The moon and stars are sparse.

The silvery moonlight passed through the thick clouds and fell on a quiet western mansion, overlapping with the dim light from the mansion's windows.

Ximu placed the finished potion bottle on the table. After using the Sword of Light, his magic power was insufficient.

And right now.

"Akhtar, are you feeling better?" A gentle female voice suddenly came. Ximu looked along the sound source and saw a golden mist rising across the table, condensing into the figure of Eden.

She took off her hood, revealing her delicate face.

"Maybe we need to talk."

"Anyway, there is nothing else to do now." Ximu showed a gentle smile. There was no danger or madness shown during the day. On the contrary, he seemed very easy-going.

"Akhtar, it's still too late for you to seal the fire of "Surtur" now." Eden raised his hand and gently brushed his golden hair around his ears, his emerald green eyes revealed a serious look, "Now I can still completely Help you seal the Fire of Surtur."

"Sealing is meaningless." Ximu shook his head and turned to look out the window, "Even if the magic power is temporarily sealed, there will be situations where magic power must be used. It may be to save people, or it may be... …Resistance.”


Eden didn't object.

Today's era is collapsing, and no one can stay out of it. It is impossible to find a place to live in seclusion. What's more, Akhtar is also involved with the Witch of Death, so it is even more impossible to stay out of it.

"Actually, there is another way to delay the influence of Surtur's Fire." She explained in response to Akhtar's questioning gaze, "The more powerful the life form, the harder it is for Surtur's Fire to affect it."

Ximu nodded and said: "That means becoming a devil, right?"

"That's right." Eden nodded and admitted, "I can tell you how to become a devil."

"Everyone has a different way of becoming a demon, right?" Ximu shook his head. According to the official game settings, if you want to transcend the human realm, you need to complete a unique ritual.

The specific conditions of the ritual vary from person to person, and the methods to achieve it are also different depending on the nature of their abilities.

Some people achieve the ritual in a way that prevents their fate from being revealed in the starry sky, while some people need to kill themselves with their own hands.

In theory, the conditions for achieving the ritual can only be known by one's own exploration and research, and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

And even if you know the conditions for completing the ritual, you may not be able to do it, because the conditions for completing the ritual are probably to kill yourself, or to create a moon of your own.

However, the game official does not set unattainable rituals for players. In theory, all rituals can be successfully completed.

And even if players find it troublesome, the game officials have also thoughtfully arranged unconventional routes to complete Eden's mission branch. With Eden's help, you can directly know that your ritual has been completed.

Then with the help of Eden, he becomes a demon, or a witch.

"I have a way to let you directly know the conditions of the "ritual"." Eden's voice was gentle, as if he was talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

Xi Mu showed doubts.

"Anyone who goes to the Tree of Omniscient can get the knowledge they want to know." Eden explained, "Even the ritual to become a devil can be obtained under the Tree of Omniscient."

"Is it okay to have any knowledge?" Ximu asked enthusiastically, "If I want to obtain knowledge that makes everyone happy, is that okay?"

"Yes." Eden replied calmly, "But the way to achieve it is unacceptable to you."

She lowered her eyes.

"You will learn a formula for a potion that makes people feel happy, and then the Tree of Omniscient will give specific instructions on how to make everyone use the potion of happiness."

"If we follow the instructions of the Tree of Omniscient, everyone in this world will be happy, but the cost of happiness is not within the Tree of Omniscient's consideration."

Ximu: "..."

"Please don't have any expectations for the Omniscient Tree." Eden looked at Akhtar's disappointed expression, "The Omniscient Tree is not a wishing machine, it can only formulate a "feasible" plan based on existing knowledge. "

"Then if I add more restrictions, I must make everyone happy until the end of their lifespan?" Ximu asked again.

To this, Eden responded.

"Then they are no longer human beings. They only have happy emotions, but cannot feel distress, sadness, and reluctance."

"Then they are just monotonous emotional creatures, maybe worse than ants..."

Ximu thought for a while and asked:

"Eden, have you already raised relevant questions about the Tree of Omniscientity?"

"Yes." Eden replied calmly. As the manager of the Tree of Omniscient, she naturally had many opportunities to come into contact with the Tree of Omniscient and learn knowledge that ordinary people... no, even the gods could not understand.

"Understood, I won't ask unrealistic questions anymore." Ximu accepted the reality. It would be better to say that he had expected Eden's answer.

He smiled and said: "I will only ask the omniscient tree how to become a devil."

"Then I won't disturb your rest." Eden stood up, stroking her skirt, and her body began to turn into golden mist.

But before it disappears.

"Can't you stay with me as a patient longer?" Ximu took out a bottle of wine and placed it on the table.

"We haven't had a good chat yet, have we?"

"..." Eden was silent for a moment, looking at Akhtar's expectant eyes, she sat down again.

"It's too much. They actually excluded me." A complaint suddenly came. The two looked in the direction of the sound and saw the Goddess of Lies appear at the window with her cheeks slightly puffed.

"You live in my house."

"This is a rare time for us to chat privately." Ximu's expression revealed a little disgust, but the Goddess of Lies seemed to pretend not to see it and climbed through the window very naturally.

Ximu shook his head, but still took out three wine glasses. The mansion he was in now was created by the Goddess of Lies. She distorted reality through lies and created a mansion out of thin air in the forest.

This is a nearly omnipotent power, making the Goddess of Lies a powerful god among the gods.



The next day.


"Wait, don't kill me!" The blood believer waved his hands in panic, kicked the ground with his feet, and pressed his body against the castle wall.

However, Ximu still swung the sword of light indifferently, and after cutting the blood believer in half.

He cast his eyes on the headless maid not far away.

"I really don't want to meet you, but you are here to hunt me down, right?"

"I have no reason to kill you." The headless maid lifted the birdcage in her hand and pointed it at Ximu's cheek.

The woman's head in the birdcage chuckled.

"It's hard to imagine that you are such a brave man. Not only can you cause serious losses to the Blood Church, but you can also escape unscathed under the gaze of the gods."

Her red lips curled up.

"I am almost obsessed with you..."

"You seem to hate the Blood Church?" Ximu asked in confusion, and the headless maid also admitted it readily.

"It's very disgusting. Not only is it stained with the unpleasant smell of blood, but the gods they believe in are also very inferior."

As she spoke, she turned around and led the way.

"The purpose of your trip is to see the God of Terror, right?"

"Yes." Ximu nodded, followed the back of the headless maid, and headed towards the bedroom of the God of Terror.

On the way.

The headless maid seemed to remember something, suddenly stopped, looked at Ximu carefully, and asked:

"Akhtar, are you still yourself now?"

"Why do you ask?" Ximu showed doubt, as if he didn't understand what the headless maid said.

In response, the headless maid chuckled.

"Someone visited the God of Terror this morning. They talked about your existence and said that you might be the initiator of Ragnarok."

She picked up the birdcage and moved it in front of Ximu.

"People infected by Surtur's fire will gradually fall into madness, and their original personality will completely disappear."

"But I feel that you don't have this symptom."

Ximu pulled the corner of his mouth and asked, "How else did they frame me?"

"I didn't hear too much, but I just suspected the power and state you showed yesterday." The headless maid thought for a while, "It's like a Shura who enjoys killing."

"Shouldn't I be happy to beat the enemy?" Ximu explained helplessly, "Do I still have to look sad?"

"Indeed, you should laugh." The headless maid smiled happily, "Killing blood believers, you should laugh as much as you can."

She let go of her guard and continued to move forward with Ximu.

Originally, she was really worried that Akhtar was the initiator chosen by the Ragnarok, but seeing Akhtar behave so normally, she let go of her guard.

With the power shown by Akhtar now, it is impossible to threaten the God of Terror, unless Akhtar's body is a demon and is just hiding his strength now.

But since they both have the power of demons, it is a piece of cake to deal with a weak God of Blood.

Why do we need to ask the God of Fear for help?

Following the long corridor, the headless maid brought Ximu to a door and pushed it open with one hand.

"Go in, the God of Fear is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you." Ximu said with a smile, his attitude seemed extremely gentle, without any madness or danger.

He walked into the room calmly, only to see the God of Fear sitting in front of the bed with his arms around his legs, looking at him with a little evasive eyes.

"Is the Witch of Death willing to help the God of Blood remove the poison of death?"

"No." Ximu shook his head and sat down by the bed. He looked at the unnatural look of the God of Fear.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"No." The God of Fear's eyes were erratic. He didn't even have the concept of death, so how could he feel unwell? It was just that he met the Goddess of Lies and the All-Knowing Saint this morning and learned some scary information from them.

The human in front of him was likely the one chosen by the Ragnarok, and he gave a series of arguments.

Then, the All-Knowing Saint and the Goddess of Lies asked him to test Akhtar and confirm whether Akhtar was the one who caused the Ragnarok.

Now he had to assume that Akhtar was the one who caused the Ragnarok without alerting Akhtar.

Confirm Akhtar's true identity.

"Really?" Ximu nodded lightly, and did not delve into the abnormality of the God of Fear, but turned to talk about another matter.

"Can I ask you for a favor?"

"You want me to withdraw my protection of the God of Blood, right?" The God of Fear shook his head and asked coldly.

"Why do you want me to give up protecting my friends?"

Ximu was silent.

"But since you are willing to risk your life for your friend." The God of Fear raised his chin slightly, "I can give you a chance, provided that you can please me."

"Pleasure you?" Ximu showed an extremely disgusted expression, as if he was looking at non-recyclable garbage.

In response, the God of Fear quickly waved his hand, "I am not interested in men, I just want you to please me."

"What do you want me to do?" Ximu asked, and then saw the God of Fear snap his fingers casually, and a gorgeous mirror appeared not far away.

"That is a mirror that shows the possibilities of the future." The God of Fear explained, and took out a pill and said:

"This is a magic potion made by the three goddesses of fate, which allows the user to foresee his own future."

"Want to see my future?" Ximu frowned, and then smiled helplessly, "Do you suspect that I am the initiator of Ragnarok?"

He took the pill.

"If I am really the initiator of Ragnarok, will you get rid of me in advance?"

"God, make your own judgment." The God of Terror did not give a direct answer. In fact, he did not think that Akhtar would be the initiator of Ragnarok. There were so many people in history who were infected with Surtur's fire, and there were also many talented people among them, but no one was chosen to be the initiator of Ragnarok.

However, since the All-Knowing Saint and the Goddess of Lies both asked him to do it, he could not refuse. He just went through the process.

"Understood." Ximu answered decisively, swallowed the pill without any hesitation, and then he fell asleep with his forehead covered.


The God of Terror saw the ending called fate... or the long river of time, at the other end of that time.

In the sky, the body of the All-Knowing God was pierced by a spear and nailed to the void, and the one holding the spear tightly was a one-eyed man, his body was like burning charcoal, and he rode an eight-legged divine horse under his crotch.

Although the image has changed greatly, the God of Terror still recognized it at a glance. It was a human named Akhtar.

No, this is not the point.

The point is the picture shown in the mirror. Akhtar actually pierced the God of All-Knowing with a spear.

Could it be that Akhtar is really the initiator of Ragnarok and may kill the God of All-Knowing in the future.

The picture in the mirror is still playing.

Following the long river of fate, moving towards the more distant end of time, Akhtar, who killed the God of All-Knowing, is seeing his breath becoming more and more crazy, which makes people feel terrified when they see him.

No one can stop him.

No God can live.

Everything collapsed under Akhtar's spear and headed for inevitable destruction.

The story ends.

Only one person survived. In the world turned into ashes, Akhtar suddenly turned his head, staring at the God of Terror outside the mirror with his beast eyes full of desire for destruction.

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