Lin Yan led everyone to tear open the space, break away from the independent world fragments, and return to the territory of Daxia.

"We are out!"

"We are out!"

Everyone looked at the black fog wall behind them, felt the familiar breath in the air of Daxia, and couldn't help crying with joy.

"Everyone, since we are out, let's say goodbye here."

Lin Yan said to everyone.

He bowed to Qin Song and his party again: "Thank you for your protection along the way."

Qin Song and his party hurriedly returned the greetings, saying that they dared not.

After a simple farewell, Lin Yan took out the reincarnation shuttle, took Lin Momo and Murong Wu on the shuttle, and flew towards Jinling.

On the shuttle.

Lin Momo was still a little depressed.

Aunt Chu Yue raised her from childhood and was the person closest to her.

However, now, because of her lack of soul power, her father could not exert his full strength, so that her aunt fell into the chaos camp.

This made her extremely self-blaming.

"Momo, don't worry, Dad will definitely help you bring back your aunt."

Lin Yan comforted.

"Yes, Dad."

Lin Momo nodded, but worriedly said, "Dad, the Chaos Camp seems to be very powerful..."

Lin Yan smiled, showing his white teeth: "Don't worry, your dad is even more powerful!"


Lin Momo blinked her big eyes and looked at Lin Yan. She believed that Lin Yan must be the strongest.

With Lin Yan's guarantee, Lin Momo's worried mind was relieved a lot.

She looked at Lin Yan and suddenly asked: "Dad, do you usually live in the underworld?"

"Yes, Dad is a dead soul now, so he naturally lives in the underworld."

"Then have you seen Momo's mother in the underworld? Is Mom very beautiful..."

Lin Momo wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but she never had the chance to ask it.

For her, "Mom" only exists in the wedding photos of her parents at home and exists in a vague concept.

When Lin Momo suddenly asked about her mother, Lin Yan's expression froze.

Yes, there is no child who does not yearn for his mother.

Even if he has never met her, his desire for maternal love will only become stronger.

"Momo, the underworld is very big, and Daddy has not found your mother yet."

When Lin Yan was promoted to the Ghost Emperor Realm, he also used the "Book of Life and Death" to explore, but still found nothing.

At this time, the system in his mind suddenly lit up.

[Detected the host and the host's daughter's strong desire for family reunion]

[Triggering a special task]

[Special task: "Find Chu Jiang"]

[When you break through to the ninth level of the Yama Realm, you will get an important clue about your wife Chu Jiang]


Lin Yan was refreshed.

It's a task to find his wife!

Since becoming an undead, Lin Yan has been thinking about finding his wife all the time.

Unfortunately, the vastness of the underworld is far beyond his imagination.

Even though he is now a Ghost Emperor and his vision can cover the entire Qingzhou, he still has no clues about Chu Jiang.

"Break through the Yama Realm?"

Lin Yan was thoughtful.

When he reached the ninth level of Yama Realm, he could not say that he could conquer the entire underworld, but at least he could walk sideways in the middle-level world of the dead, the Three Thousand Ghost States.

Only by achieving such strength could he obtain a clue about his wife from the system.

Could it be that his wife Chu Jiang had an extraordinary experience in the underworld?

Lin Yan could only guess about this.

"The Yama Realm seems to be only one level higher than the Ghost Emperor Realm, but in fact the gap is huge."

"Now, I still need to focus on the present."

Lin Yan said to himself.

System tasks are still the top priority.

Because the rewards for completing them are really generous.

It was by completing system tasks that Lin Yan was able to break through from the second level to the current eighth level five stars in just over ten years.

In twelve years, he reached a height that other undead may not be able to reach in tens of millions of years.

In addition to the special task of "Finding Chu Jiang", there is also a real-time task.

It is the task "Cultivation".

[Task "Cultivation": Cultivate my daughter Lin Momo and make her grow up quickly]

"Momo, after you go back, you must practice well, and you must not fall behind in the soul system and the magic system."

Lin Yan instructed.

"Yes, I will!" Lin Momo nodded heavily.

"Before in Kyoto, Xia Yu should have helped you get a lot of magic resources, right?"

"Yes, there are psychic resources, psychic skills, and various spiritual tools."

Lin Momo counted on her fingers and listed them like treasures.

Psychic resources cannot be collected into the soul sea, and Murong Wu helped her collect these resources.

Lin Yan pointed out: "You can delay learning psychic skills for a while, unless you encounter something particularly suitable, otherwise you can not learn it first."

"The same goes for spiritual tools, only suitable ones are good, if they are not suitable, it is better to sell them all in exchange for resources."

"The key is psychic resources, you must absorb them well and maximize their effectiveness."

"Yes!"Lin Momo nodded, "Dad, I counted the various spiritual resources I got from Kyoto last time. The most useful one for me is the spiritual milk. The spiritual milk in my hand is enough for me to practice to the high level of the fourth stage."

"Not bad. Absorption should be gradual, and you can't be impatient for quick success."

"Well, Dad, I will pay attention to it."

"As for the soul resources..."

Lin Yan took out a palm-sized chalcedony bottle.

"This is the soul liquid I refined, which can help you quickly increase your soul power."

"There are 2,000 drops in the bottle. You can absorb five drops a day for now. When your soul power increases in the future, you can increase the amount of absorption appropriately."

"Come to Dad after you have absorbed it. Dad still has a lot. "

This soul liquid is a liquid rich in pure soul power that Lin Yan specially extracted from the Yellow Spring water.

Lin Yan was too lazy to give it any other name, so he just called it "Soul Liquid".

But its effect is not as simple as the name.

If this thing were to flow into the market, it would definitely be a rare treasure that countless soul cultivators would fight for.


Lin Momo took the bottle and looked at it curiously.

"Dad, I still have a few soul fruits left to eat. Can I absorb them together with the soul liquid?"

"No conflict. "Lin Yan said.

Lin Yan knew that the soul fruit was specially exchanged from the treasure house of Grandma Black Wood.

It's just that the effect is relatively poor, one soul fruit only increases 10,000 soul power, which is only effective for low-level cultivators.

With Lin Momo's soul power value close to one million now, it is basically useless.

Of course, something is better than nothing, and it would be a waste not to eat it.

"Also," Lin Yan said again, "about your two major pupil techniques..."

"Dad, those two major pupil techniques are given to me by you, right?"

Lin Momo was originally very confused as to why there was such a strange task as "teaching pupil techniques" in the spiritual realm.

But since she contracted with her father and knew how powerful her father was, she vaguely guessed that there should be her father's shadow behind the "Black Wood Illusion".

"Yeah. "

After Lin Yan's confirmation, Lin Momo's doubts were finally resolved.

She knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

Except for the closest relatives, no one would give you benefits for no reason.

"These two pupil techniques are not rare soul techniques."

Lin Yan said, "If the Daxia government urgently needs them, it is not impossible to give them. Of course, they must be exchanged for sufficient resources."

"If you don't know how to negotiate, let Xia Yu come to me and I will talk to him."

"When you grow up, Dad will teach you more powerful soul techniques."


Lin Momo nodded.

It feels so good to have a backer!

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