After a long walk, Jiang Han returned home.

Jiang Ermao sighed as he watched Jiang Han walk into the house.

Others didn't know Jiang Han's situation, but he did.

At that time, in order to facilitate the transfer of money, Jiang Ermao had Jiang Han's WeChat.

He had seen Jiang Han's circle of friends, such a big fish!

The fish was not seen by the villagers, and it was probably sold directly in the town.

It would be great if the fish was sold to him.

He gave Jiang Han 1,000, and he could earn another 1,000.

Now he has nothing.

Aunt Alan brought a bucket of clams to him to sell. He hastily calculated the bill, paid the money, and wanted to drive her away.

"Jiang Ermao, you're giving me less and less money. Last time, the same weight was five yuan more."

"That's enough. I'll give you five more yuan. Go away."

"Why are you like this? You're a fellow villager, but you're still kicking me out."

"I was wrong. I apologize. OK?"

Jiang Ermao sent the man away and sighed again.


When Jiang Han was receiving the takeaway, Ye Tiantian happened to see him.

When Ye Tiantian ran over in her high heels, she almost slipped on the stones on the ground.

"Jiang Han, why did you order takeaway?"

Ye Tiantian knew this pizza shop, which was in town. The price was not cheap.

The population of their island was limited, and there was no systematic takeaway service. This shop supported delivery because the staff of this shop was delivering the takeaway themselves.

It was just delivery, and an additional 15 yuan was required.

Jiang Han felt that Ye Tiantian was a bit bored, so he ordered takeout. What reason was needed?

Jiang Han opened the door and wanted to go in, but was stopped by Ye Tiantian again, "Jiang Han, didn't you say that you have a small appetite for this kind of thing? It's so big, you definitely can't finish it. Cut half for me."

Jiang Han remembered that when they were in school, both of them had no money. The main income for living was earned by him working.

And Ye Tiantian likes to eat pizza and other things very much. And she has to eat good food when she eats.

Ye Tiantian said that the two of them would eat together, but Jiang Han bought single portions to save money.

When eating, Jiang Han took a small bite symbolically, fearing that Ye Tiantian would have a psychological burden, so he said that he couldn't eat such things.

It can be said that Ye Tiantian ate a large pizza by herself.

Jiang Han glanced at Ye Tiantian, "No."

Then he closed the door with a "bang".

When Jiang Han's door opened, Ye Tiantian clearly felt a comfortable cool air blowing in.

Now that the door was closed, the surroundings became warm again.

Ye Tiantian was angry in her heart. If he didn't give it to her, then he didn't give it to her.

She wanted to see how long he could show off.

She turned and left, but Jiang Han's yard had not been repaired yet.

The place where Ye Tiantian was standing was just made up of two stone slabs.

At this time, her slender heels were just embedded in the gap between the two stone slabs.

Ye Tiantian pulled it out for a long time.

She returned home in embarrassment, and her mother hadn't come back from playing mahjong. She still had to prepare the meal and wait for her mother to come back to eat.

Looking at the things in the kitchen again, her mother was busy playing mahjong every day and didn't go to the beach.

There was nothing in the kitchen to cook...


Jiang Han lay in the rocking chair for an afternoon, and a big pizza was eaten by him.

It feels really good to eat a big pizza by yourself.

Zhang Haidai called again, "Brother Han, are you going out to sea?"

The pain in Jiang Han's body did not ease much, "I won't go out today. Social animals have two days off a week. Let's have a good rest today."

After hearing what Jiang Han said, Zhang Haidai hung up the phone and went to the Internet cafe to play games peacefully.

When Jiang Han went to bed at night, he dreamed of a god with a dragon head and a human body.

He looked so majestic, isn't he the Dragon King?

Jiang Han immediately knelt down in front of the Dragon King.

As a result, the Dragon King said, "Jiang Han, you are not trustworthy."

Jiang Han woke up with a start.

When he went out to sea, he did promise his sister that he would go to various temples to worship as soon as he came back. How could he forget this?

He called Zhang Haidai and asked him if he would go to the temple to worship. Zhang Haidai said he would go, so he asked Zhang Haidai to buy some fruits and snacks as tribute.

He called his sister again, "Sister, are you going to the temple?"

Last time, his sister said she would go with him.

"Yes, yes ...

, wait for me."

An hour later, they went to Guanyin Bodhisattva first.

Jiang Han knelt on the futon, "Guanyin Bodhisattva, you must bless me to have a peaceful and smooth life."

Jiang Feng also knelt on the futon, "Guanyin Bodhisattva, you must bless my brother to have a peaceful and smooth life."

Zhang Haidai also knelt down, "Guanyin Bodhisattva, you must bless Brother Han to have a peaceful and smooth life."

Jiang Han looked at the two people speechlessly, "Don't you have anything to ask for yourself?"

"Today, I came here for your business. I can do other things myself next time." Jiang Feng said confidently.

"Brother Han, I rely on you for a living. If you are good, I am good. "Zhang Haidai also said it with confidence.

Jiang Han was speechless, but what they said seemed to make some sense.

They went to the Dragon King Temple again. Strangely enough, the Dragon King looked exactly like the one in his dream.

It was just that the one in the dream was alive and could talk.

Jiang Han didn't dare to be careless and was more serious than when he was with Guanyin.

"Dragon King, as long as you let me go smoothly when I go out to sea, I will often buy fruits for you to eat."

After Jiang Han said this, he felt that it was wrong, as if it was threatening the Dragon King.

"Dragon King, I will often buy things to see you. I also hope that you can bless me a little."

Jiang Feng and Zhang Haidai bowed to the Dragon King again and again.

"Dragon King, you must bless my brother."

"Dragon King, you must bless Brother Han." "

After the three of them finished, they went to the God of Wealth.

People on their island are like this, they are very busy worshipping gods.

In fact, it is not only ordinary people who are like this, but also ancient emperors. I remember there was a garden in the Old Summer Palace, where various gods were enshrined.

There is a saying: All gods and Buddhas protect you.

No matter where the gods are, as long as they can protect you, they are good gods.

They came out of the Dragon King Temple and went to the God of Wealth Temple.

The incense at the God of Wealth is the best, and the purpose of praying to the God of Wealth is very simple. , which means to pray for wealth.

Jiang Han lit a high incense stick, asking the God of Wealth to bless him with more wealth.

After walking around, Zhang Haidai returned to the town.

At first, Jiang Han thought that Zhang Haidai stayed in the town to play games.

Now he knew that Zhang Haidai and their family had completely fallen out.

Jiang Han didn't say anything, and went to the grave of his parents with his sister.

They had said long ago that they would go to the grave together, but they had delayed it until now.

Jiang Feng was fine at first, but she started crying in front of her parents' grave.

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