Chapter 100 He... seems to have made some decision

"Akhtar~ Don't ignore me, please." As if her girlfriend was coquettish, the girl shook Ximu's arm with a pitiful expression.

In response, Ximu gave him a cold look.

"Woo~" The girl moaned like a kitten, as if she was stabbed by Akhtar's cold gaze.

Pedestrians walking on both sides cast surprised glances, and then whispered, although they had deliberately lowered their voices.

But it seems that Akhtar is a bit confused.

"..." Ximu sighed inaudibly, as if he felt helpless about what the girl had done.

He took the initiative to ask.

"What's your name?"

"Liliana." The girl took a step back, closed her eyes playfully, and said her name.

Then she saw Akhtar walking past her towards the end of the street.

"Wow, what a bad attitude." Liliana chased after her, puffing up her cheeks in grievance, as if she was about to cry.

So tender and pitiful, it makes people want to hold her in her arms and love her.

But this... is just a disguise. People who are not familiar with her true face will be deceived by this cute appearance.

However, Ximu knew Liliana's bad character.

Whether it's being coquettish or pretending to be pitiful, it can't hide the evil intentions deep inside. Although it will not cause any real harm to the player, and may occasionally benefit the player, it is actually just to see the player's distressed expression.

If you are interested in slowly getting involved with Liliana, it will indeed be very fun and give people a feeling of being close to... love.

It's a pity that Liliana now only hinders him from gaining experience.

"Why on earth do you want to get close to me?" Ximu looked at the girl who was catching up, his voice calm, "It can't be to win over followers for the goddess of lies, right?"

"The Blood Church invited us here." Liliana gently wrapped her fingers around the hair around her ears. "The big shots at the top have reached an agreement with the Blood Church, so I can only do it, right?"

"You haven't answered why you approached me?" Ximu asked calmly, but Liliana did not answer immediately after hearing this.

She took the opportunity to extend another invitation.

"Join the Church of Lies and I'll tell you."

"Is it to confirm my purpose?" Ximu kept a steady pace, guessing the purpose of Liliana's approach.

"Are you worried that I will interfere with Mist's trial?"

"Correct answer." Liliana nodded with a smile and circled around Akhtar, "Now the only person who can let you truly understand everything about Cadilon is me."

"The price is for me to join the Church of Lies, right?" Ximu sighed as if he was a little tired, and then said with certainty:

"My faith in the goddess of life will never waver."

Liliana's expression fell, "Do you dislike the goddess of lies so much?"

"What do you think... is a lie?" Ximu asked back, and before Liliana could answer, he answered on his own.

"A lie?"

He shook his head.

"That would be to underestimate lies. If lies are placed on individuals, everyone can maintain an "appropriate" distance and avoid being hurt by the sharp angles of each other's hearts."

"And if you put it at the national or world level, it's a huge imaginary community."

"Countries, ethnic groups, families and other things in this world are all based on lies, but everyone agrees with this lie."

"Those in power say that I love everyone and want to create an equal country, but in fact it is just for... selfish desires."

"A lover who says he loves you may just be greedy for beauty and money."

"Lies exist everywhere in this world, and it is this lie that binds everyone together."

Why is this man... As soon as he blows it, it feels like the goddess of lies becomes taller.

Liliana was silent for a moment, looked at Akhtar with a serious expression, suddenly showed a bright smile, and grabbed Ximu's wrist.

"Akhtar, you are indeed a born believer in lies!"

"..." Ximu did not answer and kept his forward tone as always. Liliana did not feel angry when she saw this. On the contrary, she took the initiative to introduce the situation of Cadilon to Ximu.

The background of Cadilon is poverty, with less than 30,000 people. It is more like a large slum than a country.

The Blood Church chose to intercept Mist in Cadilon because Cadilon was the easiest country to bribe and control.

After a while.

"This is the temporary residence of the Saint of Justice." Liliana pointed to the dilapidated wooden house not far away, and then she saw Akhtar taking out the Great Sword of Death.

"Wait, don't overthink it!" Liliana quickly grabbed Akhtar's arm, "Assassinating the Saint of Justice is a grave sin!"

"..." Ximu didn't answer, and walked into the wooden house with cold eyes. Liliana tried her best, but she didn't let him slow down, only leaving two drag marks on the ground.

Could it be that this man wanted to kill the Saint of Justice?

Although this is indeed a solution to the problem, as long as the Saint of Justice dies, the ability that works on Cadilon will naturally disappear.

Of course Mister can leave.

"Are you the Saint of Justice?" Ximu looked at the woman in the room with cold eyes. She was a mature woman with long silver-white hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a nun's uniform and looked at her in surprise.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

"I'm not the Saint of Justice, you can call me Tina." The woman pursed her lips and smiled lightly, lying without changing her face in the subtle eyes of Liliana.

"Her Highness the Saint has gone out to investigate the case."

"Really?" Ximu seemed to believe the woman's words, and his eyes softened. Seeing this, Tina smiled and stood up to make two cups of tea.

After inviting Ximu and Liliana to sit down.

"Excuse me, do you two have anything to do with Her Highness the Saint?" She kept a gentle smile, and seemed to be completely unconcerned about Ximu's intrusion not long ago.

"Mist did not massacre in Cardillon." Ximu was concise and Tina nodded when she heard it.

She took a sip from the teacup on the table and said:

"In fact, I also think that the murderer is not Mister, but I... no, it's Her Highness the Saint, and there is no way to judge Mister innocent."

Ximu frowned and asked, "Why?"

"The judgment cannot be based on the subjective feeling of the "judge", but there must be evidence." Tina explained, "Now all the evidence shows that Mister killed people and intended to sacrifice everyone in Cardillon."

Her delicate brows were tightly knitted.

"Her Highness the Saint has found a magician who can read memories, and indeed read the scene of Mist killing people from the minds of some Kadiron residents. There are also traces of battle left by Mist at the massacre site."

"That's obviously a disguise." Liliana said with a smile, "Just find someone to imitate Mist's appearance and carry out a massacre in front of everyone. Even if you investigate the memory afterwards, you won't find any loopholes."

"That's just your subjective guess...isn't it?" A chuckle came, and everyone present looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a middle-aged man walk in. He was wearing a bright red priest costume and an eye mask.

Without an invitation, he sat down.

"Mist killing was witnessed by everyone in the Kingdom of Kadiron. If it was just a guess, then...I can't do anything."

Spreading his hands, the middle-aged priest smiled helplessly.

"The Lady of Justice is a big shot. She can release anyone she thinks is innocent. She doesn't care about the lives of the residents of Kadilon."

"Who said that those untouchables are insignificant, right?"

Tina fell silent.

The verdict cannot be based on who she thinks is innocent, otherwise the seriousness of the law cannot be guaranteed.

So even if she subjectively thinks that Mist has not killed anyone, she cannot release anyone easily. There must be evidence that Mist is innocent.

"My teacher is Hecate. She can predict whether Mist is innocent." Ximu said calmly.

And then, it was immediately denied.

The priest shook his head, looked at Akhtar's indifferent expression, and smiled: "You and Mist are friends. You can ask your teacher to provide false evidence."

He stood up on his knees and shrugged.

"Now everyone in Cardillon is pointing out that Mister is the murderer. Are they all lying?"

"If this can make Mister innocent, then it is really a just trial, and she is really a righteous saint and a righteous hero."

After saying this, the priest turned and left the room.

He has achieved the goal of this trip. Unless Akhtar completely disregards the reputation of a hero and the righteous saint disregards the fairness of the procedure.

Otherwise, Mister will not be able to leave Cardillon.

Yes, from the beginning, they did not want Mister to be sentenced, but just wanted Mister to stay in Cardillon.

When the God of Blood recovers, they can cut off the financial assistance to Cardillon, and then the residents of Cardillon will naturally change their words slowly.

And Mister can naturally get away with it.

But at that time, Michael had already turned into the shape of the God of Blood, and Mister was in front of the power of the God of Blood.

There is no chance for any resistance.

"I understand the situation." Ximu got up and left the cabin. He was not interested in the so-called procedural justice. He just wanted to find a suitable reason to massacre the Blood Church.

Now this reason is almost formed.

Liliana looked at Ximu's back as he left, raised her hand and scratched her cheek. She felt something was wrong. The back that left decisively seemed to have made a decision.

"Saint, what do you think Akhtar will do next?" She turned her head and looked at the Justice Saint opposite.

"I'm not an astrologer." Tina shook her head. She couldn't predict Akhtar's behavior. As a well-known hero, he shouldn't do anything extreme. The only way now is to find enough evidence as soon as possible.

Now the behavior of the Blood Church is actually... rich and willful, creating a judgment that is difficult to make in a short time, so that Mist is delayed in the Kingdom of Cardilon.

This behavior is very common. It is not only the church that uses it. The rich target the poor, and the nobles target the civilians.

And she has no good way to deal with it.

"Being too obsessed with procedures and evidence is sometimes...unjust." Liliana said with a smile, and then left the broken wooden house.

The Saint of Justice did not refute this.

Sometimes, she would face all these problems. The nobles and the church who are more proficient in the law would use loopholes in the law to embarrass people.

And she didn't have any good solution.

Unless she subjectively judged who was good and who was bad and ignored the laws, but this would cause the laws to lose their binding force.

The church and nobles can be even more unscrupulous.

Outer city.

Ximu stopped and found that the priest he had met not long ago stopped in front of him and greeted him familiarly.

"It's very cold, isn't it?" The priest came to a nearby rock, raised his hand and patted it gently. Blood burst out from his palm, cutting the rock in half.

He jumped onto the face of the rock and sat down.

"Akhtar, why are you helping Mist?"

"She is my friend." Ximu replied, taking out the sword of death, brushing the sword with his palm, burning the black flames symbolizing death.

The priest smiled at this.

"We can also be your friends and give you...more." He stretched out his hand, "You should understand that there is nothing you can do to help Mist."

Ximu: "..."

"This world is run by God, and we are God's shepherds." The priest explained matter-of-factly, "We have the right to define the rules. No matter how you look for evidence, there is actually no way to exonerate Mist."

he explained.

"The law was designed from the beginning... to serve us, to govern the Lamb of God, not to rebel against the shepherds and gods."

"It's so long-winded." Ximu responded coldly, turned into starlight and disappeared on the spot, suddenly appeared behind the priest, and cut off the priest's head with a sword.

Then he walked towards Mister.

The priest's severed head flipped several times in the sky and landed on the cold snow, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Why would Akhtar, a hero, chop off his head without saying a word.

This was different from what he thought.

Before talking to Akhtar, he had already thought about Akhtar's reaction. The righteous hero was defeated by the reality in his words, or fell into self-doubt.

However, the reality was that he was hacked to death with a knife. It was obviously him who should have defeated the righteous hero with his words.

"You are really a stupid guy." Two big white legs appeared, the priest's eyes moved upward, and he heard Liliana's taunt before completely losing consciousness.

"Why do you think you can make a hero give up saving his friends with just a few words?"

"Have you listened to too many stories told by the bard?" After saying this, Liliana walked away, feeling... funny about the priest who was burned to ashes by the flames of death.

People who can become heroes have experienced far more things than ordinary people imagine. How can they easily shake their beliefs?

The priest's ideas were more innocent than those of a child.

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