience behind her, together with a woman with long red hair.

"What's wrong?" The Goddess of Sword noticed something unusual, but the Goddess of Savior just shook her head and attacked her immediately.

The swords of both sides collided, pulling out a gorgeous arc of light, as if two crescent moons were colliding with each other, and the burst of fire seemed to turn into stars.

While dealing with the attack, the Goddess of Sword took the time to observe the duel field. She knew clearly the relationship between the Goddess of Savior and the Lord of Ashes, but she would not be hostile to the Goddess of Savior for this. It is better to say that she felt... looking forward to it.

Since the Lord of Ashes is willing to accept the Goddess of Savior as a student, this can also indirectly show that the Goddess of Savior has a certain degree of qualifications.

At the same time,

Outside the duel.

"Aren't you going to see her?" Misty turned her head and looked at Akhtar who was walking beside her and asked, "That child seems to want to meet you very much."

"It's not a good thing to disturb students' studies." Ximu shook his head. He and Misty had just entered the dream not long ago, and he wanted to be alone with Misty for a while, even though they were in the same bed in reality.

But it was the body after all, and the spirit should stay closer.

Misty nodded gently, then took the initiative to hold Akhtar's hand and strolled with him in the Lionheart City.

Compared with the simulation of the last dream, this simulation was relatively stable. It did not directly destroy the whole world, but maintained a relatively stable state.

However, the style of the residents in the simulated world became strange. Most of them chose to abandon their original race and chose to turn into corpses, elemental life, monsters, alchemical puppets and other life forms.

This also made the style of the world become strange.

After a while.

In a place with a white pigeon square.

An alchemical puppet stood on the edge of the fountain, with a white dove eating bread crumbs on his head, talking loudly to the onlookers:

"Humanity will definitely defeat Ragnarok!" He raised his arms high, "It takes talent to become a demon, but alchemy only requires thinking. Anyone can learn alchemy, as long as we work together and develop alchemy to the extreme."

He paused at this point.

"We will definitely defeat Ragnarok."

"Aren't you an alchemical puppet?" A doubtful male voice came, causing the alchemical puppet's excited expression to freeze. Then he looked towards the source of the voice and saw a black-haired man looking at him with doubtful eyes.

As expected, it should be the person who just fell asleep.

"Are alchemical puppets not human?" The alchemical puppet shook his head and explained, "Human identity comes from culture and self-cognition. The body is just a carrier of culture and cognition, which is insignificant at all!"

Ximu chuckled and said, "Really?"

"Does this gentleman want to join our alchemy sect?" The alchemy puppet issued an invitation, "Study the ultimate in alchemy with us."

Ximu shook his head: "As far as I know, the Alchemy Witch didn't fall asleep this time, right?"

"But the Alchemy Witch's daughter and partner fell into a dream!" The Alchemy Puppet's expression became excited, "This is equivalent to the Alchemy Witch coming to the simulated world."

"I don't want to become an alchemy puppet." Ximu shook his head.

The alchemy puppet did not force it and continued to shout to the people in the square:

"In order to defeat Ragnarok, alchemy is necessary. Only alchemy can grasp the essence of the world. Only alchemy can create an ark to travel to a new world. Join the Alchemy Sect and gather the wisdom of the world to create an ark of salvation. "

Ximu observed for a moment, and looked at Mist next to him. The two disappeared into the crowd. All the culture and technology in this world now revolve around defeating Ragnarok.

In order to achieve this goal, people can abandon their original race, research all required technologies, and temporarily abandon morals and ethics.

The kingdom of iris.

In a closed laboratory.

"Uninvited guests." The white-haired girl stopped shaking the flask in her hand and turned to look at Akhtar and Mist who appeared. "What can I do for you?"

Ximu immediately replied: "I miss you and want to see you."

The white-haired girl was stunned for a moment, her eyes looking a little unnatural, but she quickly regained her composure. Although she did not expect Akhtar to say such ambiguous words, she knew how to deal with it.

"I'm here for Leticia."

Ximu denied: "I came here for you."

The white-haired girl opened her mouth slightly and her pretty face turned slightly red, but her voice was as calm as ever, "What do you want to see me for?"

"I heard that you became the partner of the Alchemy Witch?" Ximu asked, and the white-haired girl nodded and explained to him:

"I inherited all the memories of the Alchemy Witch. My body structure is very similar to that of the Alchemy Witch. I also spent a lot of time pursuing the ultimate in alchemy, so I am fully qualified to be the Alchemy Witch's companion."

Ximu sighed: "But aren't you mother and daughter?"

The white-haired girl showed a helpless expression: "Partners are usually people who are on the same path, and the Alchemy Witch is not interested in women... or daughters. Her sexual orientation is very normal, and she will not attack her daughter."

She took off her white coat.

"And becoming the Alchemy Witch's companion is just to facilitate research in the real and simulated worlds at the same time."

Ximu thought for a moment: "In other words, the Alchemy Witch is not with you."

The white-haired girl nodded. She didn't feel anything was wrong. She just hung her white coat on the wall bracket and then led the two of them out of the laboratory, while talking to them about some more confidential information.

A few years later.

Under the pressure of the Ragnarok crisis, civilization has made rapid progress. Although no demons or witches have been born, it has created an unprecedented brilliant civilization that can clearly cleanse civilization and crush bombs, and can defend against the full force punch of the density demon. The ark, Fenrir, the witch capable of eating gods, Jörmungandr, the giant snake capable of entangling the continent, and other miracles that were unimaginable in the past emerged one after another.

"We have never been so powerful. We have gathered all the wisdom of life, and all races are united as one, in order to... cross the twilight of the gods on this day!"

In the burning world, several huge monsters poked their heads out of the flames, looking down at the Lord of Ashes riding an eight-legged horse. Behind them were moving alchemy warships.

"You guys really fascinate me." Ximu commented like this. With the help of demons and witches, he ignored many technological barriers that were impossible to break through and created an unprecedentedly powerful civilization.

"It seems worth burning it now." He waved the spear of destiny and burned the world directly.

The blazing flames engulfed everything and burned towards the past. Everything collapsed at this moment. Whether it was a powerful monster or demon, or an alchemy battleship created by the wisdom of countless people, they all turned into ashes in the burning flames. ash.


The kingdom of iris.

The early morning sunlight passed through the window and fell on a white bed. The alchemical witch stood beside the bed, with one hand on her hip looking at her daughter who slowly opened her eyes and asked:

"Wake up, have you achieved anything?"

"It failed. Although it created many fancy technologies." The white-haired girl sat up and raised her hand to gently touch the hair around her ears. "But it has no effect on burning the flames of the world. That power has the concept of compulsion. At present, Only those who have reached the omnipotent level can resist this influence."

The Alchemy Witch nodded, seemingly not surprised.

Although the power of the Lord of Ashes appears to be pure flame, it is an out-and-out conceptual ability. It is very difficult to counter with ordinary technology and power.

Why witches and demons are so special is because they both possess extremely powerful conceptual abilities. Even if you can create an indestructible shelter, you can easily disintegrate the indestructible shelter as long as you master the corresponding conceptual abilities.

For example, if you have the ability to master the degree of segmentation, unless you have the corresponding conceptual ability to check and balance it, you will be easily killed.

And this is why she wants to find materials from outside the world. For the Lord who burns the ashes of the world, anything in the world can be burned, no matter how strong the material is, it is useless.

"But this time the ark will last longer." The white-haired girl got out of bed and told the good news, "Theoretically, as long as I can use a quarter of the world's material to make an ark, we..."

The Alchemist Witch twitched her lips: "Do you want to listen to what you have to say?"

The white-haired girl turned her face slightly. She just gave a theory. Whether it actually works is another matter. Because if a quarter of the world is made into an ark, the most likely result is that it will burn slower, rather than successfully smuggling to a new place. world.

"Wait a minute, I feel like your temperament has changed a bit." The Alchemist Witch suddenly frowned and looked at her daughter who suddenly looked much more mature. She used to be a cold and beautiful girl, but now she has a sense of maturity as a new wife.

The white-haired girl was silent for a moment after hearing this, and said nonchalantly: "I'm just staying in the simulated world..."

"Hmph, my daughter has even lied to her mother." The Alchemy Witch wiped away her non-existent tears and let the white-haired girl swallow the excuse she was about to say.

"Don't be fooled by bad men." The Alchemy Witch said with a smile, and then talked about her situation last night. She specifically found the devil outside the world, went to the outside of the world, and found that... there was nothing outside the world.

However, she tried to leave an alchemy clone of herself outside the world, if she could survive the burning of the world.

That can be regarded as an indirect smuggling into a new world.

"If there is a plan to successfully smuggle to a new world, will you bring your clone back?" the white-haired girl suddenly asked.

In response, the Alchemist Witch smiled and said: "Then let the clone burn into ashes. The unactivated clone is no different from a dead thing."

The white-haired girl nodded.

She didn't care about the Alchemy Witch's choice, but the Alchemy Witch was very concerned about her daughter's reaction. She approached her daughter and asked:

"Why are you suddenly confident in smuggling to the new world?"

White-haired girl: "..."

Sure enough, there was no way to hide her changes from the Alchemy Witch. She had stayed with the Lord of Ashes for so many years in the simulated world, and her relationship was naturally much closer. Who asked the Lord of Ashes to give her her soul.

This kindness made her very fond of Akhtar.

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